INTL Forum History: A Timeline


Chapter I: Origins of INTL - ∞ to Nov 2001
Chapter II: Early Days - Dec 2001 to Mar 2002
Chapter III: INTL v1.0 - Apr 2002 to Jul 2002
Chapter IV: INTL v1.5 - Aug 2002
Chapter V: INTL v2.0 - Sep 2002 to Jun 2003
Chapter VI: INTL v3.0 - Jul 2003 to Dec 2004
Chapter VII: INTL v3.1 - Jan 2005 to Mar 2006
Chapter VIII: INTL v3.2 - Apr 2006 to Jan 2007
Chapter IX: INTL v3.3 - Feb 2007 to Apr 2008
Chapter X: INTL v5 - May 2008 to Jun 2011
Chapter XI: INTL v? - Jul 2011 to Dec 2014
Chapter XII: Social Media Era - Jan 2015 to Present


Welcome! So you've somehow stumbled upon this page. What is this? Why am I here? Who are you people?

This is our history; the history of a small group of people who somehow met on an online community decades ago and grew to become friends, family, enemies and thorns in one another's sides. Whether you're here solely for the purposes of nostalgia, or you're catching up on what has happened over the years, or you're here because you're writing a doctorate thesis on niche online communities (looking at you Simfish) this page serves as a timeline of what happened and what we did those many years ago. Our growing pains, as a community and as people, are yours to witness and experience along with us. This was compiled in the hope that you, the reader, might find some value out of it. For what it's worth, sit back and enjoy the ride.

As a general rule of thumb, please consider the following guidelines for reading this timeline:

  • Each line is a discussion thread or significant event. Links are provided whenever possible.
  • Lines preceded by initials (HG, IGOD, SPSW, etc.) occurred in those communities. Events without any prefix occurred at INTL.
  • Threads were selected based on size, notability, nature of the discussion, and if it was the first or most well-known version of its kind.
  • Events were chosen based on their impact or affect on INTL or its members, including changes to the forum and its server.
  • Generally, topics from private forums aren't covered, and personal information won't be put in unless requested by the person.

Many thanks to Sunny, Amphy, Chimp, Flaming Arrow, Sandamnit, Baggy Brad, IF0 and British Agent for creating this timeline.

In loving memory of NNY, and the loved ones we've lost along the way.

Chapter I: Origins of INTL

Where did INTL come from? That's a good question. INTL was not created in a vacuum; it was created as a consequence of circumstances in other forums. Here we describe the factors that led to the creation of this place, as well as the forums where many of INTL's members migrated from: HeavenGames (HG), IGOD, SpankMag, SomethingAwful (SA), FARK and SomeplaceSomewhere (SPSW).


Before 1996

  • The big bang. The sun and earth are formed. Life evolves. Civilizations come and go. We're born.
  • The World Wide Web is invented by the CERN group (or Al Gore, depends who you ask).
  • The first forums are created. Evolving out of newsgroups, they see the first use of LOL, ROFL, and even memes!
  • The first graphical web browser is created - Mosaic (which would later become Netscape).
  • Lycos becomes the first search engine. It indexes 800,000 webpages. Incredible.
  • SpankMag is started. It's a youth oriented website and forum that provides a safe space for kids and young adults.
  • By this point in time, the Internet is comprised of porn and basic websites running animated gifs and MIDI music.
  • HG: An Alaskan, Mike "Archangel" McCart, creates HeavenGames (HG) - a network of gaming sites with the suffix 'Heaven'.
  • HG: HeavenGames' first websites, Civilization II Heaven and Age of Empires Heaven (AoEH) are founded.
  • HG: As the first website for Age of Empires, AoEH attracts the game's developers, numerous fans, and scenario designers.
  • HG: Seeing the increasing popularity of AoEH, Archangel terminates several websites, including Civilization II Heaven.
  • HG: AoEH reaches a climax in popularity. Dimi and his older brother Shady join the forum. They create comics called AgeToons.
  • HG: Archangel brings on board a bunch of new staff. Several go on to create 'Heaven' websites for games like Caesar III and Pharaoh.
  • HG: The developers behind Age of Empires, Ensemble Studios, hire Archangel as a community developer. Archangel quits HG.
  • HG: Ensemble Studios announce a sequel to Age of Empires, this time set in the middle ages!
  • HG: Age of Empires II Heaven (AoKH) is opened, administered by Omnivac.
  • HG: Zen is hired to replace the old "coolboards" forums with the site's current UBB forums. He becomes HG's main forum admin.
  • HG: HeavenGames' new UBB forums open, but all previous data is lost.
  • HG: AoKH becomes the most active website for Age of Empires II, in part because HG sniped the URL.
  • HG: Many of INTL's earliest regulars find their way into AoKH and have their first experiences with online forums there.
  • HG: AoKH's forums are, unsurprisingly, full of young teenage gamers and history nerds. Immaturity is rampant.
  • HG: Zen decides to create an off-topic forum for AoKH. NNY, then known as HoA_Leader, had asked for it.
  • HG: The new off-topic forum is plagued with drama, especially from a guy named Pieman who is banned multiple times.
  • HG: Omnivac is hospitalized and resigns from being AoKH's webmaster. Washizu ends up taking his place.
  • HG: AoKH staff members, Zul and Seraphim, get into fights with users and are forced to resign from HG. Drama ensues.
  • HG: The off-topic forum is closed after a series of tense religious debates as well as spamming by Legion and Kman.
  • SA: Something Awful is created by Richard 'Lowtax' Kyanka. It spawns numerous tropes that Sandamnit admired.
  • FARK: Fark is created by Drew Curtis. It also spawned numerous tropes that Sandamnit admired.
Early 2000
  • HG: Zen creates a new off-topic forum for AoKH. Named Knights of the Round Table (KoRT), it is an immediate success.
  • HG: KoRT splits into two groups of users: those who want to debate serious topics, and those who want to be immature and have fun.
  • HG: Harp00n, considering Pieman as one of his heros, mimics his activities until he is banned.
  • HG: AoKH staff member, DSC, deletes a substantial portion of AoKH's active forum population. He is later forced to resign due to this.
  • HG: Cherryfunk and Salahudeen flood KoRT with religious debates, sparking interest by others in discussing controversial topics.
  • HG: The two groups of KoRT users solidify into the self-proclaimed serious 'debaters' and their less serious counterparts, the 'psychos'.
  • HG: Dimi creates 'The Party Thread', which would remain HG's largest thread (at 15000 posts) for a long, long time.
  • HG: Muzta calls for the election of a KoRT president. While initially fun, it sparks drama between the 'debaters' and 'psychos'.
  • HG: A number of KoRT regulars, including Dimi, Soccy, and Sunny, become staff members at HG.
Late 2000
  • HG: Cherryfunk baits a newbie, Elcid, into attacking him. Sunny warns both users and the conflict is assumed resolved. It's not.
  • HG: Cherryfunk calls Sunny inept and denounces HG's moderation. This erupts into a conflict between supporters of both users.
  • HG: Over the next day, conflicts between users spreads to all of AoKH's forums. Zen closes the forums.
  • HG: On reopening the forums, Zen bans Cherryfunk and Iron Heart resigns as a staff member.
  • HG: In solidarity with Cherryfunk, many users who supported him, especially 'debaters', voluntarily choose to leave HG.
  • HG: With many 'debaters' gone, the 'psychos' now make up the majority. Many INTL regulars look back fondly at this time in KoRT.
  • HG: A smurf account, Mr. T, becomes a symbol of KoRT after mimicking celebrity Mr. T in a number of threads.
  • HG: Sunny mockingly marries Rasher on KoRT. The 'wedding' is a fun event, and it will later spawn many joke forum marriages.
Early 2001
  • HG: Sunny is forced to resign from HG due to prior events, leading to drama. BiggN takes Sunny's place as a KoRT moderator.
  • SPSW: Iron Heart creates Someplace Somewhere as a strictly serious discussion forum. The 'debaters', including Cherryfunk, move to it.
  • HG: PR and Wheezy encourage a newbie, Emp, to fight BiggN. A frustrated BiggN lashes out and is forced to resign from HG.
  • HG: Following the debacle with BiggN, Emp's popularity begins to grow among the 'psychos'.
  • HG: Sandamnit stumbles upon HG and registers a forum account there.
  • HG: Sandamnit and Flaming Arrow get mockingly married. This 'gay marriage' shocked and appalled a lot of people.
  • HG: Likely attracted to the 'Heaven' in the site's name, a new generation of mostly fundamentalist Christians invade HG and KoRT.
Late 2001
  • HG: Chooch, Zen, and Icefyre drive from Boston to Philadelphia to meet Wheezy and PR.
  • HG: Emp initiates a smear campaign (called 'Otnot') against a gaming clan (called 'Tonto') due to it including HG staff members.
  • HG: Emp, Wheezy and other participants in the 'Otnot' smear campaign get banned from HG for flooding.
  • HG: Zen splits KoRT and creates a new forum "The Library" strictly for debates. He renames KoRT to Outside Discussions (OD).
  • IGOD: Upset by his banning, Emp creates ImperialGames (IGOD) in spite of HeavenGames. IGOD appeals to people unhappy with HG.
  • IGOD: Emp tries to get the folks at IGOD to give a shit about video games, but everyone just wants to post crass jokes instead.
  • HG: Wheezy pulls a practical joke on The Hogs, fooling him into believing he has been made an HG staff member. Hilarity ensues.
  • IGOD: Sandamnit finds his way over to IGOD, offers up his technical services, and becomes its forum administrator.
  • IGOD: September 11th happens and Frizzle spouts anti-American bullshit which angers others in the forum. Drama ensues.
  • IGOD: The Acts of Gord is discovered, resulting in Gord gracing IGOD with his presence.
  • IGOD Sandamnit resigns from his position at IGOD, because he can't stand being Emp's little bitch.
  • HG: Age of Mythology Heaven (AoMH) is created. A number of INTL regulars would later come to INTL from this HG site.
  • HG: Benze creates his first 'suicide thread'. He is met with mixed reactions. Some lend a sympathetic ear, others ridicule him.
  • HG: Kitabatake posts a thread on behalf of Woolly Mammoth's brother. Apparantly, Woolly Mammoth died in a car accident... maybe.
  • HG: TPC writes a movie script for 'Operation Z.E.N', featuring other HG users. It is praised for its amount of detail.
  • HG: Sandamnit becomes a staff member at HG, much to the dismay of Emp and the users of IGOD.

Chapter II: Early Days

After his fallout with Emp, Sandamnit began work on his own forum software with the advice of several IGOD and HG users. This forum had numerous name changes before settling on Interesting Nonetheless (INTL). During this time, HG's OD forum reached a zenith in activity, and IGOD spiraled into obscurity as Emp's behaviour grew more and more erratic as time went by. Eventually, Sandamnit's new forum would usher in the destruction of IGOD, and the beginning of something much different.


December 2001

  • Sandamnit begins writing his own forum software, which he calls 'The Unnamed Forum'. He invites friends from IGOD and HG to join it.
  • Rasher says the new forum is so cool and is made an admin. Sandamnit boasts about how fast the forum software loads pages. (link)
  • TPC is really excited to learn programming languages. The thread becomes one of the first to quickly devolve into shitposting. (link)
  • Emp praises Rasher as "the greatest fellow around." Drahnier asks to be a mod. Tyr calls Woadie the N-word. Ugh. (link)
  • Wheezy coins the name of the new forum's main board: Inside Discussions. He becomes its first moderator. (link)
  • HG_Z makes it a goal to try to "overload the forum." Wheezy mistakes him for Zen when he's actually an HG user named Tonto_Z. (link)
  • IGOD: Flaming Arrow quits IGOD after Emp announces that he may require payment to use the forum. Drama ensues.
  • Sandamnit closes 'The Unnamed Forum' over the fear Zen would retaliate if he found out and that he'd be forced to resign from HG.
  • Sandamnit flies out to Boston to spend New Years Eve with Zen and other HG staff members. It was apparently a fun time.
  • Regulars Registered: Sandamnit, Rasher, TPC, Emp, Wheezy, Salamando (1st time), Pussinboots
January 2002
  • IGOD: With Sandamnit absent, IGOD's forum crashes losing a week's worth of data. Emp is unhappy Sandamnit was not around.
  • IGOD: Emp creates two smurfs, BiggN and Cardboard Pirate, and makes them staff at IGOD. This is seen as odd and unusual behaviour.
  • HG: OD has become a raunchy place full of hyped-up, horny teenagers wanting to talk about sex and girls. Not at all surprising.
  • HG: Sandamnit registers 'GamerGrrl' to play on others users' overt horniness. Some folks feel betrayed when they find out it's a lie.
  • HG: Sandamnit's 'GamerGrrl' smurf sparks a number of copycats that try to catfish other users into falling for them. Drama ensues.
  • HG: An election is held for OD president. Once again it fails miserably as the folks from SPSW brigade the forum and rig the vote.
  • IGOD: Emp's behaviour grows increasingly erratic and he gets irritated and trigger happy with everyone. IGOD's users are unhappy.
  • IGOD: Yet again IGOD goes down. Nobody really knows why or what's going on with it, and nobody has seen or heard from Emp.
February 2002
  • IGOD: Members of IGOD demand that Emp remove his staff smurfs and replace them with competent users. Emp ignores them.
  • IGOD: Emp announces his plan to create a site called Witty Tirade, which is a planned comedy blog of sorts. Drama ensues.
  • HG: Religious debates run rampant, reminding us that it's not just horny teenagers in OD, but also Christian fundamentalists.
  • HG: Chains throws a tantrum over how everything in OD is sexualized. He rage quits after everyone mocks him for "speaking his mind."
  • HG: TPC makes a series of rants about his life, which ends up gaining him a lifelong reputation for raging at innane things.
  • HG: Turns out Woolly Mammoth didn't actually die in a car accident, though he had contemplated suicide. Thankfully he chose not to.
  • HG: PR and Tyr call out Sunny for making posts that are too long and read like essays. It will not be the last time. Oh definitely not.
  • HG: Dimi turns 15 and starts a thread where everything is made up of Dimis. It's... uh... something, that's for sure.
  • HG: Muzta celebrates two years at HG. Most everyone congratulates him. At this time, two years online was considered a long time.
  • SPSW: The SPSW forum crashes and a lot of data is lost. Iron Heart decides to bring it back with new forum software.
  • Sandamnit begins tinkering with his own forum software again after growing frustrated with the way HG and IGOD are run.
March 2002
  • IGOD: IGOD's forum has a major crash, which Emp wrongly blames on Sandamnit. Sandamnit offers to help, but is rudely rejected.
  • PR messages Sandamnit with the following: "inigmuh888: you should make a new forum thats better than the IGOD."
  • Sandamnit reopens 'The Unnamed Forum' and gives it a new temporary name of 'Yeah Yeah Whatever'. IGOD users are invited to it.
  • Sandamnit then changes the name to 'Interesting Nonetheless' (INTL) and registers the domain
  • After only about a day of posting, at least 4 users all claim they have made 100 posts already. Unsurprisingly, most are shitposts.
  • Wheezy brags about his Iron Maiden collection. Tyr brings up slavery for some reason. I'm starting to see a trend here. (link)
  • In a matter of a few days, most IGOD users have moved to INTL. Some HG users also started to join INTL at this time.
  • Sandamnit introduces a ton of new features not seen at IGOD or HG, including custom titles, karma, PMs and file uploads.
  • A new forum for gaming and other nerd shit is created: Geek's Corner. Woadie is appointed its first moderator.
  • Wheezy starts INTL's first version of HG's 'Party Thread'. It lasts for four pages before everyone gets bored with it. (link)
  • Tyr and Wheezy complain that there's emojis on the forum. Flaming Arrow tells them to suck it up. (link)
  • Boutitben suggests creating a Hall of Fame and a Hall of Shame for the best and worst INTL threads, respectively. (link)
  • Turns out INTL's new server loads pages slower than the old one. Sandamnit is pissed! Others don't really notice anything wrong. (link)
  • Tyr tries to claim that he's "not a racist." He says he makes racist comments to be ironic. Yeah, okay, sure buddy. (link)
  • Baggy Brad had issues registering an account as he had already forgotten the password for it. He is mocked for being old. (link)
  • Dungeon Siege is out! It's an action role-playing game that Sandamnit, TSD, Ztolk and others really like. (
  • Flaming Arrow demands a 'divorce' from Sandamnit, after accusing him of improper behaviour. Sandamnit refuses to do that. (link)
  • Baggy Brad describes his favorite things about the show 'Passions', including his love of Timmy. It won't be the last time. (link)
  • Mellie from HG is called a whore by Flaming Arrow. PR and Jimmy defend her. Turns out she got some pervs banned on HG. Good! (link)
  • Ztolk reports on Kingkerry's ban from HG. Some users mention how they're still banned from HG, too. (link)
  • Regulars Registered: PR, Tyr, Izzy, The Phoenix, NNY, Sunny, Stormraider, Woadie, Boutitben, Drahnier, Dimi, Flaming Arrow, Ice, Magus, Jimmy (1st time), Baggy Brad, Ztolk, Pluveto, Dufus, Good OL MC, Ballard, Mr Pixies, Emtilt, Fully Completely

Chapter III: INTL v1.0

After opening to the public, INTL quickly rose to a popularity that has remained unchallenged throughout its history, in large part due to the fact that it had no rules and allowed an excessive amount of shitposting. This version of INTL became known as INTL v1.0. Many tropes that would later define the forum and its users were made at this time. Unfortunately, INTL's prosperity was not to last for long, since after four months, Sandamnit's temper flared towards Salamando and he decided to close INTL 'indefinitely'.


April 2002

  • Sandamnit officially opens INTL to the public.
  • SomethingAwful does a funny April Fools joke. Sandamnit shares his contributions to it and other photoshop contests. (link)
  • Flaming Arrow starts up a regular "song of the week" discussion thread for every week. It's mostly metal and nu-metal.
  • TSD asks how to abbreviate Interesting Nonetheless. IN and Inno are suggested, but eventually everyone agrees on INTL. (link)
  • Stoffel shows up. INTL has its first Christian redneck. Drahnier ridicules him over his religion; Stoffel brushes it off. (link)
  • Flaming Arrow labels Tyr a spammer. Tyr is upset and threatens to rage quit. This becomes INTL's first drama! (link)
  • A poll asks whether or not to label Tyr a spammer. Tyr successfully defends himself and no label is given to him. (link)
  • Drahnier does drugs cough medicine. Ice says he has friends he knows who've tried drugs cough medicine. (link)
  • Stoffel relates a story about his day that nobody cares about. He gets roasted by Ztolk and ice. (link)
  • Boutitben mentions how great it is to be on spring break, reminding us that everyone at this time is still in school. (link)
  • Magus wonders what will happen to Emp now that IGOD is dead. Sandamnit gives Emp credit for being the reason INTL exists. (link)
  • There's talk about the US introducing coloured money. Tyr is unhappy about it! Kingkerry shows up spewing homophobic bullshit. (link)
  • Jimmy is sexist towards his female coworkers. What a big surprise! For what it's worth, ice tries to salvage the thread. (link)
  • Drahnier is home alone. There is nostalgic talk about IGOD, and ice misses Frizzle's "someone stole my fucking shoe" thread. (link)
  • There is further discussion about IGOD nostalgia as Baggy Brad brings up the "if I met goldilocks" thread by stanknogger. (link)
  • Sunny asks what genre of music do people like to listen to and play. PR and Wheezy love metal. Others are into classical. (link)
  • Ice suggests that boutitben is intersexual, and boutitben wants to know how he knows. There's talk about hermaphrodites. (link)
  • Emtilt makes the first serious thread on INTL; he asks for opinions on modern art. Most of INTL don't seem to "get" it. (link)
  • By April 8th, Flaming Arrow has already reached 1000 posts and is the second person to do so. Way too much spam. (link)
  • Flaming Arrow logs into Ice's account and tells him to change his password. Then does the same with Stoffel. Hilarity ensues! (link)
  • What is your religion? The vast majority at INTL are atheists. There's some agnostic and Christian people, and one Buddhist! (link)
  • Stormraider shows up and Sunny welcomes him. Azzie also shows up. This sets off a new influx of HG regulars. (link)
  • Sandamnit brings back a classic thread from IGOD: coming up with children books by Theferret. It's a thread to mock fundies. (link)
  • Muzta is impressed by how active INTL is! The replies are mostly spam. As expected. (link)
  • A number of users are highly amused that non-logged in visitors are labeled as "assholes." Multiple threads are made about this fact.
  • Do you think weed should be legal? Most say yes. Sunny says yes, but worries about any negative effects. It's a big debate. (link)
  • THS, Stevo and Ice get into a long, heated debate about right-wing and left-wing political leanings. THS tries to defend the former. (link)
  • Tyr finds a hilarious photo of Theferret at SPSW. People proceed to photoshop him onto things and with other people. (link)
  • Sandamnit asks about your favorite movies. Years later, INTLers rediscover the thread and question their terrible taste. (link)
  • Sandamnit starts "The Google Image Game", where you look up your name on Google Images and find the worst image possible. (link)
  • By April 16th, INTL has already reached a major milestone: 10000 posts. Emtilt made the post. Everyone is impressed. (
  • Sandamnit is addicted to making photoshops for SomethingAwful. He learns about furries while doing so and is shocked. (link)
  • Flaming Arrow asks what the grossest thing you've ever done is. Almost all the responses are masturbation related. (link)
  • Tyr makes a thread to express his love for everyone. Baggy Brad doesn't buy it, but others share their love. (link)
  • Flaming Arrow heard gunshots in her neighborhood! NNY shares stories about the shittiness of his neighborhood, too. (link)
  • Sandamnit makes a thread daring people to post in it or have their post count cut. NNY, Wheezy and Uselessinformation do it. (link)
  • Pluveto pisses off the old IGOD crowd by calling them Emp's bitches... and then they all start talking about how great IGOD was. (link)
  • A new forum for talking about music is created: Theater of Sound. PR is appointed its first moderator.
  • A new forum for serious discussions and debates is created: Serious Discussions. Spurlin and Pluveto are appointed as its moderators.
  • The On-Topic Discussions forum is opened and boutitben and PR are appointed moderators. It is deleted not long after.
  • Sandamnit resigns from HG and ends up dedicating most of his free time to developing INTL. Zen is unimpressed by this. (link)
  • Regulars Registered: Stevo, TSD, Rolando, Guru, Stoffel, Stew, Marcher, Nimo, Azzie, Muzta, MurphGuitar, Kyrie, Spurlin, Uselessinformation, Lovekills, Alyantis, Theferret
May 2002
  • A little over 100 days into INTL, already folks are comparing their first posts on the forum. Sandamnit obviously wins. (link)
  • Muzta asks "what's your home page?" Turns out that most INTLers have Hotmail set as their home page. (link)
  • Lovekills doesn't understand why she can't post in the Hall of Fame. On finding out it's for good threads, she tries to make one. (link)
  • Tyr believes that HG is dying. There's a general sentiment that HG is boring and repetitive, and that SPSW takes too long to load. (link)
  • Sunny is excited for the next Maxis game, Simcity 4. TPC and others share their interest in Simcity 3000, too. (link)
  • What's your favorite type of porn? Most people say softcore and lesbian. At some point I guess porn was posted, too. (link)
  • The 'Terms of Service' is originally drafted due to the influx of morons, people posting fecal porn, and bandwidth leeching. (link)
  • Flaming Arrow notices Pussinboots, a new user she doesn't recognize and who is an offline friend of Sandamnit. (link)
  • Weirdly wholesome for INTL at this time, a thread is created to discuss your favorite teacher. INTL was very young back then. (link)
  • Lovekills is banned from SPSW and doesn't know why! There is outrage and confusion. Sandamnit wants to retaliate, but doesn't. (link)
  • There's a study that shows more orgasms is good for you. Y'all horny as fuck in this thread. (link)
  • A poll is created to determine if the 'Word Association' thread should be closed for attracting pointless spam. The result is yes. (link)
  • Sandamnit makes a page to track bans. Fully Completely says that banned folks should be forced to read Sunny's long posts. (link)
  • NNY creates a "drunk thread" which soon becomes INTL's second and most successful version of HG's 'The Party Thread'. (link)
  • Star Wars Episode II is released. Most folks like it. Ice feels the Yoda fight was dumb. Pascal hates it cause he hates everything. (link)
  • Sandamnit ran some stats for INTL. Squareknight remarks that he must be REALLY bored to do that. (link)
  • Multiple threads are created to ask who has the best avatar! The results are pretty evenly split, but PR wins. (
  • Are you gay or straight? 71% of the forum are straight males. 14% are straight or bi females. 6% are Drahnier. (link)
  • Muzta is highly amused that visitors are now called "dirty hippies" and no longer "assholes." Sandamnit keeps changing it. (link)
  • Sandamnit announces that he is going to enlist in the US Army. (
  • Sandamnit introduces a default avatar for newbies, and makes it so you need 50 posts to change it. (link)
  • Neo222 becomes INTL's first major ban. He had spammed too much spam for even the most spammy time for INTL. (link)
  • Tyr hates rats! He's had bad experiences with them! Folks share their own stories about dealing with rodents. OK. (link)
  • How many people on INTL smoke cigarettes? It turns out about 17% do. The rest either don't smoke or only smoke marijuana. (link)
  • Salamando has reached the 1000 posts club! By this point dufus already has 2519 posts, which is the highest amount. (link)
  • For the rest of the month, both Flaming Arrow and Dufus have a competition to try to see who can make the most posts.
  • A guy named Zen changes his name to Mingan so as to not get confused with HG's Zen. Everyone breathes a sigh of relief! (link)
  • What's the best music to listen to while stoned? There's a fair bit of metal, electronic, rap and alternative rock suggested. (link)
  • Drahnier's house is pretty much a crackhouse. Apparently his parents left him with money for food, but he has spent it on alcohol. (link)
  • Sandamnit creates a frontpage for INTL called "Shitty Triad" in order to mock Emp's "Witty Tirade." It's funny, I guess. (link)
  • A poll is made asking who is a vegetarian. 70% of the forum are carnivores. MeatLoafX is a vegetarian, who would've guessed? (link)
  • Do you feel accepted by INTL? It's, uh, evenly split. Most people say it feels like home, but a high number voted no. (link)
  • Mr Pixies asks how old everyone is. Almost everyone is between 14-17. At 22, Uselessinformation appears to be the oldest. (link)
  • Who is the most annoying? Salamando, Flaming Arrow and Sunny rank the highest cause of how they write. This thread is cringe. (link)
  • Oh shit, Drahnier's parents are coming home early! When they return, they bitch at him a bit but don't notice the missing beer. (link)
  • Apparently HG is full of kids? There's talk about how HG used to be soooooo cool, and how INTL is now better. (link)
  • What do you want to do with your life? It's actually pretty depressing; there's a surprisingly high number of alcoholics. (link)
  • How do you smoke your weed? Of the 16 people who vote, 40% use pipes. Ice prefers bongs. NNY describes the pipes he's made. (link)
  • Pussinboots writes a poem. It's pretty long and also pretty angsty. Lovely Insanity loves it a lot, though, so at least there's that! (link)
  • Dimi creates a thread for designing a logo for INTL. He and others reply to eachother in 1337 speak the entire time. (link)
  • Jimmy works for AOL as a technical support rep, but he sucks at calling people on the phone. Others try to give him advice. (link)
  • Salamando is hospitalized after swallowing a plastic ball. He's rightfully called a dumbass. (link)
  • TerminusEst's post count is manually dropped after he floods the forum with spam. He whines and is thoroughly mocked for it. (link)
  • Dimi wants to know how many Biblical commandments you've broken. Most are truthful. Some are edgy with "thou shalt not kill." (link)
  • Already into lifting, Ztolk wants to know how much you can lift. At 14, he can bench 150lb and lift 400lb with his legs. (link)
  • Flaming Arrow and PR are appointed administrators; as a result, Ice becomes the new moderator of Inside Discussions.
  • Regulars Registered: Mingan, Tartarus, Aetius, Antpocas, Hasty, Squareknight, FISHMANPET, IB, Nail Bunny, Kitabatake, Imperialist, (Wild) Bill, TerminusEst, Pascal, Cornergraf
June 2002
  • It's the 2002 FIFA World Cup and Drahnier wants to know if you're watching. Most don't give a fuck, but Stormraider is interested! (link)
  • Are guys with long hair hot? Well as one of the only guys at INTL with long hair, Drahnier is called hot. This is a weird thread. (link)
  • Who uses Trillian? Surprisingly a lot of people. They find it so much easier to manage their ICQ, AIM and MSN accounts. (link)
  • Who is the best drummer ever? It's a benign thread until years later when some newbie spams "SLIPKNOT" over and over again. (link)
  • Dimi loves spending his free time in the summer reading books. So do Kyrie, Ice, Peach and others. Nerds. (link)
  • Flaming Arrow was kicked out of school for the day and she's also ill. Drahnier and others are upset with the school. (link)
  • Flaming Arrow really fucking loves Mac and Cheese. She loves it so much she made two threads about it within days. (
  • Drahnier is bored. Flaming Arrow is bored. Everyone is goddamn bored, so they decide to spam INTL instead! (
  • Sandamnit makes a serious effort at creating a frontpage for INTL. It mimics SomethingAwful, and is released on June 6th. (
  • Folks are encouraged to write articles for INTL's new frontpage. Flaming Arrow writes one about Allah vs. Vishnu. (link)
  • Ice posts quotes from his high school yearbook. A bunch of people share quotes, while others think yearbooks are lame. (link)
  • Mr Pixies discovers ebaumsworld. People are disgusted by that horrible, NSFW website. They want to gouge their eyes out. (link)
  • Stormraider makes a birthday thread for... himself. Yeah... (link)
  • Which drugs do you do? 47% say no drugs. 33% say only weed. 11% do a mix. There's a debate on whether drugs are good/bad. (link)
  • Kyrie registers on another gaming site and she gets yelled at by the mods there. There's general praise that INTL has no rules! (link)
  • Studies show female breasts are getting bigger. Oh boy! It's a lot less exciting than you think. (link)
  • Nobody has seen Fully Completely in a while. He stops by, but says he's more interested in SPSW and "serious" discussions. (link)
  • NNY receives praise from pussinboots for some reason. NNY says thank you. I guess she likes him cause he does a lot of drugs. (link)
  • Flaming Arrow asks PR whatever happened to Jazz, the green rabbit he'd add to every one of his posts. PR brings it back. (link)
  • Kyrie thinks the forum is dead. Uh, OK. Apparently Marcher and others have homework. Also everyone likes bowling. (link)
  • Dimi is leaving... for a family trip to Greece soon! Tyr roasts Rolando for being a 'dirty foreigner' and is called a racist for it. (link)
  • Greenidentity was told offline that she's too fat and ugly to date. NNY disagrees. Their conversation is a little adorable. (link)
  • Salamando plans to drive through Sandamnit's hometown sometime soon. Sandamnit is willing to meet him, but nothing happens. (link)
  • NNY heard gunshots in his neighborhood! What's up with people from INTL hearing gunshots in their neighborhoods? (link)
  • The singer of the band Tool is dead, and NNY is sad... except he's not actually dead and was tricked by a fake death website. LOL. (link)
  • Sandamnit notices that HG is really, really slow this month. He decides to share some of the server specs that make INTL so fast. (link)
  • Theferret shows up and Flaming Arrow is shocked. Stormraider and Wheezy get into a fight about... who was better at IGOD? OK. (link)
  • Flaming Arrow surpasses 4000 posts in three months. She appears to have the most posts of anyone. (link)
  • Drahnier talks to himself, especially when he's drunk. He also sings to himself, too. So does Wheezy. (link)
  • Chimp shows up! Ztolk had invited him to join. He's having a hard time figuring out how INTL works. Lots of questions are asked. (link)
  • Boutitben, Dimi and others share their encounters with Christians. If only they knew all they had to do was go to HG. If only. (link)
  • Who has the worst custom title? Turns out it's Hasty. Nice little blast from the past when it comes to the titles back then. (link)
  • Pussinboots get booted as an admin and isn't happy! She gets into a fight with Sandamnit and Wheezy. IRL drama ITT. (link)
  • Pluveto is fired as Serious Discussions moderator and Ice takes over. Salamando takes Ice's place as Inside Discussions moderator.
  • Shortly thereafter, Spurlin resigns as moderator of Serious Discussions and Kyrie is appointed moderator.
  • The karma feature is added. Almost immediately people start distributing karma to their favorite and least favorite INTLers.
  • Regulars Registered: Saladin, Fisher, Greenidentity, Roatigas, Chimp
July 2002
  • Retardation Station is created, allowing users to shitpost without clutting up Inside Discussions with crap threads.
  • Sandamnit has a brief run in with some thugs from the Detroit Luv forum, due to certain members bandwidth leeching images.
  • Drahnier posts a bunch of pictures of himself and gets praised for being hot. What the hell kinda alternative universe am I in? (link)
  • People begin to suspect Theferret is a smurf of Flaming Arrow because he's acting mature. Sandamnit confirms it's not a smurf. (link)
  • Do you have a job? 37% say yes, the rest say no. Turns out a lot of the younger folks have jobs, while the older folks do not. (link)
  • Salamando admits he hates PC culture. So does NNY. Kyrie doesn't mind it. Others just don't get it. (link)
  • Jimmy wins the first ever "Who Wants To Be A Moderator?" contest and is thusly made a moderator of Inside Discussions. (link)
  • Stormraider tries to create a 'free-for-all' thread. Ice calls for a chatroom. Nothing is done about that. (link)
  • Boutitben has the sudden urge to kill conservatives. Nobody really disagrees. (link)
  • NNY starts up a spam thread where it's revealed that Drahnier eats peoples semen (:O) and NNY is a nigga... OK. (link)
  • Who is the hottest Williams sister? It's uh... it's Robin Williams. (link)
  • In a thread about your favorite number, Melanie gets roasted for her math skills, and Peach gets hit on by Tyr. (link)
  • Fully Completely almost get arrested for possession of alcohol by a minor! Somehow it turns into a debate on guns. (link)
  • On July 8, INTL sets a new record in page views and posts. Sandamnit also posts a number of forum milestones, too. Neat. (
  • Sandamnit suggests that INTL draft a history timeline like they have at HG. This timeline is born! (link)
  • Flaming Arrow has been unbanned at HG. NNY and Jimmy reminisce about the old days at HG. (link)
  • Sandamnit sets up a version of IGOD on INTL. He used an old backup. There's lots of nostalgia, of course. (link)
  • A woman named supersue shows up and claims NNY is hitting on her. It's a smurf. Peach has no idea what a smurf is. (link)
  • Peach produces a poetry thread. Read what the finest high school minds of INTL can come up with for poetry ITT. (link)
  • Tyr wants to know if anyone in INTL is homophobic. He sees it as a preference like a foot fetish. People accuse him of bigotry. (link)
  • On July 12, INTL crashes! It seems the harddrive the database is stored on ran out of space. Sandamnit fixes it within a day. (link)
  • Tyr asks you to evaluate other users of INTL. It goes over as well as you think it goes over. Lots of butthurt and Peach is gay! (link)
  • Tonight, on MTV: Lesbian russian cheerleaders in skimpy white clothing drench themselves with water and simulate sexual acts. (link)
  • Gwahir the Windlord is continuing his HG forum novel and wants to include INTL. Almost everyone gives the greenlight. (link)
  • Sunny has been accepted as an alpha tester for Age of Mythology, the next Ensemble Studios game. (link)
  • Multiple times throughout the month, NNY tries to get visitors to register. It leads to a few new people joining. (
  • Salamando discovers The N Forum, which caters to really young kids. He calls for an invasion. Sandamnit is not impressed. (link)
  • Flaming Arrow has tried to revive an old IGOD staple, Cannibal Island. Unfortunately without Emp it never really took off. (link)
  • FISHMANPET makes a post on another forum (Koolplace) calling for eugenics against dumb people. INTLers are infuriated by this. (link)
  • Benze is banned! He not only bandwidth leeched a pic from INTL, but he used racist slurs, too. Sandamnit is not impressed. (link)
  • Stoffel has girl trouble. He's moving in his with girlfriend, but his parents disapprove. He's given some heartfelt advice.
  • Drahnier and Salamando get into an edit war. Sandamnit asks the forum what to do, but most want to move on. Drama ensues. (link)
  • How do you hide *your* porn stash? TPC tries to keep his very hidden. Others for the most part just do not care. (link)
  • Sandamnit wants to know if people should be able to close their own threads. 'No" is very vocal, but 'Yes' barely wins. (link)
  • Rolando has moved from Bolivia to the United States! He's welcomed with open arms, even by Tyr! (link)
  • Emp visits SPSW and Sandamnit is mad he doesn't post at INTL. Oh, and Sunny agrees with Jimmy for maybe the last time ever. (link)
  • Sandamnit considers vetting users before they can post. He'd call them INTL Illuminati. There's mixed feelings about this. (link)
  • A meteor might strike the planet on February 1, 2019. NNY remarks how he'll be out there, watching it from his roof. :( (link)
  • Pussinboots creates a picture thread. At some point the women of INTL post their pics, and well, yeah, it goes as expected. (link)
  • Tartarus gets fired from HG because he posted negatively about HG at INTL. He says he doesn't care, but he really does care. (link)
  • Salamando tries to start up a game of MAFIA, but it gets derailed pretty quickly. Sad! (link)
  • Salamando posts a pic of scat. He and Stormraider get into an argument about the need for rules. Salamando is banned by Sandamnit.
  • Forum drama erupts over Salamando's ban, which prompts Sandamnit to shut down INTL for what people believe could be forever.
  • Regulars Registered: Burnt Corn, Peach, Melanie, Lovely Insanity, Mr Bounce, Tonto Johnlee, Vash The Stampede, Asthetik, Science Brad, Spongy, Soccy

Chapter IV: INTL v1.5

With the prospect of INTL remaining 'indefinitely' closed, the users of INTL scattered to other online communities. Some users went back to HG or ventured into SPSW in the hope that they could reintegrate, while others decided to create their own forums using websites with pre-built, free forum software. The most successful of these forums - one created by NNY - is now long forgotten and lost to antiquity. Thankfully for INTL's sake, after a month Sandamnit chose to re-open INTL.


August 2002

  • With INTL presumably closed forever, its regulars all disperse to other places, including HG and SPSW.
  • NNY makes a forum using free software. He calls it INTL v1.5. It's popular with folks from INTL, but there's no record of it now.
  • HG: Salamando complains about his ban from INTL. Sandamnit and other INTL regulars get into an argument over it.
  • HG: By this point, users of HG's OD forum talk a lot about going to church and their struggles with being good Christians. Whoo boy.
  • HG: Peach and Icefyre get into a discussion about the differences between men and women. Somehow it becomes about religion.
  • HG: Uselessinformation gets his nipples pierced. He's asked by another user if he has found Jesus yet because Jesus says Hi.
  • HG: NNY celebrates his birthday! He seems to be struggling to fit into HG again. Many users don't approve of his drug use and smoking.
  • HG: Tyr and PR also celebrate their 14th and 17th birthdays, respectively. There's a bit of a reunion of INTL folks.
  • SPSW: SPSW goes down periodically throughout the month. And it's slow! Iron Heart is having problems with his server again.

Chapter V: INTL v2.0

With newly established rules, INTL is re-opened as INTL v2.0, and its popularity grows yet again as its former users pour back into it and new users from many varying, previously unrelated communities discover it. Teenagers continue to dominate the forum and drama is rampant. Inspired by SomethingAwful, there's a major push to add new content and features to INTL. This chapter ends with Sandamnit deciding to re-work and improve upon the forum software.


September 2002

  • Sandamnit reopens INTL to the public after a few days of it being invite-only. (link)
  • A bunch of new features are introduced including changes to file uploads, polls with multiple votes, and thread tags. (link)
  • There are mixed feelings about thread tags. Most people feel they're a good idea, but the vote to keep them is pretty close. (
  • Tyr suggests The Gallery, a place to post your art and shit. Peach and Emtilt become its first moderators! (
  • Wheezy is made an administrator. A new guy, Mirthalac, replaces him as moderator of Inside Discussions. (
  • Flaming Arrow posts a link to the purity test. The majority of users who take the test are 66% pure. That's pretty high, actually. (link)
  • Tyr tries unsuccessfully to start a forum game of Economy, but few people really understand it and it ends abruptly. (link)
  • Flaming Arrow has a run in with AIM porn bots. Jimmy tells her to ignore them, but she enjoys it too much. (link)
  • What should the US and the world do about Iraq? There's wild speculation about WMDs ITT. Few people want a war, though. (link)
  • It's the first day of school for a lot of folks. They post their class schedules and their plans for the year. Adorable. (link)
  • Sandamnit travels to Madison, Wisconsin for a SomethingAwful goon meet. He ends up meeting up with a bunch of INTLers. (
  • It's unclear if Sandamnit wants to continue with the frontpage. Sadly, few people contribute articles to it. (link)
  • Stoffel now hates President Bush, is trying to quit smoking, and got kicked out of church. Not everyone believes him. (
  • After two months, Baggy Brad can finally take the cast off his broken leg and wear pants. He's overjoyed. Shorts are the enemy! (link)
  • What new games are worth getting? The results are in, and it's a split between Age of Mythology, GTA 3 and Metal of Honor. (link)
  • It's Wheezy's birthday, and he's turned 16! Other people are turning or have turned 16 too. Peak teenage INTL time. (link)
  • The Phoenix is banned from HG for making fun of another user there! INTLers really hate HG's moderation. (link)
  • A year after 9/11, Baggy Brad posts a bunch of joke stories about it that some people take too seriously. (
  • Stoffel orders a vibrating Harry Potter broom sex toy (yes, you heard that right). He flirts with everyone. (link)
  • Sandamnit just doesn't understand why people care about post counts. Most users now mostly care about karma. (link)
  • Sandamnit will read your posts and make an MP3 of it. People say he has a very, very nice voice. (link)
  • Peach told her parents that she's gay. A lot of hugs and respect are given. (link)
  • Pussinboots is the first person to be banned for using one of the MODS ONLY thread tags. Her thread is entitled "SANDAMNIT." (link)
  • Baggy Brad is thinking of reviving his online journal. That journal is still around today. (link)
  • What do you use: cable, DSL or dial-up? About half use cable. 26% use dial-up. The others use DSL. (link)
  • Guess who's back? It's ice. His PC was broken. He bemoans being back in school, but at least he has his driver's license now. (link)
  • Some random newbie teases Peach. Being one of the only female INTLers at the time, the horny population try to flirt with her. (link)
  • Sandamnit hosts a competition to see who can become forum president. NNY wins. It doesn't actually mean anything though... (link)
  • Muzta notices a lot of new people at INTL, some not even from HG. Asthetik introduces himself. (link)
  • Is Good OL MC more sexy or cute? 85% find him just cute. Ouch. (link)
  • Sunny is appointed the moderator of Serious Discussions. (link)
  • Salamando is banned (again) for being a dumbass. Then, he is banned yet again just for safe measure.
  • Sandamnit leaves to join the US Army. Much sadness ensues, doves cry, and all that jazz. (
  • Regulars Registered: Mirthalac, MBS, Kham, Bon, Surt
October 2002
  • Salamando is unbanned. On an unrelated side note, the average IQ of INTL drops by 17.5 points.
  • Rasher stops on by to ask if Kman ever posts in INTL. Kman briefly blesses us with his presence. Nice! (
  • People keep making short posts and Flaming Arrow has had enough. This doesn't stop Ice though. (link)
  • Soccy's best friend dies in a car accident. It's a really rough discussion about how fucked up our lives are and can be. (link)
  • Peach is having a hard time with life and feels like crying. Sunny provides some emotional support. It's a little heartwarming. (link)
  • Flaming Arrow hosts another competition for the best avatar. Sandamnit beats Izzy 18 to 13. (link)
  • Flaming Arrow and Wheezy start up more picture threads. The downside is none of the photos survive. (
  • Are kids getting into sex too early? There's a big debate about homosexuality and misunderstandings about 'choosing' to be gay. (link)
  • Peach discovers the fundamentalism of HG user Clarissimus. She ends up defending herself from INTL's Christian members. (link)
  • Lovekills gets spam email that says "Fuck's Somebody's Wife Tonight." A ton of people find INTL through Google from this thread. (link)
  • Flaming Arrow makes a guide for newbies. Over the next year, newbies regularly spam it with random shit. (link)
  • As of Oct 10th, INTL now has 40000 posts in Inside Discussions. Stormraider and Kitabatake both claim it. (link)
  • Would you beat someone up you've known for years? There's a debate about using violence to resolve issues. (link)
  • Bill and Antpocas insult a program called Sokkit, thus prompting the creator to register and criticize them. (link)
  • A rather neat discussion: how do you dress and for who? Unsurprisingly, most people prefer jeans and t-shirts. (link)
  • Soccy is changing his wardrobe. Dimi, Marcher, Ice and others offer links to places for him to check out. It works. (link)
  • Which is the best instant messaging program? At this time it's overwhelmingly MSN followed by AIM and ICQ. (link)
  • What was the first video game you remember playing? Any guesses? It's more than likely gonna be Super Mario, duh. (link)
  • Dimi wants to know how you found INTL: 45% found it through HG; 20% from IGOD. The rest are a mix of other sites. (link)
  • Wheezy writes an article about abortion. It spawns a passionate abortion debate among a group of INTLers. (link)
  • Halloween is coming up. What's your coolest costume? Dimi was Santa Claus once... and he insists it's the funniest thing ever. (link)
  • Fight of flight? Most people would fight. Dimi, on the other hand, just wishes he could be spiderman... (link)
  • Another thread asking about your age, but this time uselessinformation is not the oldest. It's Lovely Insanity at 36. (link)
  • Flaming Arrow hosts the inaugural Forum Survivor, where you vote off a Retardation Station mod each day. NNY wins. (link)
  • Emtilt is banned by mirthalac for trolling one of mirthalac's threads. Discussions ensue and he is unbanned a week later.
  • Nail Bunny ends up lecturing NNY for not going to school. NNY doesn't want to go to school. It doesn't mean a whole lot to him. (link)
  • TPC dreamt about removing his shirt. Drahnier dreamt about fucking his mother. This is some truly freudian shit. (
  • HG: TheShadowDawn takes over as the webmaster in charge of Age of Mythology Heaven. Soccy is a staff member there.
  • Regulars Registered: Budzpip, Shelper, Dramamine
November 2002
  • November is off to a great start: A kid from Dimi's school died. He tells the story. Others tell their similar stories. (link)
  • November is still off to a great start: Tartarus hates feminists. Peach defends the concept of feminism. (link)
  • Drahnier is frustrated with his mom and has physical fights with his dad. NNY offers him a place to stay, if he visits. (
  • Lovely Insanity marries Peach in INTL's first ever lesbian marriage. Adorable.
  • Flaming Arrow hosts a competition for the best signature? Dimi beats Boutitben 16 to 4. He didn't even stand a chance! (link)
  • MBS, Stevo and Jimmy get into a fight about how much the Republicans suck. Dimi's a Liberatarian! (link)
  • Spongy shows up and spams a bunch of threads, including one of Wheezy's. He's not impressed! (
  • In a thread about racism, Spongy trolls a bunch of users including Stevo, Jimmy and a new user, JamesMartigo. (link)
  • Stoffel's girlfriend registers an account and creates a thread introducing herself, which is later sent to the Hall of Shame. (link)
  • Stormraider is not comfortable with NSFW avatars! Flaming Arrow is upset that she can't have a NSFW avatar. Yeah... (link)
  • Nimo gives blood to get out of doing a paper. He passes out at some point. Giving blood is a blast. (link)
  • What instruments do you play? Drums and bass reign supreme, oh and trumpets too. (link)
  • Soccy wants help picking a middle name since he has none. Eventually Alexander wins. No idea if this one stuck. (
  • Age of Mythology is released. Already there are wild expectations for the expansion pack! (
  • Sandamnit is able to pay a visit from boot camp! People want him to fix all the bugs they keep finding. Melanie and Tyr flirt. (link)
  • Asthetik starts the first forumer awards. Who wins? No idea. It dies abruptly. (link)
  • Zippo shows up and wants to know... who is your weirdest crush? Hers is Drew Carey. Sunny has a gothic vampire thing going on. (link)
  • So Ice is bored and doesn't really know what to do. Soccy suggests playing Age of Mythology when he's bored. (link)
  • Is it about time Drahnier finds a girlfriend? Zippo suggests masturbation. JamesMartigo flirts with her. Sexy vagina chat ITT. (link)
  • Flaming Arrow gets a new PC, and it runs Windows XP. How spiffy! Everyone talks about their PC specs and 17" CRT monitors. (link)
  • Thai Stick Nick visits INTL and asks "is everyone's life as fucked up as mine?" Drama ensues, and he, Stevo, and Jimmy are banned.
  • Uselessinformation posts a picture of his penis in a Retardation Station thread titled, "ladies and gentlemen, my cock." (link)
  • Both Stew and Ice are appointed as moderators of the Theater of Sound. (link)
  • Regulars Registered: Vervet, JamesMartigo, Zippo, Swiss, Lyle, ExtraKryspi
December 2002
  • A sports-focused forum, The Arena, is created. Asthetik and Tyr are appointed its first moderators. (
  • Pussinboots starts posting as Dramamine. By this point Peach has changed her name from Danielle.
  • If a thread reaches 1000 posts, Salamando vows never to post at INTL again. He's banned for shameful attention whoring. (link)
  • Both Wheezy and Nimo write for a site called Useless Static. Baggy Brad talks about his own blog site, too. It still exists! (link)
  • Ztolk starts a thread where you group the titles given to you. There's lots of participation and some of the titles are hilarious. (link)
  • Forum Blind Dating Service! Drahnier and Peach have a pretty lackluster attempt at a date on AIM. (link)
  • Drahnier finds out he has aspergers. Debate ensues on whether aspergers is autism and is actually real. Hmm. (link)
  • Chains, who is 14, is having serious girl problems. There's a debate about whether you should have a sexual relationship at 14. (link)
  • Dimi decides to take everyone's photo and make a collage. The collage survives to this day. (link)
  • Sandamnit briefly returns from basic training. He asks the newbies to introduce themselves to him. (
  • NNY got charged with possession of a controlled substance. He's mad at the justice system and thinks it's totally corrupt. (link)
  • Pennsylvania now requires students to say the pledge of allegiance and Dimi is pissssed. Drama ensues. (link)
  • What did you want for Christmas? Lots of video game consoles and electronics. We're all a bunch of nerds, I tell ya. (
  • Soccy is interested in whether Stoffel makes ancient armor. This gives a chance for Stoffel to show off his armor collection. (link)
  • Flaming Arrow hosts the second Forum Survivor, where you vote off a Retardation Station mod each day. Soccy and Zuri win! (link)
  • Someone is stealing IB's cable! Vervet offers her army of monkeys to help fix it. It ends up being resolved without her monkeys. (link)
  • Boutitben turned 18 and the US government forced him to sign up for selective service. Does this mean there's a draft? (link)
  • An innocent thread about GTA 3 ends up turning into an argument about video game violence between SNR and Peach. Lovely. (link)
  • There is once again a competition to see who has the best avatar. In a tight race, JamesMartigo wins. (
  • Favorite celebrity crush? Lots of Eliza Dushku fans. Zippo still craves Drew Carey. (link)
  • The INTL Map is announced. Its purpose is to give a visual representation of where various INTLers live across the globe. (link)
  • Sandamnit starts a "Choose Your Own Adventure" forum game. It ends up turning into a fun little story. (
  • Have you ever been stalked? Well, Sunny has and both Melanie and Vervet give advice. (EDIT: Good news, the stalker moved). (link)
  • Flaming Arrow hosts another attempt at forumer awards. After several days of voting, the results are announced on NYE. (link)
  • Inuyasha registers and creates a thread using the BANME tag. He is thusly banned. He then goes to SPSW and bitches about it.
  • Bored on NYE, Sandamnit creates six personal forums for Peach, NNY, Sunny, Uselessinformation, Ztolk and Tyr. None survived for long.
  • Various new features are added: an event calendar, new private message layout, and a picture gallery for photos of INTLers.
  • HG: By this point, Surt, British Agent and Sith have become regulars at AoMH. Nick would become a regular there from March 2004.
  • Regulars Registered: Icewyvern, Blacksun, Jesus, SmallFry, Adam, Samson, Sukkit, Ileus, Mojo, Nemesis, THS
January 2003
  • Sandamnit taunts Peach with the idea of becoming an administrator. She still has yet to become one (or has she?)
  • Sandamnit's two-week leave ends and he is forced to return to the state of Georgia to continue his military training.
  • Tyr gets pissed off about the possibility of Peach becoming an administrator. Drama ensues, and Emp decides to join INTL. (link)
  • FISHMANPET starts the thread "you give me characters, I write porn stories." It's quite successful. (link)
  • The above thread spawns a parody thread by Dimi entitled "you give me characters, I write horrible porn stories."
  • Mojo encourages the creation of short pieces of poetry. Plenty of users have fun with this. (link)
  • Jimmy wants to know... where would INTL host a meetup? Missouri is decided as the best and worst location to have it. (link)
  • Jimmy has had a rough last year. He thanks Melanie for being his friend. He keeps calling her darlin'. I think he has a crush. (link)
  • Chimp could've died! He and his friend hit a deer! There's talk about how deer are everywhere and they're vermin. (link)
  • Are your parents divorced or still married? 70% are still married. A bunch of folks were born out of wedlock, though. (link)
  • It's NFL playoff time! Who's gonna win the Superbowl? Most INTLers vote for Oakland. The winner was Tampa Bay. (
  • Well it was bound to happen eventually. Which INTL user would you want to have a kid with? Soccy as dad, Vervet as mom. (link)
  • Izzy makes a comic that features INTLers. It's really well done and everyone loves it. Sadly it doesn't survive. (link)
  • The first of the SpankMag refugees start showing up, starting with Adam, Coca-Cola, Skye, and then later Kayte and Just Dandy.
  • Adam introduces himself to the forum, and he's a disturbing weirdo. He suggests he might have a problem (ie. mental illness). (link)
  • After Zippo changes her avatar to a picture of Darkwing Duck's arch-nemesis Negaduck. This starts a Disney avatar fad! (link)
  • Dimi brings up school crushes. The women of INTL share their stories about boys. Melanie also flirts with JamesMartigo. (link)
  • A game is made where replies must be written in song titles. None of it makes sense even in context. (link)
  • After Dimi and Pascal both post their baby pictures, a battle ensues. Dimi wins cutest baby! (
  • Stoffel asks "why don't women not respect their power over men?" Mojo says women are more powerless than people think. (link)
  • Soccy really wants to hold an INTL meetup in Missouri. There's talk about actually doing it, but people don't end up going. (link)
  • NNY gets kicked out of his parents' house. His buddy Jeremy, later Calagorm on INTL, gives him his spare room. (link)
  • A newbie mentions how he tried to kill himself. Most INTLers view suicide as selfish. NNY is sympathetic. (link)
  • Review a book. It actually turns out to be hugely popular with the masses. Peach does a great job keeping track of reviews. (link)
  • NNY visits Greenidentity as they are now dating. Drahnier's secretly jealous inside - NNY was his! :( (link)
  • Adam rants about his experiences on SpankMag. And then there's some talk about users there, including one named Bertha. (link)
  • Skye asks "how many of you have broken your boyfriend's penis?" NNY knew a guy once, and so did Dramamine. Yikes! (link)
  • Baggy Brad starts a photoshop competition, which becomes incredibly popular. Blacksun ends up winning it! (link)
  • Zippo sets up her first INTL Confessional, a thread where you can confess guilty past actions. It's the start of something beautiful. (link)
  • The forum custom title craze is started when Retardation Station is changed to "Retardation Station: Fucked Your Mother." (link)
  • Regulars Registered: Nazgul4591, BalsaWoodKeyboard, GrahamStokley, Skye, Mr Excitable, Scott, Digit, The Winged Cock, Arnok
February 2003
  • Throughout the month there are numerous photoshop contests hosted by Dimi, Blacksun and Nimo. (
  • SPSW goes down and it seems it might be permanent. It isn't, but there's still a recruitment drive to attract SPSW users to INTL. (link)
  • Lots of threads are made about the future. Existentialism reigns supreme in all of them. (
  • NNY420 shows up and gets called stupid for the way she writes. Parallels are made between her and Sunny. (link)
  • Melanie's cousin Kevin is in the news for committing a crime! TPC calls him a dumbass. Others think he's brave for what he did. (link)
  • One of PR's musician buddies comes by INTL to ask him to help write tunes. Nobody gets why he didn't just contact him by phone. (link)
  • Adam gets a call from the RCMP for posting shit porn on some forum. That's what he claims. Do you buy it? I don't buy it. (link)
  • Adam publishes his poetry and it's uh... terrible. But at least Zippo tries to offer him some constructive criticism. (link)
  • A thread on golden showers. It's certainly something. Some people just love being pissed on and pissing on others. (link)
  • Do you care if people offline know about INTL? Swiss is totally comfortable with it, but Vervet is not. link)
  • NNY is having a great time living with Calagorm and his other roommates. He gives INTL a virtual tour of their apartment. (
  • Dramamine posts a thread in which you MSPaint valentines for your favorite INTLers. The thread is incredibly successful. (link)
  • Baggy Brad writes a scathing review of Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. Stormraider criticizes his writing and how witty he is. (link)
  • The SpankMag folks congregate into their own thread. They're welcomed at first, but then it devolves into SpangMag drama. (link)
  • It's February 18th and Zippo is having a bummer day and needs to be cheered up. I dunno if it works, but at least we tried. (link)
  • Wheezy bans NNY420 for spamming and then deletes her account, much to the chagrin of INTLers. NNY420 re-registers as Spazz. (link)
  • Flaming Arrow owns the shit of some lame legendary game designer at an Everquest forum. The people rejoice, I guess... (link)
  • Asthetik quits HG. Wheezy had no idea he worked there. People are still surprised that Mingan is not actually Zen. (link)
  • Melanie makes a birthday thread for Jimmy. There is some very obvious sexual tension between these two. (link)
  • Mojo makes a birthday thread for Dimi. There is some very obvious sexual tension between these two. ;) (link)
  • Spazz is having a really hard time integrating into INTL. She tries to thank people for helping her. (
  • Spazz wants to write a story about INTL, but not many people have faith in her ability to write it. (link)
  • Baggy Brad asks for a gender ID on user profiles, and so it is done. Couldbeme is pleased everyone will know she's a woman. (link)
  • Both NNY and Greenidentity meet up and take a ton of photos. They look like a very happy couple. (
  • NNY finds out one of his roommates accidentally got him in trouble with the landlord. He's not supposed to be in the apartment. (link)
  • Mr. Rogers dies of stomach cancer, and the entire forum mourns the loss of one of America's greatest men. (link)
  • Sandamnit reports from Georgia that he is considering creating INTL merch. (link)
  • Regulars Registered: CloverPatch, Coca-Cola, Wanderlust, Spoon, Franks Koolaid, Spazz, Couldbeme, PopRocks, Smokey (1st time)
March 2003
  • After a suggestion by Baggy Brad, a new forum is created for relationship and intimate discussions: The Erogenous Zone (TEZ).
  • Salamando gets banned from the SomethingAwful forums, decides to come back to INTL and cause havoc. He is then promptly banned.
  • Which INTL forummers would you like to have sex with? A lot of people crave Zippo and Smokey. Peach is intimidated by Zippo. (link)
  • Describe what sex would be like with the person who posted before you. Heh. The best part is Adam gets skipped multiple times. (link)
  • Swiss, NNY and others share their love of vodka in a thread where some smurf tried to unsuccessfully rile up the forum. (link)
  • PR creates a thread calling out Adam and IB, which then results in Adam getting banned. Sandamnit is not impressed! (link)
  • Sandamnit reviews the staff. PR and Wheezy are removed as admins. Mirthalac and Baggy Brad are made admins.
  • NNY is made a mod of Inside Discussions. Mojo is made a mod of Serious Discussions. (link)
  • BalsaWoodKeyboard is accidentally banned after Sandamnit bans Salamando's ISP. (link)
  • A SPSWer, Icewyvern, shows up, and confusion abounds between him and resident regular Ice. He's renamed "Shitty Ice." (link)
  • Flaming Arrow is having trouble with her neighbors. The forum populace is shocked to learn she lives in a trailer park. (link)
  • Sandamnit announces that he'll be going to Korea in July. He also wants to make plans to organize an INTL meet before he leaves. (link)
  • Flaming Arrow starts a thread entitled "jokes about forumers" in which INTLers make jokes directed at others. (link)
  • Forum Survivor 3 kicks off. It ends with Blacksun and Jimmy in a tie; they both become moderators of Retardation Station. (link)
  • An ugly person was fired for being ugly at McDonald's. Smokey and others don't see a problem, but Mojo feels that ain't right. (link)
  • Sandamnit is considering adding banner ads to INTL to recoup some money from server upkeep. It doesn't happen. (link)
  • Loudspoken Intellectual, an SPSW user, arrives at INTL and immediately flaunts his galaxy brain. He fails terribly. (link)
  • TPC melts part of his TV with a lamp. Flaming Arrow, Ice and Dimi roast him for it, just like he roasted his TV. (link)
  • Arnok is pressured into a talk about drugs with his parents. NNY feels the pain. Lots of solidarity shared with him. (link)
  • Coca-Cola creates a thread entitled "choose or draw a picture best describing the person who posted before you". (link)
  • Is it wrong to be gay? Is homosexuality curable? Long drawn out debates ITTs. (
  • Tyr makes a post celebrating one year at INTL. It causes everyone to celebrate their own one year INTL anniversaries. (link)
  • Mingan, who lives in the Netherlands, flies out to meet Peach, who lives in Canada. The forum assumes they had sex. (link)
  • Adam starts the "Hottest Male Forumer" (link) and the "Hottest Female Forumer" contests. Lots of whining ITTs. (
  • Stevo starts the "What Do I Think of You?" trend with his similarly titled thread. (link)
  • HG: Soccy takes over from TSD as the webmaster in charge of AoMH. He hires Sunny to help with the site.
  • Regulars Registered: Byc, Yogi, Calagorm
April 2003
  • Flaming Arrow creates a new "Post Your Photo!" thread. This one is rather popular and exceeds the 300 reply mark. (link)
  • Forum Survivor IV is created by Jimmy. It's not very popular, and I don't think it was ever finished. (link)
  • Flaming Arrow offers users the ability to change their usernames. A number of users switch to their nicknames. (link)
  • MurphGuitar wonders why Sunny's allowed to remain a mod when also staff at HG. He gets roasted for thinking INTL is anti-HG. (link)
  • Following the above thread, MurphGuitar quits his job as a moderator of TEZ. Vervet and Soccy end up replacing him.
  • Should descendants of slaves get reparations? Skye wants to know. Ice thinks it's stupid. Mojo criticizes the cost of it. (link)
  • Is it ever OK to... hit a female? Skye says yes. Spazz says yes. Smokey and most guys say no. (link)
  • Adam was mean to a girl and now she wants to kill herself. Vervet tries to reassure him it's not his fault, but he panics anyway. (link)
  • Flaming Arrow hosts yet another best avatars contest. Ultimately, Blacksun wins. (
  • Adam creates a thread entitled "Classic Threads Over the Past Few Months," yet he only posts links to threads he made. (link)
  • Drahnier is banned for trolling in TEZ, and decides he never wants to return. His break lasts a while. (link)
  • Adam makes a goodbye thread in Inside Discussions with the BANME tag. He is promptly banned. (link)
  • Boutitben is getting his wisdom teeth removed. Chimp has apparently has 14 teeth pulled already. Uh? (link)
  • The forum rules are amended to list smurfing as a bannable offense after banned users (eg. Adam) create fake accounts. (link)
  • A screenshot of the admin forum is leaked (harhar) showing a thread where Sunny posts nudes! OMG! (It's a fake, phew!) (link)
  • Flaming Arrow sets up a best screennames contest. In the end Sandamnit beats Drahnier 19 to 10. (
  • Who on INTL has ADD? The answer? A ton of people. It's like bloody "I'm Spartacus" ITT. (link)
  • The women of INTL create a 'sleepover' thread. It starts out fairly estrogen-centric before the boys crash the party. (link)
  • Melanie drives out and visits Sandamnit, who is currently stationed in Georgia. At first they deny it, but they had sex. (
  • Peach moves all the way from her home in Alberta, Canada to live with Calagorm and NNY in Madison, Wisconsin. (link)
  • Dimi gets a driver's license! His first experience is steering a car so his friend can moon some girls they know. (link)
  • TPC tries to come up with ideas to attract new users to INTL. Melanie plans to put a sticker on her ass. OK... (link)
  • Sandamnit decides to revive the frontpage, but this time he wants committed writers. Nothing really happens. (link)
  • Jota starts a thread in which he expresses his desire to become a belly dancer. This sparks a forum fad. (link)
  • NNY moves to Minneapolis to live with his sweetheart Greenidentity. He quickly finds a job at Target. Yay for NNY!
  • Regulars Registered: British Agent, LBH, DragonofTwilight
May 2003
  • TEZ and Retardation Station, which had previously been hidden from the public, become open to public view.
  • One of INTL's thread tags, the SATIRE tag, is unused and taking up space. A bunch of new tags are made to replace it. (link)
  • Mojo and Smokey get into a long drawn out argument about whether growing up military is a good thing. (link)
  • Tyr remarks that INTL loves itself too much and there's no hate anymore. It's changed, but people like it.(link)
  • Why do you come to INTL? It's addiction. And besides that, some people find it interesting, nonetheless. (link)
  • Stormraider, after expressing his desire to return as moderator of Retardation Station, is reappointed. (link)
  • Several hundred tornadoes hit Missouri. Soccy is MIA, but eventually calls Izzy to let him know he's okay. (
  • Arnok wants to know your opinion on anti-drug propaganda. It probably comes as no surprise, but INTLers don't like it. (link)
  • There's talk about merging Retardation Station into Inside Discussions. It doesn't end up happening. (link)
  • Smokey and Peach get into a spat over whether or not it's OK to ditch friends. This is some PG level dramarama. (link)
  • Mr Excitable suggests setting up an INTL IRC channel. There's some talk about doing it, and it's actually done! (link)
  • Which online folks have you met? Turns out Wheezy has met the most. Jimmy claims he doesn't want to meet anyone. (link)
  • Izzy once again offers to make avatars for folks, but this time in exchange for karma. (link)
  • Chatlogs of historical events. Dimi, Sandamnit, Mojo and Flaming Arrow dominate this hilarious thread. (link)
  • A thread (now gone) is made to discuss our individual faults. Drama ensues and Sandamnit deletes the thread outright.
  • The above drama involved a love triangle between Melanie, Sandamnit, and Jimmy. Melanie asks for a ban, Jimmy leaves. (link)
  • Sandamnit, pissed at the way Retardation Station has become the only forum people visit, closes it. (link)
  • Which is the better country to live in: Canada or the US? Canada wins! Smokey says some negative stuff about Canucks. (link)
  • There's a bunch of major soccer events happening around this time that only really Asthetik and Antpocas really care about. (link)
  • Kitabatake is confused why so many users are getting banned. There's a decision to tweak the draconian bandwidth leeching rule. (link)
  • An INTL v3.0 discussion forum is opened to get feedback on planned changes and new features for INTL. (
  • Vervet realizes that her brother might have jacked off and then handed her, her deoderant. She's disturbed. (link)
  • A guide for moderators and how to ban/warn users is developed by Flaming Arrow. It follows a three strike policy. (link)
  • After being against them for so long, Mirthalac acquires a cellphone. (link)
  • Make slogans for INTL! Some of them are great, including the suggestion of naming TEZ as "Fornication Station." (link)
  • Sandamnit introduces Premium Accounts, which offer features (like searching) for a one-time fee of $10. (link)
  • Major drama erupts between Flaming Arrow, Smokey and Mojo over the latter's view on women's rights. (link)
  • Salamando returns yet again and calls PR out. They race around the world or some shit. I don't really follow. (link)
  • A year-old thread resurfaces with a post by Peach where she bandwidth leeched a photo. Sunny mistakenly bans Peach. (link)
  • Sunny mysteriously gets banned by NNY. But it wasn't NNY, it was his ex-roommate Calagorm who is now dating Peach.
  • As a result of the above, Calagorm is banned and Peach is unbanned, but loses her moderation access.
  • In the wake of Peach being removed as a moderator, Kitabatake is made a moderator of The Gallery.
  • Regulars Registered: Jota, Windex, SprUceWOLF, Led Zeppelin, Purple Haze, Salamando (2nd time), Widukind
June 2003
  • Salamando is unbanned in the hope that he may express to others what Retardation Station is supposed to be like.
  • The Retarded Hall of Fame is created to provide a place for only the best of the best Retardation Station threads.
  • Vervet asks to be banned, due to the fact that she wants to get away from INTL. She comes back soon enough anyway.
  • Drahnier explains why he left and came back; he left since people started treating him like a background user. (link)
  • PR posts a video of his band's latest gig, but it gets taken down before anyone can really see it. Sad. (link)
  • Who is the most badass video game character? British Agent suggests Master Chief and is ridiculed by Antpocas. (link)
  • Peach's attempt to shame a guy who asked her to post sexy videos for money backfires. (link)
  • One of Sandamnit's army buddies registers to congratulate him on a promotion. Chimp gets into a fight with him. (link)
  • Dramamine dyed her hair black and now sorta looks like Charlize Theron, which obviously turns Tyr on. (link)
  • Peach has broken up with Calagorm. She is given an outpouring of support. There is talk about making her a moderator again. (link)
  • The Madison crew makes a thread to talk about Madison things. That is totally lost on Surt. (link)
  • Once again Smokey takes on Mojo. At this stage, I suspect Smokey has a thing for her. (link)
  • Soccy, Scott and Chimp meet up offline. A bunch of photos are posted that show Soccy's greasy moustache. (link)
  • What would you do if you were filthy rich? Lots of people would have threesomes, apparently. (link)
  • Flaming Arrow writes sex stories for you. Almost all of them feature the female INTLers having lesbian sex. (link)
  • Arnok has graduated high school, and so the Madison crew all gather around and congratulate him. (link)
  • For shits and giggles, Sandamnit creates a mock SpankMag forum on INTL, calling it LTNI. (link)
  • The RIAA has announced it's going after filesharers on Kazaa, sparking fear among INTLers. (
  • Which console is INTL looking forward to the most: PS2, Gamecube or Xbox. It's tight, but PS2 wins. (link)
  • Andyman calls a bunch of HG staff 'whores' at HG and is banned there. HG staff member GillB shows up to defend herself. (link)
  • Blacksun makes a flash game! The game receives positive reviews, with Dimi providing the most constructive criticism. (link)
  • Oh fuck, Smokey got a DUI! He's 20 and has a problem with alcohol. He luckily avoids jail time. (link)
  • Vervet starts up a "Post Pictures of Beautiful Women" thread. Smokey and Flaming Arrow are all over it! (link)
  • Towards the end of the month, Sandamnit releases INTL v3.0, a new forum which is faster and has many more features. (link)
  • With the opening of INTL v3.0, Sandamnit unbans everyone who had previously been banned. (
  • Regulars Registered: ETH, Marduk, Snook

Chapter VI: INTL v3.0

After months of anticipation, Sandamnit has released INTL v3.0 - new forum software that is faster and has many more features (which, at first, require payment). This is a time of many fads, many fun forum games and events, and many internal jokes and tropes that would later become legendary. This period will end with Sandamnit being shipped out to the Middle East as part of his obligations to the US Army.


July 2003

  • Salamando is once again banned after abusing his moderator powers at Retardation Station. (link)
  • Retardation Station is once again closed, but the rules of Inside Discussions have been laxed. (link)
  • NNY, Sunny, and PR argue about the state of INTL and ways to fix it so it's less toxic and spammy. Nothing happens. (link)
  • A bunch of guys discuss what it would feel like to be a woman for a day. It's as you would expect. (link)
  • Flaming Arrow once again holds a "Best Avatars Contest." In the end Soccy will win with 47% of the vote. (
  • At about this time, Chimp invites a number of offline friends from Missouri, including IF0, to join INTL.
  • Chimp is apparently mad at a "Fat Bitch." His friend IF0 spills the truth as to what happened to him. (
  • Sandamnit cuts back the abilities of the usergroups by removing all usergroup forums and colors. Colors later return. (link)
  • Mingan comments on the new "Corporate" looking INTL logo. Sandamnit made it, and it will remain a staple. (link)
  • Tyr write a monologue on how he misses IGOD and making fun of people. There's lukewarm IGOD nostalgia ITT. (link)
  • Flaming Arrow lashes out at the Missouri and SpankMag crews about posting their personal inside jokes on INTL. (link)
  • Chimp, Vervet, and the other redheads of INTL unite to discuss what it means to be a redhead (and also why it's sexy). (link)
  • Dimi sparks a very popular thread on talking only in song titles. It's pretty much one liners, and I dunno if it's funny. (link)
  • TPC gets a bunch of INTL IRC chatlogs onto It gives an opportunity for folks to post their favorite chats. (link)
  • On July 8th, a new forum opens for ranting: Bitching Battleground. It is an instant success. Its initial mods are Wheezy and PR. (link)
  • Which music playing software do INTLers use? Turns out it's almost exclusively Winamp, though divided on versions 2 and 3. (link)
  • Chimp gets a blowjob and posts about it. Drama ensues with Ice and Stormraider on why anyone should care about it. (
  • Coca-Cola gets banned from SpankMag, which leads to a bunch of INTLers joining to brigade SpankMag and get banned. (link)
  • Sandamnit is in South Korea for his military service. Eventually there's a big debate on Afghanistan and terrorism. (
  • There's an invasion of users from HG to INTL. A number of INTLers are displeased with this, as well as with HG. (
  • Emp rejoins INTL as "New Emp" and goes on a long rant about something or whatever. It's a lot of exposition. (
  • TPC finds his mojo in the new Bitching Battleground forum with a series of rants about... tech shit. (
  • Sandamnit asks for essays on how to improve the forum. Only Stormraider and Useless information actually do it. (link)
  • Which computer operating system do INTLers use? By this point in time, most users are running on Windows XP. (link)
  • Mojo steps down as a moderator of Serious Discussions. Emp is soon after elected the forum's moderator. (
  • Mojo calls out Surt for whining about America. Surt had been complaining about the US in numerous threads. (link)
  • Smokey calls out religion and faith, which leads to Chimp and others debating the merits of Christianity. (link)
  • Sandamnit makes it a policy on the forum that new accounts must post within 48 hours or they will be deleted. (link)
  • Boutitben steps down as a moderator of the Geek's Corner. TPC takes over his role.
  • Regulars Registered: IF0, Redheaded Iswear, Bother, Tidus, Spit Fire, Wandering Idiot
August 2003
  • Emp wants to organize a meet-up in Florida, however, it's unclear if anyone took him up on the offer. (link)
  • TPC continues his track record of rants, which are once again mostly about tech stuff. (link)
  • The sexual tension between Smokey and Mojo reaches a peak, and gets the attention of Vervet, too. (link)
  • Spazz expresses her dislike for cops, and NNY agrees. In fact, most INTLers don't like or trust cops, go figure. (link)
  • Retardation Station is limited to users with 500 posts or more following excessive spamming. Drama ensues. (link)
  • A group of INTLers share chatlogs from INTL's IRC server. TPC gets thoroughly riled up over the ones about him. (
  • Emp asks women what they look for in a guy, specifically pointing to Vervet. He and Vervet flirt a little... Hmm! (link)
  • Chimp returns home from school and is unhappy. He's stuck dealing with frustrating people. (
  • How much should marijuana cost? Simple question, but really complicated answer that ends up with a deep analysis by Coca-Cola. (link)
  • 76 Explorer, arrives and begins berating Emp. He is banned, but nobody knows who it is. Maybe Sunny? (
  • Greenidentity makes a thread celebrating NNY's 20th birthday. Again, they made a cute couple at the time. (link)
  • Flaming Arrow posts a series of threads on... food and the repercussions that it can have on your gut. (
  • How do you want to die? Sunny wants to die saving another's life. Most everyone else wants a sudden or explosive death. (link)
  • Mojo and PopRocks meet up and everyone assumes they had sex. Mojo goes ahead and invites anyone else to join her, too. (link)
  • Sandamnit asked INTLers to MSPaint their worst nightmares. I would have something else to say if the images survived. :( (link)
  • Baggy Brad makes a thread about Vervet and uh, everyone jumps in to talk about wanting to fuck Vervet or something. (link)
  • Scott gets high and posts a photo of himself. People wonder if the SpankMag refugees are actually good additions. (link)
  • The above thread leads several INTLers, including Coca-Cola and Dimi, to post photos of themselves and get reactions. (
  • In the middle of August, TPC becomes the butt (!) of a joke about his burning posterior. This joke will last forever.
  • In a thread on Star Trek, Soccy reveals himself (quite literally!) as a Star Trek nerd. (For the record, DS9 is the best.) (link)
  • Scott calls Mojo ugly, which prompts an angry reaction from Flaming Arrow and Smokey. Emp also somehow gets involved. (link)
  • HG user Spit Fire contemplates switching entirely to using INTL. Surt hates HG and wants HG to know it! (link)
  • Ice asks INTLers to captionalize random photos. It must've been popular, but the images sadly no longer work. (link)
  • Adam hosts a popularity contest, which ends up devolving into drama after Mojo is called ugly AND old. (link)
  • Emp defends Scott for calling Mojo ugly, and calls out Mojo for karma bombing him daily. Drama ensues. (
  • Scott wants to meet up with Soccy and/or Chimp. Now the question is, who will give who a blowjob then? (link)
  • Skye starts up the 4th iteration of the picture thread. Smokey uses it as an excuse to be an attention whore. Ofc. (link)
  • Adam asks everyone to share their courses for next school year, reminding us all most INTLers are still in school. (link)
  • Adam hosts another popularity contest, this time for worst INTLer. Drama ensues as people realize who dislikes them. (link)
  • Emp, frustrated by the Mojo drama, decides to leave INTL and writes a 'Goodbye' thread. He is banned for breaking the rules. (link)
  • Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears? Both are hot, but INTL is divided on whether anyone should care about them. (link)
  • Following bandwidth leeching trolling, Jayhawk, the head of HG, bans the posting of images at HG hosted on INTL.
  • Throughout the next few months, Flaming Arrow, Emp, and then later Pascal set up Age of Empires II tournaments among INTLers.
  • PR is removed as a moderator of Bitching Battleground and Pascal is made the new moderator of it.
  • Regulars Registered: Trofozoito, Tazzo, GoC, STFU, Menion, Erags, Mobely
September 2003
  • Sandamnit introduces signature images, which is clearly ripped off from SomethingAwful. (link)
  • Adam, Sandamnit, and Flaming Arrow post a series of popularity contest threads, making this month the "Month of Polls."
  • IF0 provides a link and information on how to use #INTL IRC. The thread will become a repository of random chatlogs. (link)
  • Skye misses a call from Zippo, which leads the rest of the forum to assume they will have lesbian sex. (link)
  • Arnok proposes to post his cock. Other INTLers also threaten to post their private parts, too. (link)
  • PopRocks and Kham meet up, which you might think means sex, but no, they actually just chilled. (link)
  • INTLers post their heights and weights, which I suppose is a nice blast from the past for some of us. (
  • Skye creates a thread where you write haikus about other INTLers. It's both funny and sorta wholesome. (
  • How would you fight the good fight? Most of INTL would resort to boxing or kicking, depending on the situation. (link)
  • Sandamnit, mocking HG's forum policies, creates a thread with a list of insane rules that satirically parallel rules at HG. (link)
  • How often do INTLers consume alcohol? It turns out that it's not as common as it used to be. (link)
  • Dimi, Sunny, and Soccy are forced to resign as moderators at INTL because they're also staff at HG.
  • Sandamnit, angry at the above, shares his honest thoughts on HG. Some INTLers appeal to HG to relax this policy. (link)
  • Due to Soccy's resignation, Smokey is appointed the TEZ moderator, Stormraider made Inside Discussions moderator.
  • With Sunny no longer moderator, and with no replacement, Serious Discussions has become infested with nonsense. (link)
  • Arnok is the first Serious Discussions moderator to be appointed. A few days later, Mingan is also appointed.
  • Sandamnit updates the FAQ and Terms of Service. For the first time in ever people actually decide to read it. (
  • INTL wonders how far they'd go to use contraception. A discussion arises about whether to use condoms at all. (link)
  • The Arena is purged and all threads that were in it were moved to Inside Discussions. Asthetik is no longer a moderator.
  • Regulars Registered: Lizardbreath, Shady, Chaplin, Varsity, Tabaxus
October 2003
  • There is a new "one strike" rule established for spamming within Serious Discussions.
  • Skye doesn't understand why people can't wait until marriage to fuck. Massive discussion on sexual morality ITT. (link)
  • Shady wants to know which bands you liked but no longer like. Unsurprisingly, the vast majority say pop bands. (link)
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger is set to become California's governor. Fisher hopes he will keep the Mexicans out of the US. (link)
  • Peach sets up a thread where you say something nice about the person posting before you. It's funny and wholesome. (link)
  • Arnok notes the profanity around INTL has gotten out of hand... so he recommends we use even more of it! (link)
  • Smokey is really, really, really excited about Metal Gear Solid 3. In fact, he believes it may be the best game ever. (link)
  • Wandering Idiot feels Kill Bill is the bloodiest movie in years. Sandamnit reminds people to use the spoiler tag. (link)
  • Sandamnit holds a writing contest and the prize is a premium membership. A bunch of risque stories are posted. (link)
  • The nerds of INTL debate whether 64 bit processors will run slower or even better than current 32 bit processors. (link)
  • Sandamnit starts a week-long forum fad of changing the usernames of forummers to those of actors and actresses. (link)
  • There is a new "one strike" rule established for spamming within Serious Discussions.
  • Sandamnit brings back the Image Gallery feature. Smokey is undeniably horny for all of the women of INTL. (link)
  • Mirthalac, Stormraider, and Wandering Idiot participate in a deep discussion on religion and free will. Yeah. (link)
  • Shady dreams about INTL and thinks it's weird. The rest of INTL find the idea of dreaming about INTL also weird. (link)
  • It should come as absolutely no surprise that the vast majority of INTL really likes the Lord of the Rings trilogy. (link)
  • Is INTL a penis? In what could be the worst thread of the month, yes, perhaps INTL really is a penis. I guess. (link)
  • Out of boredom, Flaming Arrow creates more personal user forums. Various usergroups are upset they were excluded.
  • At this point, Sandamnit is expressing some concern that he won't be able to afford INTL's server in the long term. (link)
  • For Halloween, INTL's default theme is changed to be "Gothic" with all colors darker than usual and pentagrams galore.
  • Regulars Registered: Reborn, Unmotivated, Bebop
November 2003
  • There is a brief MSPaint fad that occurs, though sadly most of the images are now lost.
  • The Forummer Erotica thread is created in TEZ by Smokey. It runs with an amazing amount of participation for a while.
  • Following months of anti-American trolling, Surt becomes only the second person (after Salamando) to be permabanned.
  • INTLers share their assumptions about other INTLers before they had the chance to talk about them. Hilarious. (link)
  • Emp returns (again) to complain about his experience with dentists. He is told to flirt with his dentist. (link)
  • One of the private forums is called IGOD, and Emp is shocked and appalled when Sandamnit decides to kill it. (link)
  • Vervet starts a trend where people post their photos in ASCII. This is one way to preserve those old photos. (link)
  • Flaming Arrow wonders if she should cut her hair? Nearly 2/3 recommend that, yes, she should do it now. (link)
  • Arnok and Marcher create competing threads where INTLers are encouraged to impersonate one another. (
  • Antpocas is made the new moderator of Geek's Corner after Woadie disappeared and stopped posting at INTL.
  • Sandamnit wants to meet more INTLers, ideally not from Madison. Not sure if this actually ended up happening. (link)
  • Flaming Arrow posts an ancient chatlog with Wrestler 130. Ah, chatlogs, the pinnacle of comedy back in 2003. (link)
  • Smokey and Zippo come to the defense of Surt. Most mods are ambivalent about eventually bringing him back. (link)
  • Sandamnit shuts down the third iteration of the Frontpage because, surprise, surprise, nobody contributes to it. (link)
  • Sandamnit starts up the first ever INTL Secret Santa. This will later spawn many future instances of gift giving. (link)
  • Emp proposes the creation of a forum to discuss relationships. The Chantry is born! Zippo is made its moderator.
  • Peach wants you to be honest and give opinions about the poster before your post. Major drama inevitably ensues. (link)
  • Regulars Registered: Kayte, Me, Jimmy (2nd time), Spiff
December 2003
  • The Reel RS Krew is formed and assumes control over Retardation Station for a brief period of time.
  • Smokey is fired as a moderator for TEZ. Zippo takes over. For the first time, a forum has two female moderators.
  • Arnok starts making black-and-white avatars and for a brief period of time, everyone is dawning these avatars.
  • Peach gets upset that a thread on dating got derailed. Both Smokey and Jimmy make fun of her for the thread. (link)
  • Sandamnit holds a contest where INTLers are encouraged to get low ratings on It's very popular. (link)
  • What are you ashamed about? Jimmy uses it as an opportunity to criticize Peach and her personal hygiene. (link)
  • Which languages do most people at INTL speak? Other than English, many INTLers can speak Spanish and French. (link)
  • Emp posts a thread where he's clearly just attention whoring. He's called out on it and fails to respond. (link)
  • Jimmy speaks his mind about a bunch of other people on INTL. This prompts others to also speak their mind, too. (link)
  • Mr Pixies is considering the military. Wandering Idiot provides some heartfelt advice based on his experiences. (link)
  • Emp posts a fake dialogue involving Vervet. She isn't impressed, and they bicker with one another about it. Snore. (link)
  • Sandamnit wonders if it's worthwhile to create a livejournal-esque blog for INTL. Discussions occur, nothing happens. (link)
  • Drunk and bored, Drahnier posts a clip of him saying his username. Turns out everyone has been pronouncing it right. (link)
  • Skye dreams of owning a home. This sparks discussion - and even drama - about what everyone wants for a house. (link)
  • How did everyone find INTL? Well, most come from HG or SpankMag, but they were often invited by someone at least! (link)
  • Describe the person above you in three words. Some creative use of minimalism here, and also some wholesomeness. (link)
  • Adding a handful of words to a story ends up describing Mirthalac meeting Soccy in a Mexican ghetto. (link)
  • Tyr calls Emp out on being a "total pussy." Emp unsuccessfully defends himself, yet the sarcasm drips ITT. (link)
  • Smokey says Mojo caused his break up, or something. Others share their own experiences with Mojo's PMs. (link)
  • Should everyone from INTL meet on a cruise ship? The idea is floated and Jimmy fights Greenidentity for some reason. (link)
  • Adam wonders if INTL content is getting worse. Baggy Brad really wants people to post more in Inside Discussions. (link)
  • Drahnier posts a photo of his dad. Normally, this wouldn't lead to much, but his dad later becomes an INTL meme. (link)
  • Coca-Cola tries to defend his friend Adam from the ruthless, mean admins. Debate ensues about the forum's rules. (link)
  • Sandamnit decides that he's sick of INTL and it will be shut down on June 30, 2004 and stops accepting donations. (link)
  • The Chantry is shut down because it causes a decrease in posting in other forums, primarily TEZ.
  • Sandamnit behaves erratically. Peach is made an admin. Sukkit is banned for saying Sandamnit looks like Eminem. (
  • Baggy Brad and Sandamnit discover pictures of ETH by searching Google for her username. She's noted for her boobs. (link)
  • Sandamnit announces he will shut down INTL within days. INTLers celebrate the good times at the end of the world... (
  • ...Sandamnit has a last minute change of heart and decides not to close INTL after all! Christmas is saved! (link)
  • A number of INTLers celebrate New Years Eve together. As part of the celebrations, Emp reposts Cannibal Island. (
  • Salamando is unbanned for, god knows, maybe the 50th time? Oh, and Surt is unbanned, too.
  • Regulars Registered: Nickolati, Johnny, Ein
January 2004
  • Sandamnit begins collecting data for a new INTL map which allows users to input the where they live. (
  • It's nearly the start of a new semester of school, and Zippo and others wonder when they're set to go in again. (link)
  • How's the poster above you going to die? A bit of a morbid thread, especially the answer given for NNY. Depressing. (link)
  • Vervet, Skye, and others post excerpts from great books. It's uh, yeah. I feel pretentious just reading this. (link)
  • Sandamnit shares some statistics about the forum's users. The person with the most posts? It's Flaming Arrow at 17619. (link)
  • Balsawoodkeyboard visits Nimo in Chicago. The rest of the forum discusses how snow sucks and how it's cold outside. (link)
  • A random HG user, Luke Gevaerts, joins and ridicules HG. He was banned. Ice wants INTL to just ban people like this. (link)
  • Arnok got a cat and wants help naming him! Roger and Oscar are suggested, but ultimately Arnok chooses to go with Cash. (link)
  • Sandamnit was bored and wrote a rock, paper, scissors script that tracks of your overall win-loss-draw record. Neat, I guess. (link)
  • Tyrone is banned for making a "hi im new" thread. He then comes back to accuse INTL of being racist against him. OK. (
  • Should you buy or download music? In the days before things like Bandcamp and Spotify this was a heated debate! (link)
  • Uselessinformation battles Peach and Nimo over cell phones and whether it's so important that we carry them around with us. (link)
  • Nickolati begins a story thread. Amphy, Spiff and Skye contribute to it. I honestly haven't read this. tl;dr (link)
  • INTL discovers Hello Kitty and otaku. Most people assume this is related to furries somehow. Peach knows a furry! (link)
  • Coca-Cola announces that he's cutting down on pot. Nobody really believes him. Drahnier recalls when Adam promised to, too. (link)
  • IF0 decides to call up a bunch of INTLers. This leads to a bunch of people promising to call and chat sometime. Wholesome. (link)
  • CloverPatch "friendzoned" some guy offline, and this then leads Emp and IF0 to call her a bitch and a dumbass for doing so. (link)
  • Nickolati grapples with emo music and what it is. As expected, both ETH and Emp fill him in on what emo music is. (link)
  • Regulars Registered: HK, Tourist, Barticus
February 2004
  • Sandamnit allows users to have their names changed 'permanently'. (link)
  • A small modification is made to INTL which makes it so you can see what posts earned you each individual point of karma. (link)
  • Wheezy has had it with Adam and wants to ban him 'permanently'. There's a big debate among staff about it, and it's done. (link)
  • The drama nerds of INTL share their thespian interests. There's a lot of support for Skye and her audition for a role! (link)
  • How would INTLers describe their politics? The vast majority say they're "Moderately Liberal" though the spectrum is broad. (link)
  • It's Valentine's Day. The artsy among us decide to write poems and discuss what the're planning to do that day. Work, maybe? (link)
  • Flaming Arrow creates the latest "Post Your Picture" thread. It will end up lasting two years and causing some minor drama. (link)
  • Salamando is having girl trouble, but the rest of INTL doesn't care and instead makes fun of him for it. Oh well. (link)
  • PR's band, The Divining, has a new website and he wants criticism. Emp thinks it's swanky. ETH finds it visually appealing. (link)
  • In the latest instalment of "How old are you?" it turns out that half of INTL is 16-18, while a quarter are 19-21. (link)
  • Forum Survivor Version Who Gives A Fuck kicks off. Eventually, Retardation Station becomes stagnant as there is no one left. (link)
  • IF0 spawns a thread where you say the meanest thing about the person before you. It's been done before, and there's drama. (link)
  • Nickolati is looking for a woman who plays video games. Dramamine assumes most gamer girls are actually lesbians. (link)
  • Zippo wants to know what your top three inanimate objects are. To no surprise to anyone, it's computers, music and booze. (link)
  • Mirthalac travels the world and reports his adventures. Sukkit bemoans his inability to travel, and is sad about it. (link)
  • The "MS Paint Forumer Deathmatches" thread is created. Loads of hilarious battles are made, though sadly none of them survive. (link)
  • Ztolk makes a flash animation titled CANNONED where a caricature of certain INTLers are murdered by a cannonball. (link)
  • IF0 tries to rally people at INTL to petition for the return of Smokey. Ultimately, however, it does not work. (link)
  • Minor drama breaks out when IF0 is temporarily banned for bitching about Salamando's girlfriend who shows up to complain. (link)
  • Sunny asks for drinking recipes and INTL shows up! Tons of drinks are shared, including some personal concoctions. (link)
  • We may like our booze and weed, but acid? About half of the forum says they would not do it. Surprisingly few have done it. (link)
  • Towards the end of the month, there is another avatar fad. INTLers change their avatar to a picture of another INTLer.
  • Regulars Registered: Extrapolation, Goatsnacks
March 2004
  • Sandamnit starts the battle of the bands. (link)
  • Which INTLer do you not like and why? There's a lot of butthurt and the Europeans are specifically targetted. (link)
  • Which INTLer do you like and why? Unlike the above thread, there's little drama and this ends up mostly wholesome. (
  • On the two year mark since INTL officially went public, Sandamnit gives a rather lengthy state of the union address. (link)
  • Wandering Idiot starts a book thread that slowly devolves into a discussion about Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged. (link)
  • The "Most Attractive INTL Male/Female" contests are held. Sandamnit, Nimo and Vervet win. Sunny is outed for being royalty! (link)
  • DragonofTwilight has started the process of becoming a US soldier. Sukkit has contempt for people "serving their country." (link)
  • The results of "INTL's Hottest Man" are out, and it turns out that the man himself, Sandamnit... gets second place to kham. (link)
  • Dramamine wants to know if anyone works out or if we're all just a bunch of twigs. I guess people jog a lot. (link)
  • IF0 hosts a round of "INTL's Ugliest Man" and Ileus ends up the winner. Skye is revealed as INTL's most passive aggressive user. (link)
  • Kayte complains about being banned from Retardation Station and the thread turns into her endless whining about it. (link)
  • INTLers put on their charm to try to use the best cheesy lines on one another. IF0 gets mocked for a chat with Ashley. (link)
  • In a weird spin on mouth kissing, we learn that a number of INTLers kiss their family members on the mouth and are OK with it. (link)
  • In a twist on Truth and Dare, INTLers are asked to reveal truths about themselves. There's a lot of personal stuff asked. (link)
  • INTLers compare personalities and find that they have more in common than they expect. Most are nerdy and even a bit shy. (link)
  • In a thread about ingrown toenails and nasty foot stuff, we learn that Greenidentity has six toes on each foot. (link)
  • Are cartoons going too far? There's a short but detailed debate about whether the Simpsons and South Park are bad. (link)
  • Regulars Registered: Skizzles, Acheron, BB
April 2004
  • Nickolati is appointed as moderator of Theater of Sound.
  • The INTL Gallery is revamped to include thumbnails, number of views, and image sizes.
  • Kayte starts up a new round of sending mix CDs to other INTLers and it turns out to be a huge success! (link)
  • Emp posts a picture of himself. He looks like the male version of ETH, as well as Vervet's brother. ETH finds this hot. (link)
  • Emp embarks upon an epic journey, visiting Vervet in Virginia, Nimo in Chicago, and ETH in Ohio. Did anything happen? (
  • ETH feels she was played by a guy. Turns out she had also played another guy. Karma's a bitch and Erags lets her know that. (link)
  • Which is better to have: short hair or long hair? Overwhelmingly INTL is down with long hair. Salamando flaunts his locks. (link)
  • ETH loves playing Monopoly with friends. She also blew off Emp to do that! Vervet thinks she's manipulating Emp. (link)
  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind comes out and Greenidentity, Vervet and ETH love it. PR finds it too pretentious. (link)
  • Should Soccy shave his moustache? Overwhelmingly the forum votes yes. With it he looks like a greasy Mexican. (link)
  • IRC regulars with microphones hold a "Microphone Party". Various fake orgasms steal the show. (link)
  • Emp posts pictures of Vervet and him doing artistic dressup. The rest of INTL is one part confused and one part amused. (link)
  • Around 3/4 of INTL supports Kerry over Bush in the next US election. INTL is rampant with libertarians who would prefer neither. (link)
  • Childhood nostalgia... sometimes it just hits you. A bunch of the (then) youngest members of INTL talk about kids shows. (link)
  • Sandamnit invests in a new dedicated server for INTL! He also creates the affiliates program to help boost funding for INTL. (
  • The feature which allowed regular users to change other users' custom titles, but not their own is brought back. (link)
  • What's the best soda/pop out there? For NNY and Flaming Arrow it's some toxic mix of shit. This thread is sorta cursed. (link)
  • Vervet replaces Mirthalac as an admin. Numerous INTLers are upset. Emp bans himself in protest and Tyr asks to be banned, too. (link)
  • Mr Pixies takes over for Vervet as TEZ moderator. Stormraider replaces Tyr as Bitching Battleground moderator.
  • Regulars Registered: Amphy
May 2004
  • INTL moves to a new server, and new features are introduced including INTL subdomains and email addresses. (
  • Bill and Sandamnit set up an Unreal Tournament 2004 server. At one point, TPC killed Tartarus 362 times in one night. Damn! (link)
  • E3 2004 happens. Everyone is eager to know what the next Bioware game will be. Lots of speculation and disappointment ITT. (link)
  • Jimmy rants about custom titles because he's mad the ones he gets are insulting. Mr Excitable tells him to suck it up. (link)
  • Amphy wants to know how everyone ended up at INTL. HG, SPSW, IGOD, SpankMag... you name it, the usual. (link)
  • HG: Banned, Adam makes a thread at HG where he posts pictures of his dog, Maggie. He misses INTL a lot. (
  • Skye creates Forumer Erotica v3.0. It is an immediate hit, especially with Smokey who has been unbanned by Sandamnit. (link)
  • Emp makes a giant apology thread to everyone. Nobody really buys that he's actually serious (which he isn't). (link)
  • Coca-Cola polls the forum on whether Adam should be unbanned. 54% end up voting 'No'. Jimmy also fights Salamando. (link)
  • An anti-bitching thread is created in Bitching Battleground. Zippo, ETH, and others try their best to post happy things. (link)
  • What part of your body do you want to change the most? Flaming Arrow wants a bigger chest; nicer arms for Amphy and Fisher. (link)
  • Are smarter people more likely to be atheist? Chimp says the Bible is accurate. Skizzles argues that evolution is just a "theory." (link)
  • Regulars Registered: Dante
June 2004
  • IF0 announces that Emp fucked Vervet 19 TIMES when they met in April. IF0 gets supremely butthurt about it and Vervet is angry. (link)
  • Turns out antpocas rules Geek's Corner with an iron fist. Sandamnit warns him and the rest of the staff not to delete posts. (link)
  • IF0 goes mad with power in IRC, thus prompting Flaming Arrow and Sandamnit to open a new #intl IRC channel on (link)
  • Sandamnit introduces the INTL Arcade! It ends up as an addictive staple of INTL (until flash eventually stops working). (link)
  • Etymxris is not a fan of fake boobs, while others like Tartarus have a problem with makeup. Smokey brings up assplants. (link)
  • Science Brad hates fundies and you should too! Amphy is confused about who fundies are, while Baggy Brad hasn't met one. (link)
  • Chimp loves his long hair! Arnok, Hasty, Tazzo and PR feel long hair is the only way they can look attractive. (link)
  • Coke vs. Pepsi? Turns out 65% of INTL prefers Coke. Stormraider tries to argue (unsuccessfully) that they're just the same. (link)
  • PR's ex-girlfriend is pregnant! He's unemployed, she works minimum wage, life is grand. Turns out she probably got it aborted? (link)
  • It's Euro 2004 and all INTL's soccer fans are paying attention! Unsurprisingly, that's mostly the Euros. Greece wins! (link)
  • Emp is permanently banned for hijacking Vervet's IRC account and kicking everyone from the #intl IRC channel. (link)
  • Whatever happened to Mojo? No one truly knows. Smokey makes a return and blames himself for causing her to leave INTL. (link)
  • What's INTL's all-time favorite drama (at least up until this point)? There's lots of drama nostalgia ITT. (link)
  • Sandamnit hosts the INTL Film Festival! He lists movies and people review them. He will do this every month in 2004. (
  • Ztolk makes his most famous flash animation ever, this time of the 19 TIMES drama. It is glorious and a classic! (link)
  • MSPaint Future Forum Drama. Sadly none of the images work anymore. Ztolk even gets impaled by a Mongol. Also tits. (link)
  • Following the success of his 19 TIMES flash animation, Ztolk asks for custom flash movie ideas. (link)
  • Should the US have gun control? Uselessinformation is against it, Dante and Etyxmris are for it. Typical gun debate ITT. (link)
  • Make up funny limericks about your fellow INTLers. Perhaps to no one's surprise, most of them have to do with INTL drama. (link)
  • Google releases Gmail and at first it's invite-only. INTLers crave the invites... crave them oh so much. (
  • The documentaries Fahrenheit 9/11 and Super Size Me come out, sparking massive debates about all things American. (
  • 14 year old boy has sex with really hot teacher! The teacher faces 30 years in prison, and INTL thinks that's excessive. (link)
  • Angus just sat on his nuts. The men of INTL sympathize. Vervet gets butthurt because punching the vagina also hurts. (link)
  • Favourite comedians? We're big fans of Dane Cook, Mitch Hedburg, George Carlin, David Cross, Eddie Izzard. Very mid 2000s. (link)
  • Drahnier coins the expression "BOOBCATS!" after ETH posts a picture wearing a boobilicious shirt that says "Bobcats." (link)
  • Regulars Registered: Etymxris, Angus, Sith, Kapn Xaos, Jamers615, Psychotic Astronaut, Smokey (2nd time)
July 2004
  • Sandamnit finishes up his year in Korea and returns to the United States.
  • Tyr is unbanned by Sandamnit, after having banned himself for 365 days and resigning his moderatorship. (link)
  • Coca-Cola may have to move because he wants to smoke pot openly. He's ridiculed by the rest of the forum. (link)
  • Let's talk about life after death. Science Brad and Etymxris try to argue that there is no life after death. (link)
  • Zippo creates the INTL Dating Service. There are many wild AIM chats full of texting, then sexting, then phone sex then sex. (link)
  • WWYD if INTL dies? Also, if YOU died, which INTLers would get your shit? INTL existentialism rampant ITTs. (
  • In US politics news, there is a major debate about gay marriage. Tyr tries to defend marriage between a man and a woman. (
  • Also in US politics news, President Bush believes in abstinence. Jimmy tries to argue it's the best way to avoid STDs. (link)
  • INTL fashion. Jeans, army coats, leather jackets, t-shirts, button-up shirts... People are also shocked to find out Lyle is cute. (link)
  • Doom 3 is out. Antpocas pisses people off and TPC is busy with UT2004. Sadly, a lot of INTLers struggle to play it. (
  • Nickolati asks who is friends with who at INTL. Turns out most of INTL likes one another, and most would like to party, too.(link)
  • Sandamnit ends up going to the 2004 GoonCon and shares his experience. There are calls for an INTL version of GoonCon. (link)
  • Lyle lives near the KKK and wants to pull pranks on them! There's a lot of suggestions involving using black friends. (link)
  • Soccy has grown tired of the BOOBCATS meme. Those who don't go to Retardation Station often don't seem to get it. (link)
  • Jimmy almost pulls a Smokey and gets a DUI. Drahnier calls him an idiot. Kayte finds this whole discussion stupid. Drama ensues. (link)
  • Hitler likes Dimi... or at least that's what he dreamt. Everyone tries to figure out the real meaning of his dream. (link)
  • ... And not longer after, Imperialist starts a "MSPaint your weird dreams" thread! There's some really fucked up dreams ITT. (link)
  • Emtilt calls for the creation of an INTL Wikipedia page. Someone eventually sets one up, but Wikipedia quickly deletes it. (link)
  • The 2004 DNC is in Dante's town of Boston and it's causing chaos. INTL is already predicting the rise of Obama. (link)
  • The movie The Village comes out and INTL is overwhelmingly not shocked by the twist ending. Vervet defends it. Drama ensues. (link)
  • IF0 is getting tired of all the President Bush bashing. Dimi agrees. At the same time, INTL is growing tired of Kerry praise, too. (link)
  • At the end of the month, Sandamnit updates the INTL search engine improving it significantly and giving it a makeover. (link)
  • Regulars Registered: Greek Marquis, Agon
August 2004
  • Bitching Battleground rules are altered by Flaming Arrow to include penalties for trolling and so forth. (link)
  • The RSS feed and thread subscriptions are added to INTL as optional features for those interested. Who even used this? (link)
  • GTA: San Andreas will soon be released. Smokey and Wandering Idiot are pumped, while Tazzo is disappointed. (link)
  • The server host for INTL, Ninjaonkamel, becomes an administrator. No one knows who he is or why he is now staff. (
  • Some guy calls out people for bad taste in music. Jimmy doesn't like it. Greenidentity and Stormraider bicker. (link)
  • How grammatical is INTL? Tyr gets mad at Vervet over some grammatical misunderstanding. Shitty drama ITT. (
  • If you provide Dramamine with a description of yourself, she'll match you up with someone. Lyle is unhappy with her match. (link)
  • IF0 wants a bunny and gets livid when he can't have one! He gets scolded for foolishly lending his money away. (link)
  • TerminusEst has been giving people shitty titles and Chimp finally has had enough of it. Mild drama ensues. (link)
  • Sims 2 is soon to be released. INTL is excited. There's speculation about whether there's going to be sex in it. (
  • It's the Olympics again, this time in Athens! The Americans want to see their swimmers kick ass (they will). (link)
  • Retardation Station's layout is changed to an obnoxious layout mocking that of old-school HG. (link)
  • Is Maddox the coolest person ever? People think he sucks. Four years later the "real" Maddox shows up and is mocked. (link)
  • Menion calls out Greek Marquis for talking about sex all the time. He is probably just sex deprived... or a virgin. (link)
  • Rome: Total War is released and for a brief time INTL is addicted to it. Amphy is impressed with how realistic it is! (
  • Smokey asks for help on his math homework, and for what will not be the last time there is a confusing thread about math. (link)
  • Many INTLers will soon be heading back to school for college. There's an uncomfortable amount of freshman anxiety ITT. (link)
September 2004
  • INTL members are given the opportunity to purchase additional upload space. (link)
  • The Director's Cut is created. It's a forum specifically for discussions about movies and TV shows. (link)
  • Some hostage dies in Iraq and Chimp is pissed! This prompts NNY, Surt, and Dante to harp on him for his pro-military POV. (link)
  • Multiple hurricanes hit Florida, leaving the few INTL Floridians worried about what to do and what will happen. (
  • Menion doesn't get it: why do women have sex if they don't enjoy it? The women of INTL correct the record there. (link)
  • Walmart's website gets hacked and it's LOL. There's a big debate over why it's necessary to show your ID to buy movies. (link)
  • The movie Garden State is out and many INTLers want to see it. Extrapolation calls out a newbie for his normie film taste. (link)
  • Upon the termination of their relationship, Vervet unbans Emp, who creates a thread devoted to his recent emo experiences. (
  • Come witness Wandering Idiot and the story of his stomach and the biggest burger he has ever encountered - A whopping 27oz. (link)
  • Chimp and IF0 post suggestive photos of them wrestling. They have IF0 wrestle a woman as well. We remain suspicious. (
  • Salamando creates a thread called "'PERMABAN' MEANS FOREVER". This sparks debate over the definition of the term 'permaban'. (link)
  • Chimp and Skye rant about people who smoke cigarettes. The smokers of INTL want to quit, but they just can't. (
  • With many INTLers now in college, Ice makes a picture thread for sharing dorm rooms. Most sport what Hasty calls "spanglies." (link)
  • Forum Survivor Battle Royale begins. Sandamnit appoints 15 users as moderators. IF0 quickly abuses his powers and is banned. (link)
  • Which celebrities do you hate? Just gotta point out Zippo's most hated celebrity is Donald Trump. Oh, honey, if only you knew. (link)
  • There's sugar at the center of our galaxy and it prompts loads of delicious takes on the type of sugar and how it tastes. (link)
  • Smokey somehow burns his hand and is inept at medical shit. He is reminded that, well, at least it wasn't his penis. (link)
  • Regulars Registered: Zing
October 2004
  • Sandamnit adds the ability to see the titles and karma you've given, in addition to received. Usergroups also receive a facelift.
  • Team America is released and Surt thinks it's too pro-America. Nimo thinks he's dumb for not getting satire. (link)
  • Someone stole a package off Skizzles' porch! It's designer clothes and Asthetik mocks him for buying such clothes off eBay. (link)
  • Adam posts photos of a drunken adventure which causes INTLers to want to get beer. Chimp is worried about Adam's dog. (link)
  • It's the World Series right now! INTL speculates who will win: Red Sox or Cardinals? Mr Excitable is PUMPED for the Sox. (link)
  • Jon Stewart shows up on CNN and calls them partisan hacks. This intrigues Sandamnit. Yogi and Dante think Jon Stewart is god. (link)
  • Sandamnit gives 10 users admin access for a fake version of INTL. It goes to hell once people learn how to read real PMs. (link)
  • Adam has roommate problems and he can't move out. Zippo and Kayte agree that 'Bertha', whoever she is, is a bitch. (link)
  • Murder mystery time! Dante has a murderer that lives near him. Chimp and Lyle are disgusted, Sukkit is not surprised. (link)
  • The TV show Lost is a hit with INTLers. Sandamnit, Zippo, Chimp, kayte and others speculate about what will happen next. (link)
  • Sandamnit institutes a banner system for Retardation Station, further mocking HG. These new banners remain in use for years. (link)
  • Adam, Smokey, Greenidentity, Arnok, Snowy and Peach insult eachother through voice recordings. Snook is impressed. (link)
  • For Halloween INTL votes for a forum makeover. Red, white and blue are prevalent in all forums except Retardation Station.
  • Sunny is made the moderator of The Director's Cut, a forum created to discuss movies and TV shows.
  • Regulars Registered: Nick
November 2004
  • INTL briefly goes down for a few hours at the start of the month, sparking a discussion in IRC about what might've happened.
  • Sunny brings back the INTL Film Festival for October. On request of Dante the theme is crime/gangster movies. (link)
  • US election time! INTL is hopeful that the Bush era might be coming to an end. Also Drahnier owes IF0 his ass. (
  • Mr Excitable creates the INTL Christmas Card Exchange, which unlike Secret Santa is actually quite successful. (link)
  • Menion wants to know... is WW3 possible? It's mixed. Menion might be dumb, but the US rhetoric is damn toxic at the moment. (link)
  • Adam and Sandamnit being overly flirtatious and creepy with Vervet ITTs. Sandamnit expects the fuck from her soon? (
  • Sandamnit is amassing a collection of books before he heads off to the Middle East. Most of the ones suggested are normie. (link)
  • Sunny ignores Menion's sexual advances and he complains. There's a big argument about something boring; this time grammar. (link)
  • What do you want for Christmas? Amphy wants a pony (but doesn't she already have one?). Beyond that, it's money and music. (link)
  • Wandering Idiot posts from Kuwait. He has already started his tour of duty in the Middle East. INTL wishes him good luck. (link)
  • Vervet and Surt get into a spat over how she complained about some other person on campus looking up porn in public. (link)
  • Skizzles jacks off with olive oil and (no surprise) it burns like hell. Tyr is offended his people's oil is being used for that. (link)
  • Nickolati returns after a short absence to let us know his life is great! NNY wants him to visit. Adam really wants to be a mod. (link)
  • World of Warcraft is out! Little do most people realize how big it will be. Sandamnit, Woadie and antpocas talk strategy. (link)
  • Sandamnit calls Lyle ugly. We all know he actually just wants to fuck her. Turns out Menion has a crush on her, too! (link)
  • INTLers go into excessive detail about their Internet histories ITT. Lots of stories are shared about HG, IGOD and SPSW. (link)
  • Kapn Xaos calls out Wheezy for not being active anymore. Stormraider agrees... Wheezy sucks. Wheezy gets supremely butthurt. (link)
  • Turns out the average age of INTL right now is about 16-18. The few older folks in their early 20s feel ancient in comparison. (link)
  • Regulars Registered: KrazeeEyesKilla, Megan
December 2004
  • Skizzles is the first person to buy a personal user forum, even though they have long since disappeared from the donation page.
  • If you get raped, are you still a virgin? The answer is no, but this doesn't stop a debate about the merits of being a virgin. (link)
  • Ballard goes to India! He's encouraged to take as many photos as possible. He shares his adventures while overseas. (link)
  • INTL impresses Agon. He gets confused with Angus. Surt and Smokey discuss how much Agon and Angus suck. Drama ensues. (link)
  • A newbie wants to leave Canada and everyone assumes it's because of Kayte or Adam. Kayte ends up getting butthurt about it. (link)
  • Kapn Xaos asks if he posts too many threads, and the answer is a resounding yes. Surt sees through his fake retardation. (link)
  • Should the women of INTL be given respect? Turns out the women of INTL believe they already get way too much attention. (link)
  • It's harder than you think being a man/woman. The different genders of INTL call one another out in spectacular fashion. (
  • Smokey fucks his new girlfriend's sister! Stormraider criticizes him for fucking an 18 year old when he's currently 23. (link)
  • NNY works long hours and buys liquor in the morning. Wandering Idiot is in a warzone, man. Peach's life is also shitty. (link)
  • Chimp and IF0 are being reported to the police for harassment on another forum. The admin there is an asshole. (link)
  • Hasty asks, what movies make you cry? Lots of dead dogs, dead kids, broken hearts, destroyed futures, and tragic wars. (link)
  • Once again it's Christmas at INTL! Kayte MSPaints gifts for other INTLers. As for Christmas hauls? It's MP3 players. (
  • Salamando's girlfriend, having already been banned, is unbanned and creates a thread "it's hard spying on your boyfriend online." (link)
  • It's New Years Eve and INTL is bustling with activity. In 2005 most everyone wants to be healthier and happier. (
  • Adam tries to shock people into going vegetarian and... it works for some? Shadow, Soccy, Drahnier and others debate its merits. (link)
  • A massive tsunami hits in the Indian Ocean. Ice has friends in India. Emtilt and others debate what a 'tsunami' is. (link)
  • Sandamnit adds a new feature to the INTL Gallery, allowing users to comment on other users' photos.
  • Regulars Registered: Shadowe

Chapter VII: INTL v3.1

Away on a tour of duty, Sandamnit has left the other administrators - Vervet, Flaming Arrow, and Baggy Brad - to essentially govern in his absence. While things at INTL continue much as they had, there is a rise in rivalries and boundless bitching about all sorts of random topics. This period sees the introduction of two notable characters to the forum, Snowy and Vissario, and it ends with an accidental nineteen day server shutdown.


January 2005

  • Sandamnit is shipped to the Middle East and now posts sporadically from Kuwait. (link)
  • After a series of threads where Lyle bitches about everything, LBH finally tells her to shut up. Angus calls for peace. (link)
  • Age of Empires III is announced. But wait, wasn't Age of Mythology number three? There's cautious optimism about it. (link)
  • Lyle got her own personal birthday show. Smokey and LBH make fun of her friend Clavicle who shows up to defend herself. (link)
  • A newbie shows up and posts some long fucking essay or something. LBH replies in kind. Something, something, God. (link)
  • Our boy Dimi got accepted into college! Fuck yeah! It will take up the next 10+ years of his life (and more?). (link)
  • HBO is starting to produce a ton of good shows and INTL is pleased. Smokey, Snowy and Sunny discuss Carnivale. (link)
  • Apparently Skizzles' parents found out about INTL and have blocked him from visiting. (link)
  • Menion is considering joining the US Navy. Seaman and Village People jokes ahoy! Menion doesn't join the Navy. (link)
  • Vervet hosts a round of iSketch. It turns out popular. No idea what happened in it. The server for it kept crashing. (link)
  • A bunch of threads get topped that have Flaming Arrow in them, and Soccy and others express their sorrow at her absence. (link)
  • IF0 starts Forummer Erotica v4. Or 'Mach 4.' Whatever. For the next two years, INTL's finest and sexiest contribute to it. (link)
  • Salamando is banned yet again, this time for trolling in Retardation Station.
  • Regulars Registered: Master, Khelben
February 2005
  • Chimp is fucking tired of the same arguments and the same jokes. IF0 takes it as a personal attack and gets very butthurt. (link)
  • Lyle introduces INTL to Artpad, a website that lets you make art. It was fun at the time I guess, but nothing was saved. (link)
  • You know activity on INTL is pretty bad when Mirthalac asks what your favorite chemical element is and it's popular! (link)
  • Adam teases Jimmy. He gets mad and butthurt when others decide to join in on the teasing. Smokey tries to defend Jimmy. (link)
  • Khelben's brother is a racist! Surt thinks racism is fun. There's a big debate about what racism is. Yeeeeah... (link)
  • Nickolati has women problems? Nah, turns out he might have found love or something. Zippo is so happy he found happiness. (link)
  • Squareknight feels he's too skinny and has a sunken chest. Baggy Brad tries to encourage him to embrace what he has. (
  • Agon has women problems! Smokey and Greenidentity argue over how women are or aren't cowards, respectively. (link)
  • What was your first impression of INTL? Mr Excitable feels people take it too seriously. Dante feels it has too much drama. (link)
  • Khelben tries to promote the band Slipknot, but it's a mixed bag for the rest of INTL. Some find it too harsh. (link)
  • Dating annoyances? Turns out it's mostly bad habits and the act of dating itself which are annoying. (link)
  • Snowy arrives and is frustrated by all the 'restrictions' at INTL. She's flirty, and a bit weird, but also endearing. (link)
  • The end of the month sees the beginning of a very annoying trend: subtle name changes become common place. (link)
  • While overseas, one of Sandamnit's new army buddies, Mmac, decides to join INTL.
  • Regulars Registered: Snowy, Mmac
March 2005
  • Antpocas and Vervet both change their names to Flaming Arrow, effectively confusing most of the forum.
  • The INTL server is temporarily compromised through a security hole in a diagnostic program, AWStats. (link)
  • So should the public show of religion be illegal? Most say no. Sunny and Sukkit get into a prolonged debate about it. (link)
  • Kayte goes on vacation with her boyfriend Coca-Cola! Kayte proceeds to show pics of herself at the beach. (link)
  • What do you wonder about? Sunny tries to explain the origin of the word 'fuck'. Skye brings up abortion... (link)
  • Salamando's girlfriend Megan posts about how men piss her off. INTL discusses the merits of bringing back Salamando. (link)
  • Drahnier reveals his life philosophy or some shit. Acheron breaks apart its holes to Drahnier's displeasure. (link)
  • Kapn Xaos is banned and a mystery is afoot as to who did it and why. Baggy Brad believes Kapn Xaos was Shady. He wasn't. (link)
  • A US woman named Terri Schiavo is brain dead and being kept alive. Smokey just doesn't get the controversy about it. (link)
  • Adam picks a fight with Vervet and is banned, again. He has a very obvious vendetta against her. (link)
  • There's another school shooting, this time at Red Lake, Minnesota. INTL argues the merits of violence. (link)
  • A newbie stops by to complain about shit, but it turns out she's a woman. Does she want to have sex with Smokey? (link)
  • Are you wearing a shirt? 63% say yes, 30% say no. Shady has nothing but his own chest hair to keep him warm. (link)
  • Vervet reminds everyone to donate to INTL. Some send donations, but most don't really take it very seriously. (link)
  • Regulars Registered: Waveslave, Ms PT
April 2005
  • Mr Excitable and his girlfriend Ms PT meet Swiss in Scotland. Drinking and other enjoyable activities ensue.
  • Sunny starts up a discussion thread for IF0's latest version of Forumer Erotica. The women of INTL discuss the vagina. (link)
  • Squareknight loves the Internet because it has improved his life so much. They believe he needs to go outside more. (link)
  • Skye starts a debate over abortion. Smokey takes on the women of INTL as he tries to debate women's rights. (link)
  • A bunch of newbies show up talking nonsense and uh... it makes most of INTL regret that INTL exists. (link)
  • Scarlet arrives and she complains that the arcade needs work. She gets hazed by Dante, LBH and Kitabatake. (link)
  • Coca-Cola starts a comic strip about INTL, and DemonTed, Izzy as well as Pluveto join him in adding shit to it. (link)
  • Pope John Paul II dies and INTL speculates about what will happen next: Antichrist? Black pope? End times? Sex? (
  • The men of INTL take on the women of INTL over the -k that they receive from them. There's a lot of whining. (link)
  • Snowy asks to see the art we find beautiful, and so for the next few months she and others share beautiful art. (link)
  • How often does INTL change its jeans? Turns out most do it daily. Some even do it weekly. NNY does it a leg at a time. (link)
  • A bunch of GoogleBots show up to INTL and it surprises Greenidentity. It's realized that TEZ is viewable to the public. (link)
  • Greenidentity, Snowy and Skye post paintings that remind them of other INTLers. Mingan is upset his subject is balding! (link)
  • What was INTL afraid of as kids? Aliens, wolves, bugs, clowns, the abyss... the usual. Snowy was afraid of lakes. (link)
  • Tazzo calls for the end of "FUNNEH" as a meme. Snowy condemns Smokey and LBH's contempt for her. (link)
  • Acheron makes a guide for newbies but it receives a lackluster response from the rest of INTL. Nobody agrees with it. (link)
  • Sandamnit is starting to plan for INTL v4.0. There's talk about what features to steal from SomethingAwful and Fark. (link)
  • Baggy Brad feels that Inside Discussions is a dead forum. Vervet tries to encourage staff to rate threads more. (link)
  • Zippo loves to dive into dumpsters and find reusable items. Dumpster diving tips and tricks are shared. (link)
  • Should sex offenders be castrated? Greenidentity is against it. Snowy is all for it. Sunny suggests a compromise. (link)
  • Arnok gets a cat and names her Rukia! Kayte loves how deliciously evil she looks. Surt doesn't understand love for cats. (link)
  • ...And on the topic of cats should cat hunting be legal? Sunny says no, but Snowy and Mmac say yes. Big debate ITT. (link)
  • Regulars Registered: Scarlet, Neon
May 2005
  • By this point both Dante and Kitabatake regularly post individual songs they've created for feedback. Numerous threads abound.
  • Ztolk is bored and angry so he makes a creepy flash movie. INTLers are shocked by how disturbing this now deleted movie is. (link)
  • Nickolati wants people from INTL to hang out with him. Angus is totally down with doing drugs together. (link)
  • Squareknight's discovery that his dad infected his PC with spyware ends in an argument about spying on kids. (link)
  • Smokey has a meltdown about Christians which sparks an argument between Drahnier and Skye about whether god is an alien. (link)
  • Nintendo announces its next console, the Nintendo Revolution (later the Nintendo Wii). Is Nintendo just a gimmick? (
  • Is Quentin Tarantino a good director? Dante says yes, but IF0 and Chimp say no. Snowy tries to pick a fight with Chimp and Tyr. (link)
  • Chimp decides to MSPaint avatars for others. In the end it turns out he forgot to make the avatars and is not good with art. (link)
  • Sunny starts a "Post Your Poetry" thread. The sweet and smooth poetry of INTL's young beatnik wannabes ITT. (link)
  • IF0 ragequits (and is banned) from INTL in spectacular fashion by posting a picture of his spread asshole. (link)
  • Queer eye for the INTL guy; Jesus tells you if you're attractive or not. He loses interest and fails to reply. (link)
  • Snowy gets upset that she was put in a usergroup which is dedicated to banning her. Drama ensues. (link)
  • HG: Sunny takes over from Soccy as the webmaster of AoMH; Sith becomes HG staff and quickly rises up the ranks.
  • INTL's Gallery closes. Approximately six members of INTL are very upset. (link)
June 2005
  • Snowy introduces us to Brian Peppers, an Internet meme. People feel bad for him, even though he's a pedophile. (link)
  • Somehow Ice was able to capture a GIGANTIC FUCKING SPIDER OMG OMG. INTL is shocked and even a little scared, I guess. (link)
  • Swiss is drunk and creates a thread where he can roast others. Peach, Greenidentity and Smokey tell him he's cute. (link)
  • Izzy makes avatars! They're actually pretty dope and the rest of the forum gets in on it. (link)
  • Jimmy asks for all the juicy gossip on INTL's relationships. Kayte complains about her ex-boyfriend Coca-Cola. (link)
  • Hasty wants to meet people from INTL and so tries to organize a meet up. Ztolk, Ms PT and Mr Excitable are willing. (link)
  • Smokey's brother fucked a 12 year old, and thus is thoroughly condemned by INTL. (link)
  • Snook introduces INTL to Skype. For the next four years, INTLers would use the thread to organize video chats. (link)
  • Flaming Arrow returns... again. She's currently out on bail, is welcomed back and answers your questions. (link)
  • After a notable absence Skizzles returns and admits that he's lost his faith in God and found his faith in drugs. (link)
  • Some random newbie shows up complaining about karma, and Snowy agrees: INTL is unfairly harsh. Drama ensues. (link)
  • Towards the end of the month INTL begins to lag a little. Kayte mentions it, but the admins don't know what to do. (link)
July 2005
  • Justice O'Connor retires thereby kickstarting a Conservative-led US Supreme Court. Sunny fights STFU over it. (link)
  • The American INTLers celebrate 'Murica. Lots of fireworks, Elton John concerts, and Jimmy picking a fight with Snowy. (link)
  • Ballard joins the Royal Australian Air Force. Being anti-military, Snowy and Surt both half-heartedly congratulate him. (link)
  • The UK experiences its 9/11: the July 7 London bombings. Greenidentity worries about her sister. Skye fights with Jimmy. (link)
  • Battlefield 2 is released and it dominates the lives of Skizzles and Nemesis. Unfortunately, most others can't run it. (link)
  • Tourist starts a contest for an INTL banner, and Zippo is absolutely loving it. The banners will be used for a while. (link)
  • A friend falls asleep at Arnok's place and photos are taken of him. Peach feels bad for him, but Snowy wants more. (link)
  • Jimmy rants about fake chicks. The women of INTL tease him for his girl troubles and obvious misogyny. (link)
  • Acheron is sick of everyone changing their names and Chimp mirrors his confusion about it all. (link)
  • Flaming Arrow introduces INTL to FantaMorph, a website that combines celebrities and INTLers into hot abominations. (link)
  • America is developing more WMDs and Snowy is upset! The military men of INTL don't take her criticism all that well. (link)
  • Stoffel has a fucked up life. Turns out Stoffel's girlfriend just had an abortion. Jimmy thinks he's just being an idiot. (link)
August 2005
  • Salamando cheats on Megan with a girl named Ashley. All three of them are crazy and melodramatic and offline drama occurs. (link)
  • Frosty arrives... and is immediately (temporarily) banned. Jimmy takes this as an opportunity to lash out at everyone. (link)
  • Which INTL admin would you like to meet? It's an almost even split between Baggy Brad and Sandamnit. Vervet fails to win. (link)
  • Bill hates Snowy. He finds her to be an attention whore. Tyr and Smokey come to her defence and are ridiculed. Drama ensues. (link)
  • Skizzles once again returns to tell us about his drug adventures. Salamando thinks he sold out and isn't going hard enough. (link)
  • Peach makes a thread where folks can compliment one another. Outside of a few snide comments, it's actually very wholesome. (link)
  • Do you ever call in sick just to get the day off from work? Turns out Soccy has integrity and the rest of INTL is hungover. (link)
  • Spazz has bad experiences with rednecks. Jimmy berates her for breaking the law. A bunch of newbies show up. Petty drama ITT. (link)
  • What college classes will you be taking? For the next four years this gives folks a chance to describe their undergrad lives. (link)
  • STFU finally tells everyone to STFU. He ends up getting into a bitch fight with Snowy and others over it. Fun. (link)
  • It's 2005 and Frosty has lost hope that the Democrats will ever win anything in the US. Is America ready for a female leader? (link)
  • Chimp gets pissed at his roommate (who is not IF0). Everyone's sad that he no longer lives with IF0. It's unfortunate. (link)
  • Nickolati is thinking about moving to New Orleans. Kitabatake warns him about floods and then Hurricane Katrina happens. (
  • Remember Hot Coffee, that mod added to GTA which caused all that controversy? FISHMANPET gives us the low down on it. (link)
  • Flaming Arrow hosts the 8th edition of the "Best Avatar Contest." Mingan wins with his still current one. (
  • HG: After months of feeling ignored, Sunny vents in INTL IRC about the way HG is run. Antpocas publicly posts the chatlog.
  • Regulars Registered: Frosty
September 2005
  • Hasty suggests bringing back the Frontpage, and while he and others give good ideas, once again few contribute anything to it. (link)
  • Hurricane Katrina has hit New Orleans and people there are looting. Surt and Scarlet are all for looting. Snowy and mmac fight. (link)
  • Adam tries to get INTL to solve a riddle he made up, but it's not good. Jimmy makes fun of him for it, and Sandamnit gets mad. (link)
  • IF0 gets cucked by a girl! He gets ridiculed by the rest of INTL because the girl didn't do anything wrong. STFU is pretentious. (link)
  • Greenidentity asks if anyone has been arrested. Most say never, and those that have been have offences that weren't too serious. (link)
  • Sandamnit holds the first (and only!) staff performance review. Mods are satisfied, but want to get rid of old, draconian rules. (link)
  • A new feature, Photojournals, are introduced. Honestly, I don't really remember this being a thing. Does anyone really? (link)
  • Lyle gives us all an update about her crazy life and gets some advice in return. She also plays Halo, which amazes Peach. (link)
  • HG: Sunny resigns from HG due to the aftermath within private circles about the chatlog Antpocas posted. Shiva takes over AoMH.
October 2005
  • NNY, Pascal and Nickolati are no longer moderators, mostly due to their inactivity as moderators.
  • Ice takes NNY's place in Inside Discussions, Hasty takes Pascal's place in Bitching Battleground, and no one takes Nickolati's place.
  • Give Hasty dialogue and he'll illustrate a comic of it! Most of the requests revolve around INTL memes and drama. (link)
  • Why do people give people karma? A surprising number of folks don't give any karma, and a minority give a ton of karma. (link)
  • An 11 year old Canadian girl hung herself. Sukkit doesn't feel her life was tough; Snowy fiercely disagrees with him. (link)
  • Where do you work? Outside of the couch (thanks NNY!), most INTLers work in retail. Jimmy is against unions (big surprise). (link)
  • The 'bird flu' is a thing. Antpocas and others describe similarities with the 1918 Spanish flu. Nothing really happens. (link)
  • Post funny private messages that you've received. Pretty much out of context nonsense. Smokey relives the Mojo drama. (link)
  • The "what would the person above you get banned for" thread is back! It goes much the same as last time. Drama ensues. (link)
  • Chimp calls STFU out on being a terrible, terrible poster. Surt thinks that he's a gimmick, which he probably is tbh. (link)
  • Adam, STFU, IF0 and Drahnier get mutually butthurt with one another and so let everyone else know. This thread sucks. (link)
  • Snowy calls out Chimp for giving her -k. She tries to cause a fight between Chimp and IF0. There's a bunch of IRL drama. (link)
  • Mr Excitable meets up with Kayte and probably some of the other Nova Scotians. Mr Excitable is enormous and Ms PT is in love. (link)
  • Peach starts up another round of awkward INTL dating. Mmac is excited, Arnok dreads being set up with Surt again. (
  • Lovely Insanity returns after a long absence and is totally lost. Everyone is so excited to have "Zuri" back. (link)
  • Adam calls out Jimmy for ruining INTL. Jimmy proceeds to fight him and Stormraider and Snowy are pulled in. Drama ensues. (link)
  • SprUceWOLF calls for the impeachment of President Bush. While most of INTL wants it, they don't think it's likely. (link)
November 2005
  • INTL gets a new admin: Ice. Hasty takes his place as a moderator of Inside Discussions.
  • Dimi is deeply curious about INTLer personal lives. Sunny is veiled on the forums, but too open in private apparently. (link)
  • Sandamnit posts some statistics for INTL. They're cool, I guess. Retardation Station tops the most active forum. (link)
  • Wandering Idiot is on leave from the US military and so drives to Nova Scotia to meet Kayte, Adam and Mr Excitable. (link)
  • IF0 starts up the "Sexual Metaphor Game" where you make sexual descriptions out of common words. Everyone's perverted. (link)
  • Some random newbie asks what you did today and Sunny goes into WAY too much detail. Most people have pretty boring days. (link)
  • Nickolati has women problems. The women of INTL proceed to argue about how best to approach his overly expensive dates. (link)
  • Sandamnit creates a thread to pick beta testers for INTL v4.0. Everyone gets excited, but World of Warcraft takes over his life. (link)
  • To the amazement of Ice, Mr Pixies posts some of the pottery and sculptures he's made. He is a good artist. (link)
  • In anticipation for INTL v4.0, Greenidentity asks how everyone feels about INTL. Most people find it pretty slow and boring. (link)
  • Sandamnit reaffirms that it's OK to talk about pirating shit. IF0 thinks the admins are acting too mean lately. (link)
December 2005
  • There is discussion about closing Bitching Battleground and The Director's Cut due to inactivity, but they remain open. (link)
  • Some kid posts a suicide note on Myspace. INTL is not at all surprised. Pluveto is deeply upset by how little INTL cares about it. (link)
  • Do you smoke? The majority don't, but there's quite a few who do. IF0 is disgusted, so Vervet and Smokey argue with him on it. (link)
  • Kayte needs help picking her career. Teaching, journalism, porn... it's all brought up. She chooses to go into library science. (link)
  • Buddha holds an AMA, so if there's anything you've ever wondered about his life, this place is probably where you want to be. (link)
  • Jimmy is sick of all the popular fad sayings - ninjas, pirates and "in the USSR..." Sukkit, Sandamnit and ice are sick of them too. (link)
  • Acheron can't believe his school is cracking down on downloading! Kayte argues that surveillance is good, but ice thinks not. (link)
  • Swiss was headbutted by a drunk guy at a subway station! Frosty gives his own experiences of the wasteland that is Scotland. (link)
  • Nickolati holds an AMA, so if there's anything you've ever wondered about his life, this place is probably where you want to be. (link)
  • New Years Resolutions. Do you have them? Do you want to know the embarassing stories of our early puberty? (
  • Turns out INTL might have to move its servers again, and in that case INTL might have to adopt banner ads. Oh no! (link)
  • Regulars Registered: Artzilla, Buddha
January 2006
  • Bon makes a list of what he considers 'non-moronic' metal. He's being elitest. PR, Sunny and Nickolati disagree with him. (link)
  • Neon hates Subway customers. Those working in customer service, such as Dante, share their shitty retail experiences. (link)
  • Greenidentity has the goal of going to the gym more often so asks for advice. Snowy, Wandering Idiot, and ice give helpful tips. (link)
  • Dimi makes an "INTL Mafia" game. INTLers get pissed off when they're killed off. A background user ends up winning it. (link)
  • What are your allergies? For the most part nobody has any. Some of INTL's ladies are allergic to penicillin and other antibiotics. (link)
  • Buddha arrives and has his imminent suicide already planned out. He defends his views on it, thinking he's being philosophical. (link)
  • Is there freedom of speech online? Well, Snowy and Smokey argue yet again. Snowy had apparently hit on him on AIM once. (link)
  • Another shooting of a kid in a school. Snowy attacks Mmac for choosing to go into the military. Snowy is seen as a pacifist. (link)
  • Do you play World of Warcraft? It seems many INTLers do. They give their stats. Some others show a strong hatred for the game. (link)
  • Buddha asks why INTLers are dumb. He's angry at the hazing he got. Stormraider agrees, but then Buddha throws a tantrum. (link)
  • Following Buddha's tantrum, Frosty offers up suggestions on how best to approach newbies. He feels the board is unwelcoming. (link)
  • Vervet 'permanently' bans Snowy for personal reasons. Some people are iffy about this decision and think Vervet is a tyrant.
  • HG: Shiva dies. It's unclear whether it was suicide, or not, but he is determined to have drowned. Sith takes over AoMH.
  • Regulars Registered: Alloy, Hoff
February 2006
  • Who is gonna win Super Bowl XL: Pittsburgh or Seattle? Speculation is almost evenly split. Pittsburgh Steelers eventually win. (link)
  • Bon takes note that a comic of Mohammad is causing violence in Europe. Surt thinks that Muslims are being ignorant. (link)
  • Boo challenges the forum to a rap battle. Dimi puts it to sound. It's fairly active, and a lot of fun, but ends way too soon. (link)
  • Dante is worried that Walmart is getting too big. Most say that they don't shop there. Dante continues to attack it. (link)
  • Amphy makes this year's Valentine's Day thread. Gifts are given, cards are shared. Secret INTLer sexual rendezvous. Ooo la la. (link)
  • The Winter Olympics are being hosted in Turin, Italy. INTL has Olympic fever. Dimi gets excited for the hockey. (
  • Drahnier is scared of dying! There's some deep philosophical questions asked about life after death and feeling death. (link)
  • What's the dumbest shit you do while bored? Chimp drinks; others play video games. Ice stares at the floor. (link)
  • Dimi starts up a game of "Ctrl-V" where you post whatever is in your clipboard. It's chatlogs and links to random shit. (link)
  • PopRocks will draw you with markers. She's actually very talented. Sadly, nothing remains of what she did, but it was good. (link)
  • Regulars Registered: Vissario
March 2006
  • Smokey wonders if INTL sucks lately or if it's just him. IF0 believes all the fun people are banned (ex. Emp, Snowy, etc.). (link)
  • IF0 sets up a "Confessional Booth". Lots of humorous 'confessions' involving virgins, girls, and Chimp being gay, I guess. (link)
  • Wandering Idiot starts a thread about the Patriot Act. Dante and Artzilla debate American policies. Vissario makes his debut. (link)
  • Angus notices a friend is naming her dog after his username, Angus. How much is your online life separated from offline? (link)
  • Hoff makes a game of "20 Questions". People like it. It relieves some people's boredom, but is mostly just one-liners. (link)
  • Mmac doesn't want to be deployed to Iraq again. Wandering Idiot and Artzilla give him some advice for getting out. (link)
  • It's St Patrick's Day! Surt considers it to be a farce in America. Acheron takes offence. Everyone else gets drunk. (link)
  • Snakes on a Plane is released and becomes a meme that INTL jumps on. Vervet is really into it. It isn't a good movie. (link)
  • IF0's fiance's best friend is being a bitch to him. He posts pictures. Smokey discourages marriage and is horny (of course). (link)
  • Sandamnit notices server issues, so he takes INTL down for 5 days to do some tests. He feels INTL is becoming a problem. (link)
  • "United 93" the movie. Does it interest you? Most say no and mock it instead. Spiff expects another "Pearl Harbor." (link)
  • With the possibility that INTL might shut down for good, INTLers use the time remaining to remember the good times. (
  • Sandamnit announces that INTL won't be shut down forever, but that the server must be taken down again. It's down for 19 days. (link)
  • Regulars Registered: Tiger

Chapter VIII: INTL v3.2

Weary of running INTL, Sandamnit relinquishes ownership to IF0 and Chimp, and retires into a world of Warcraft. Both IF0 and Chimp make various changes to INTL, in order to appeal for members to stay and lurkers to register. Amidst trolls, bitches, and Zippo's smurfs, INTL goes through a number of spats that culminate in numerous server crashes and petty flame wars that get personal.


April 2006

  • IF0 and Chimp take over as the new owners of INTL. Rumor has it Sandamnit has become immersed in World of Warcraft. (link)
  • Snowy is unbanned, and then later banned again. Most other banned folks are unbanned, too, as a fresh start.
  • What were you doing while INTL was down? Studying, exams, computer shit... writing fanfiction?!? (link)
  • Angus got a 34 on his ACT. A bunch of Americans talk about standardized testing and whether it's a necessary evil. (link)
  • There's a storm straight out of "The Day After Tomorrow" that excites Wandering Idiot. Rest assured Greenidentity is safe. (link)
  • RENT (the movie/show) pisses Hoff off. Maybe he doesn't get? Either way, most musicals suck and Smokey hates paying rent. (link)
  • Hasty makes up a game - Eat Poop You Cat - which is a success after some initial confusion. I can't explain it to you. (link)
  • Ice starts up a "Photo a Day" thread. It's cool, I guess. It gives the rest of INTL a chance to show off scenic photos. (link)
  • Hoff takes on the forum over a discussion about job equality and whether people should be paid more than others. (link)
  • No surprise to anyone, Kayte is socially awkward. The male INTLers proceed to describe the awkward experiences they've had. (link)
  • IF0 sets up INTL's own IRC channel (again). The only one ever in there is Antpocas since AIM group chats are more popular. (link)
  • Stormraider is replaced by Drahnier and TPC as moderators of Bitching Battleground.
May 2006
  • Mingan resigns as moderator of Serious Discussions. Sukkit is chosen to replace him. (link)
  • Chimp joins the US military! The military men of INTL welcome him into the fold and talk about wanting to retire. (link)
  • Is there anything alcohol shouldn't mix with? ExtraKryspi batters Zippo and Mr Excitable over the toxicity of painkillers. (link)
  • ExtraKryspi notes that INTL's favicon is showing up as CNN, therefore CNN must own INTL. Kayte and Smokey make "love". (link)
  • Maxis announces Spore, and INTL is hopeful that it'll be a good game. Years later it turns out to be... less than great. (link)
  • President Bush is spying on Zippo's sex terrorism. Hoff seems to support wiretapping. Hmmmmm. (link)
  • Who here owns a Mac? The answer? Only 2 people. Most folks still have desktop PCs and are running Windows XP. (link)
  • Should Americans build a shitty wall bordering on Mexico? Hoff very, very strongly supports it. Dante agrees. (link)
  • Wandering Idiot bought a motorcycle. So many people want a bike, so few can afford it though. (link)
  • Is anyone on INTL a Buddhist? No... and Mr Excitable finds Buddhism to be a fad in the West. Kayte disagrees, as usual. (link)
  • Sukkit comes to the realization that nobody in his group of friends talks about serious things. Sunny is depressed. (link)
  • Nickolati encourages INTLers to make blog entries. Surt is tired of Chimp's cynicism. They bicker. Drama ensues. (link)
  • It's official, most INTLers prefer to listen to classical/ambient/soft music when they go to bed. Exciting thread, eh? (link)
  • Adam wants to meet folks in New York, but nobody accepts his invitation. Angus wants everyone to go to Alabama instead. (link)
  • Vervet resigns as an administrator, citing that she has no time and not enough interest in the Internet anymore.
June 2006
  • IF0 creates a "Hi, I'm New" thread for any newbies to introduce themselves to the rest of us. (link)
  • INTL is having DNS problems. Some files are sadly lost. Salamando and Soccy argue over nuclear war. (
  • Zippo is moving into her own place for the first time ever. Others offer help. Vervet reveals more '19 times' trivia. (link)
  • Mmac wants a new music player for his computer. It appears foobar2000 is the most recommended and most popular right now. (link)
  • In order to liven INTL up a bit, Ztolk decides to make custom flash films and host a MSpaint thread. (
  • TPC rages! I don't exactly know what's going on, but he says fuck a lot. He also tells Dimi to "lick me, fuck bean." (link)
  • What started as an invitation to play Age of Empires II ends up a drama between Menion and his obsession for Sunny. (link)
  • Menion got a gun! Wandering Idiot and Mmac share their gun knowledge. Mingan chastises the US 'gun culture'. (link)
  • TPC and IF0 resurrect INTL's Frontpage... or at least they promise to. A bunch of folks agree to help, but few do (again). (link)
  • British Agent was used by a manipulative bitch who cheated on him so he posts her pic. Jimmy believes he went too far. (link)
  • Boohbah pays INTL a visit. It's... well... check it out and come to your own conclusions. (link)
  • Theater of Sound, The Director's Cut, and The Gallery are combined to create Pretension Palace.
  • Kitabatake and emtilt are chosen as Pretension Palace's moderators. Smokey joins Zippo as moderator of TEZ.
  • Regulars Registered: Just Dandy
July 2006
  • Bitching Battleground is retired and its threads moved to Inside Discussions. Drahnier replaces Wheezy as a moderator. (link)
  • Someone moves a staff thread where Vervet had criticized Snowy to Inside Discussions. Snowy is upset! Drama ensues. (link)
  • Already, Dante is bored by how boring this summer is. The rest of the forum tries to convince him to take up hobbies. (link)
  • IF0 has urethritis, so he posts about it. INTLers (mostly Snowy) proceed to pick on him for having urinary problems. (link)
  • Byc goes on a trip to Europe and INTLers begin to describe their own trips until Vissario comes in and bashes black people. (link)
  • Amphy writes a novel about stealing a street sign. Years later a random bot comes into the thread and copies her post. (link)
  • A thread about racial equality. Vissario baits Skye into a fight, and Skye explodes on him, Mmac and others. (link)
  • Etymxris advocates getting rid of karma. Most disagree, and then go on to explain whether they give revenge karma or not. (link)
  • Dante takes a trip to the US and posts photos. Scarlet photoshops one to look like the standard Windows XP background. (link)
  • Israel attacks Lebanon. Vissario and Sukkit argue whether Israel should be allowed to do so. It goes as well as expected. (link)
  • IF0 tries to start up a Wikipedia article about INTL, but once again it's deleted by Wikipedia pretty quickly. Sad! (link)
  • Blacksun asks what music you smoke weed to. It's a lot of Pink Floyd, rap and reggae. In other words, the usual. (link)
  • Who have you met offline from online communities? Many INTLers have met eachother and others from other forums. (link)
  • Dante makes a thread about The Colbert Report. Vissario tries to bait folks into a fight about YouTube policies. (link)
  • Mmac considers going AWOL from the military. Jimmy and Surt give the typical snide remarks. Wandering Idiot offers advice. (link)
  • Baggy Brad asks if you've lost your virginity before or after you joined INTL. It's split 50/50 between before and after. (link)
  • Smokey and Zippo step down as moderators for TEZ. Kayte and Skye take over. (link)
  • Regulars Registered: Girlsgonedocile
August 2006
  • INTL's server problems continue to get worse. The site has randomly started timing people out and Etymxris can't fix it. (link)
  • Skye is angered by her bus driver's complete disregard for her comfort. Vissario brings it up that she's black. (link)
  • What started out as a trippy thread by Frosty about fruit ends up with Drahnier and IF0 having a fight or something. (link)
  • Dante creates a thread for newbies from HG to congregate in. Beware, various newbies spam and INTLers being nostalgic ITT. (link)
  • Vissario announces that he's off to Mexico for vacation. Hallelujah! There's general mockery of him ITT. (link)
  • IF0 stalks Flaming Arrow and finds her address. Her criminal history is brought up. Her absence is noted. (link)
  • Girlsgonedocile took psych and now wants to be James Bond. Artzilla advocates joining the military. (link)
  • Etymxris notes how some scientists are trying to redefine banning drugs. Vissario brings up gays and AIDS. Sigh. (link)
  • A newbie, Catjaneu (only post) wants to cause pain to men's testicles, so INTLers describe gut-wrentching testicle pain. (link)
  • Dante tries (unsuccessfully) to create a thread worthy of the Hall of Fame. Drahnier is not impressed and attacks STFU. (link)
  • Amphy starts a "Photo a Day" thread. Kayte loves it and posts a ton of closeups. Lots of nature and architecture ITT. (link)
  • Alloy and ZBrisk meet, and their relationship sparks a dramatic thread about internet dating and social behavior. (link)
  • Wandering Idiot speaks out against President Bush. Alloy tries to get some facts straight about it all. Vissario baits her. (link)
  • Hoff has a secret sex dream involving INTL! He also demonstrated a lap dance to Dimi. Kayte loves when people dream about her. (link)
  • Skye is (now) angered by "Survivors" choice of having races compete against one another. She tries to convince people it's bad. (link)
  • Ztolk meets Trofozoito at a urologist conference. They didn't do much, if anything. Sounds socially awkward. Exciting times. (link)
  • Baggy Brad eats a lot of cereal. INTLers describe their favorite cereals. Hasty takes the title of Iron Chef of Cereal. (link)
  • Mr Excitable convinces the admins to delete all of Snowy's positive karma. Drama ensues.
  • Regulars Registered: Dio, KaosDeath
September 2006
  • The server goes down at the beginning of this month. It is one of a number of server crashes to come for the next few months.
  • Steve Irwin dies. General mocking about his death by a stingray. Science Brad and Soccy argue whether he is a hero or not. (link)
  • Vissario claims Islam is a religion of hate and makes stereotypes about Arabs. Skye claims something similar to Christianity. (link)
  • Hasty decides to write a novel. Vissario finds it boring. He's accused of trolling, especially from Dante. (link)
  • Dimi hates popped collars. While most see it as a shitty fashion trend, Soccy likes doing it. He thinks it makes him look good. (link)
  • Dante is robbed! He is encouraged to seek revenge to get into the Hall of Fame, but does nothing. (link)
  • TPC calls IF0 on the phone. Others then feel the need to prank him, too. Six months later, IF0 is still getting prank calls. (link)
  • Baggy Brad wants people to describe their life in one noun and one adjective. Pretty bleh but maybe someone will find it great. (link)
  • IF0 has a bad college teacher who doesn't give a fuck. He gets upset when everyone starts mocking him for throwing a tantrum. (link)
  • Snowy starts her first "Post a Song a Day" thread. It ends up being super popular with practically everyone. (link)
  • Cunterhosen makes his debut with a poll of the least liked INTLer. Smokey and Snowy catfight. Drama ensues. Zippo giggles. (link)
  • Sandamnit is released from active duty in the US Army.
  • Regulars Registered: Cunterhosen
October 2006
  • There's a bunch of school shootings. Snowy claims a lack of empathy is a sign of a psychopath. Sunny and her deck it out. (link)
  • Neon wants people to post pics of their rooms. Smokey and Snowy insult Sandamnit's poster choices as being 'childish'. (link)
  • After IF0 sends dick pictures to Mmac's girlfriend "AMAC", Mmac is pissed. Turns out she asked for it. (link)
  • British Agent asks for INTL's help in finding a pipe. Wandering Idiot provides him with a piece looking like a butt plug. (link)
  • Cunterhosen wants people to make up stories of long gone INTLers. Dimi starts to believe there's more to Cunterhosen. (link)
  • Dio is going to try weed and needs to know how to smoke it. Dimi and Snook advocate that there's better things than drugs. (link)
  • Kayte makes another "Post Your Picture" thread. Expect a ton of attention whoring and petty drama about the way people look ITT. (link)
  • Adam wants to debate suicide. Vissario is peeved people are trying to dictate his life. Vissario and Jimmy are banned. (link)
  • Mmac worries about what's next in life once he leaves the military. Wandering Idiot wonders much the same. (link)
  • Nickolati makes a poll on whether he should keep a beard or not. Cunterhosen baits Vissario into a fight over black people. (link)
  • Lyle starts a thread about Nintendo's upcoming console, the Wii. There's a ton of enthusiasm and general Nintendo praise ITT. (link)
  • Cunterhosen needs help planning his 21st birthday. Vissario bitches about typical party behaviour, calls partiers shallow. (link)
  • Adam asks for help learning video game shit for a new job. Antpocas and Ice try to confuse him with falsified info. (link)
  • Sukkit makes a thread about cannibal movies. Vissario makes his debut as a martyr for Holocaust Revisionism. Ugh. (link)
  • Snook brings up "New Atheism" - a movement that wants to eradicate religion. Sunny takes on Science Brad who supports it. (link)
  • Hoff gets mugged! Surt and Drahnier don't get mugged. Cunterhosen baits Drahnier into a fight. Hoff is not impressed. (link)
  • IF0 appeals to INTLers to stop fighting in Serious Discussions, so they decide to fight him instead. Bwahahaha! (link)
  • Skye tries to figure out who Cunterhosen is. It eventually turns out Kayte is right and it's really Zippo in disguise. Aha!
  • Wandering Idiot and Mmac are released from active duty in the US Army.
November 2006
  • How much of a procrastinator are you? Most people on INTL procrastinate. STFU and Snowy get into a bit of a spat. (link)
  • The US midterm is happening! Vervet and Etyxmris have a strong interest in ballot measures, especially gay marriage. (link)
  • Vissario claims Saddam's execution was not legal. The future of Iraq is brought up, but most people think Vissario is an idiot. (link)
  • Cunterhosen hosts the 2006 Hottest Female Forumer contest. Zippo wins. ;) (link)
  • Adam holds a 2006 Hottest Male Forumer contest. Surt wins. ;) (
  • Which TV shows are INTL watching right now? Turns out it's mostly Lost, Dexter, House, and Battlestar Galactica. (link)
  • Zippo makes a 'Microphone Party'. Generally popular, nothing really interesting happens except Snowy and Zippo sext. (link)
  • Adam asks a bunch of questions to every INTLer about how they found INTL and how things have changed. Nostalgia ITT. (link)
  • Dimi shares his cover of Britney Spear's "Hit Me Baby (One More Time)." Smokey is confused. Zippo and Hasty are impressed! (link)
  • Angus is turning 18! He's thinking of going to college in Indiana. There's general talk about whether that's a good idea. (link)
  • Sandamnit is planning a trip to Seattle, but no INTLers live there so he has no one to have sex with. (link)
  • Adam brings up Kramer from Seinfeld's recent racist remarks. Vissario trolls. In AIM, Skye admits she's had enough of INTL. (link)
  • IF0 makes a thread for the sole purpose of flaming Vissario. Complaints are made about Vissario's 'devil's advocacy'. (link)
  • Many forum names are changed to incorporate the letter X into them, sparked by Sunny's name change to Xunny. (link)
  • IF0 holds an election to be a useless moderator. Adam wants it and eventually gets it. (
  • Skye steps down as a moderator of TEZ and leaves INTL indefinitely. Sunny replaces her. (link)
  • Dimi becomes an administrator. Yay for him! Wheezy is reinstated as a moderator of Inside Discussions.
  • Regulars Registered: Ryan
December 2006
  • Due to a lack of Christmas cheer, Dimi changes Inside Discussion's color scheme to mint green and light red.
  • INTLer display names are changed to reflect either the food of the holidays or gay pride.
  • Adam polls the server to ask how they're finding INTL. A slim majority find it a bit worse than they remember. (link)
  • Zippo sends IF0 a birthday present that confuses a bunch of people he knows. She calls him a "Waffleslayer." (link)
  • Jesus gets super angry at Scarlet for victim blaming. Smokey gets into a fight and is (once again) banned. (link)
  • Wandering Idiot gets a job at a porno joint. He seems proud. Various INTLers try to give him a porn name. Uh... (link)
  • Mmac appears to have gotten a job at Best Buy or something. He also seems proud. INTLers ask him for computer help. (link)
  • Emtilt makes a game where INTLers have to identify the album art. Generally the music is very indie. (link)
  • Dimi posts photos of an all-nighter in college. It becomes a thread where everyone discusses their upcoming exams. (link)
  • Etymxris gets peeved that a teacher was sacked for saying Santa Claus doesn't exist. Sunny and Smokey agree. (link)
  • Snook wants to know what your feel good song is. ALERT! ALERT! There's tons of joy and gaiety ITT. (link)
  • Dimi begins Forum Survivor: SPCA Edition in Retardation Station. Mr Excitable wins and is made a moderator. (link)
  • Sunny tries to compile some drinking recipes... again. Many coffee drinks as well as vodka mixers. (link)
  • DragonofTwilight returns from the military. Surt and Vissario mock him for having joined the military. (link)
  • FD2 begets a thread about superheroes. It becomes an all out discussion about Superman vs. Batman. (link)
  • There's something growing in Drahnier's toilet, and nobody knows what it is. (link)
January 2007
  • Flaming Arrow makes a triumphant return! (link)
  • Sunny suggests removing the "bandwidth leeching" automatic ban. Sandamnit sees it as archaic and agrees it should be changed.
  • Smokey mentions the new Rocky movie. Vissario claims Americans only like it when good guys win. Smokey is banned (again). (link)
  • Adam makes the "2006 INTL Forum Awards" which he is unable to tally up because he ends up getting banned (see below). (link)
  • Sandamnit buys a 2007 Scion TC after asking the forum to help him choose a car. Most are impressed with it. (link)
  • Etymxris posts a video of a horse being castrated. Most INTLers can handle it, but some are just too disturbed by it. (link)
  • Adam argues with IF0 over a new rule. IF0 sees Adam's side and removes the rule, but Adam continues to argue so IF0 bans him. (link)
  • Wandering Idiot brings up conspiracy theories, and Artzilla is heavily into it until Vissario brings up the Holocaust. (link)
  • Wandering Idiot discovers a shoplifter while working at the porno joint. Snowy gets upset at the ex-military INTLers. (link)
  • IF0 and Chimp are stuck in a strange weather phenomena that has pretty much frozen everything in the region. (link)
  • Flaming Arrow brings up celebrity trainwrecks, particularly Emma Watson. Mingan claims people are being retarded about it. (link)
  • Hillary Clinton is officially running for US president. Acheron is pretty damn happy about it as he's a big fan. (link)
  • President Bush gives his annual State of the Union. It receives some acclaim at INTL. Vissario argues climate change. (link)
  • Adam asks for your opinion of Canada. Muzta dislikes French people, and Vissario brings up the Holocaust (again). Sigh. (link)
  • Zippo makes Valentine's Day cards for everyone... 15 days before the holiday. Mira shows up, everyone assumes she's Zippo. (link)
  • Following Adam's ban, Dante asks to be made the moderator of the S&C forum. It is done. (link)
  • Boston has an "Aqua Teen Hunger Force" bomb scare, and Dante is pretty pissed over the idiocy of it. Others don't get it. (link)
  • Regulars Registered: Pl0x

Chapter IX: INTL v3.3

Following months of server issues, the decision is made to move INTL to Sunny's server in the hope that it would fix things. It does, however, INTL continues to see a slow decline in activity. Chimp and IF0 try various means to grow the forum again by restoring such staples as the Arena and the Bitching Battleground. This period will end with Sandamnit and Sunny choosing to develop a faster and better version of INTL.


February 2007

  • INTL's server goes down. Sunny provides a new server to be used instead. It solves the problems! (
  • Mmac wants to know what you've bought tech wise. Laptops, Cameras, CRTs, oh my! (link)
  • Baggy Brad posts an image of his Asian friend with greasy meat. There's quite a lot of Asian, not a lot of meat. (link)
  • Anna Nicole Smith dies. Much of INTL does not care, some are happy, few are sad. INTL is a heartless, cruel place. (link)
  • After a week of INTL's ritual newbie hazing, Mira, a 'new' forumer, makes a goodbye thread. Mira was actually Zippo. (link)
  • Following the forum's treatment of Mira, it's debated and decided as a community to lay off our overzealous hazing. (link)
  • Arnok makes a "Hi, I'm new" thread. Wheezy remembers when he used to ban people for that. Otherwise, nothing happens. (link)
  • I guess it's been a while since Vissario denied the Holocaust. Again. Why did we keep him around for so long? (link)
  • IF0, Arnok, Ice and others create new colour templates for the forum. Some go over well; others hurt the eyes. (link)
  • Inside Discussions is named 'The Beverage Forum' after Dimi sparks a favorite beverage trend. (
  • Who knew there was so much hassle in donating blood? Angus apparently has slept around with some dirty girls. (link)
  • What's your poop like? While most have level 3, Sunny has level 7 diarrhea. Click here for more diarrhea-filled stories of poop. (link)
  • KaosDeath tripple dog dares you to do shit. Some INTLers take the challenge, and do what is asked. Dimi kisses a helmet. (link)
  • Are you high maintenance? INTL's women generally are, while the men are quite basic. ETH is emotionally high maintenance. (link)
  • IF0 is forced by Zippo to post a weird survey... so if you're into random surveys, this thread is for you! (link)
  • Dimi holds an 'epic music battle' featuring some well-known bands. It's a very close (near) tie, with the Beatles winning. (link)
  • British Agent suggests creating a Hall of Drama. Zippo suggests a DRAMA tag instead, and Sunny makes it so. (link)
  • Was Jesus' tomb just found? Zippo and Emtilt say no. Others say maybe. It probably was nothing. Guess he's still dead. (link)
  • DJ arrives, and he's proud to be (half naked and) in Bosnia. He is interviewed on what it's like to be Bosnian (and half naked). (link)
  • Zippo calls Drahnier out because she's sick and wants him to 'take care' of her. Drahnier thinks IF0 is teasing him. (link)
  • Do you use INTL's ignore feature? An inquisitive Dire Carrot wants to know! 89% don't, 11% justify how they ignore Fisher. (link)
  • HG: Sith resigns from HG and writes an open letter to HG's management about the way HG is run. Drama ensues. (link)
  • Sunny steps down as a moderator of TEZ and becomes a technical advisor to INTL; basically the person who fixes shit.
  • Amphy is appointed as the new moderator for TEZ.
  • Regulars Registered: DJ
March 2007
  • Turns out Sunny is a slut. Who knew? (link)
  • Sunny suggests applying the same rules as the BANME and ATTN tags to the DRAMA tag, too. It's decided to make it a mod-only tag.
  • Chimp gets Mormons at his door. He instinctively blames IF0. Everyone else assumes Jesus sent them. Soccy is in everyone's bed. (link)
  • DJ jokingly references the crap that is Conservapedia. Vissario justifies making bullshit up, so Dimi and Sunny bite into him. (link)
  • Ice challenges everyone to a "hot or not" contest to see who can get the lowest score on that website. Bearded Zippo wins. (link)
  • Vissario blames immigrants for giving him tuberculosis. DJ and him fight. Soccy and Ice crack jokes about Vissario having AIDs. (link)
  • Amphy starts up another round of "INTL Dating." A bunch of INTLers try to go on fun fake dates, but they end up mostly awkward. (link)
  • Dante posts the "Power of 10" video. Science Brad answers scientific questions. Vissario and Sunny argue. Minor drama ITT. (link)
  • Hoff asks "what are your pet peeves?" INTLers have a lot of annoyances. Bon and Vissario are obviously prejudiced bigots. (link)
  • Goldorak is sick of PC culture. Once again, Vissario acts devil's advocate for British Agent, Wheezy and Flaming Arrow. (link)
  • IF0 wants to know your deepest secrets. Instead, most INTLers decide to give their tips and tricks to various life problems. (link)
  • Snook wants to know where INTLers fit in the Myers-Brigg test. Almost one third are 'Masterminds' somehow... (link)
  • Dimi discovers Star Wars for the first time. Before he thought the series was stupid, but afterwards he thinks it is awesome! (link)
  • Would you rather be ugly but good, or hot but immoral? INTL is nearly 50/50. The big question is how ugly would you be? (link)
  • Baggy Brad humorously solves two of your problems with one solution. (link)
  • Amphy is thinking of shaving off all her hair. Dante and Tazzo caution against it; they like her just the way she is. (link)
  • Pl0x is having difficulties sending a large file between PCs. She decides to use FTP. Exciting stuff in Geek's Corner. (link)
  • IF0 makes a thread entitled "Who wants to play a game?" INTLers who post in it are abducted to a subforum called The Game.
  • The Game involves challenges where you get voted out (in this case, returned to normal INTL). Drahnier cheats wins. (link)
  • Despite not participating, Dante posts in one of The Game threads and is banned for failing to be smart. He is unbanned days later.
  • Adam is banned for posting a thread called "Philosophy" with a title post saying "Why?" (link)
  • Snowy has a stalker from another community show up. Behind-the-scenes the mods make every effort to ensure he cannot access INTL.
  • Unbeknown to all except Just Dandy, Sunny and Ryan meet and would end up hanging out a lot offline for years to come.
April 2007
  • Adam is banned yet again, this time for posting a thread with an ATTN tag entitled "Adam is leaving INTL forever. April Fools!" (link)
  • There is a debate about Adam among staff. He knowingly breaks rules. Some feel that a long ban is too harsh and roll it back.
  • University of Florida wins the NCAA basketball championship. Zippo is happy. Angus, Hoff, Dante and Wheezy are on her shit list. (link)
  • Someone is inside Pl0x's computer, and she blames it on her friend... A male friend who probably uses it to look at porn. (link)
  • Ryan is bored. Nobody knows who he is. Snowy attempts to haze him... and then Vissario... to no avail. He just brushes them off. (link)
  • Amphy is getting married to Sukkit... but only on the Internet. Sukkit has an affair with Arnok in the middle of the wedding. (link)
  • Flaming Arrow hates spring. Everyone else hates winter. The Californians brag about not having any seasons. (link)
  • British Agent begets a 'Grand Theft Auto IV' discussion. It becomes a console war thread, with an emphasis on the PS3 as best. (link)
  • Hasty's cousin has diabetes, and as a diabetic, he tried to give advice. Zippo agrees with him, but Kayte plays devil's advocate. (link)
  • Flaming Arrow doesn't understand why we don't eat dog. Drahnier doesn't like it when people anthropomorphize animals. (link)
  • A JesusBot pays INTL a visit. Arguments about whether God exists are made. Yummy pizza is brought up. God is delicious! (
  • Arnok is in Japan! Smokey allegedly has Japanese prowess. Vissario bickers about culture and gets called a fascist because he is. (link)
  • Books: Do you read them? A significant portion do and some even learn other languages. Amphy flexes her Latin muscles. (link)
  • Virginia Tech Massacre. Sunny is afraid Etymxris, who goes there, was killed. Fortunately he posts, and Sunny is relieved. (link)
  • Kayte goes to Europe. Tazzo claims to have missed her call, but don't believe it. He just didn't want to meet Kayte. (
  • It's largely Dimi, Hasty, Mr Excitable and Tartarus who end up discussing the finer points of the 2007 NHL playoffs. The Ducks win. (link)
  • Snook hosts the "Coolest INTL Username v2.0" contest. Sukkit wins in a close battle with ETH, Amphy, and Mr Excitable. (link
  • IF0 and Kayte get into a bitchfest in the staff forum over how he feels she is snappy towards him. They argue and get defensive.
  • HG: Sunny is banned for accessing Ryan's HG staff account. He had used his account at Sunny's place, and Sunny took the fall.
May 2007
  • It's decided that people making "Hi, I'm new" threads will no longer be banned-on-sight. Instead they'll be warned.
  • Wandering Idiot wants to start up an adult store. Some wish him luck, while others help provide potential names for it. (link)
  • Angus is trying to choose between post-secondary in Michigan or Indiana. He chooses Michigan. Vissario creates drama. (link)
  • IF0 wonders if downloading is bad. Sunny and Vissario argue that it isn't and is, respectively. Emtilt questions the ethics of it. (link)
  • If a tree falls in the forest and nobody is around to hear it, does it make a sound? The answer: maybe, it depends. (link)
  • What disease are you named after? IF0 fails at this thread, and he's made fun of by Tazzo and Surt (whom are promptly banned). (link)
  • Jerry Falwell dies. Vissario makes drama while most INTLers are happy about it. I guess most people don't like him or care. (link)
  • A breakdancer kicks a baby in the head, so there's a thread about it. A funny GIF is made about it. Others show compassion. (link)
  • Hoff asks what type of person you hate. Each person has their own preferences. I suppose that's not really very surprising? (link)
  • Smokey creates a "Remember when..." thread. INTLers reminisce about the good ol' days and the many dramas of the past. (link)
  • Which political affiliation would you fit under? There's very few Democrats and Republicans, and many Libertarians at INTL. (link)
  • Pl0x is having boy problems. Chimp, Surt and others mock the name "Telitha" that comes up in her post. The poor woman. (link)
  • Some guy is taking INTL posts and posting them as his own elsewhere. This shocks Drahnier, who can't explain or fathom why. (link)
  • To lighten the mood, IF0 makes a thread about the miserable lives of roadkill. INTL has performed many roadkill atrocities. (link)
  • Snook has finished high school! People describe their college interests, revealing a high level of science/math/physics majors. (link)
  • Who here is from SPSW? It seems not a whole lot. INTLers have tried to visit there, but most can't endure its pretentiousness. (link)
  • Regulars Registered: Candicecan
June 2007
  • Emp and Soccy move in together in Los Angeles. Oh dear. (link)
  • After BB_2 is banned from Retardation Station, Zippo threatens to car bomb INTL if he's not unbanned. It works. (link)
  • Etymxris notices the bandwidth INTL is using is somewhat high. It is later revealed that INTL's activity is steadily decreasing. (link)
  • Vissario argues about black people in society and anti-semitism, causing the rest of the forum to attack Vissario's ignorance. (
  • Science Brad answers all the questions you would ever want to know about 'Unparticle Physics'. Yeah, it beats me, too. (link)
  • Wrestler Chris Benoit murders his family and then kills himself. Was it roid rage? Let INTL decide! (It was mostly depression). (link)
  • Dante makes a joke thread. Widukind posts an extremely long joke and folks are shocked by the absolute length of it. (link)
  • Asthetik tries to justify British and American involvement in Iraq. Sunny and Vissario take him on. Snowy speaks gibberish. (link)
  • Minor arguments are sparked as Acheron berates Fox News as untrustworthy. What about BBC or CNN? Dimi questions the media. (link)
  • We all bitch and moan about our shitty jobs. Lots of menial work, mixed with the occasional person quitting or being fired. (link)
  • Peach reveals that she's had a baby! The second generation of INTL (officially) begins! (link)
July 2007
  • American INTLers celebrate the 4th of July. Vissario and Sunny spar over the issue of law and justice. (link)
  • The Kaaba apparently looks like a vagina, according to Snowy. Oh, and Hillary Clinton is apparently hot, according to Angus. (link)
  • Is marijuana bad for you? Others justify that pot is fine. Kayte thinks it's stupid. British Agent mocks "weed addiction." (link)
  • Trofozoito visits America! He is thoroughly impressed! Sadly he failed to meet up with any INTLers for the sex. (link)
  • A random newbie wants to know all about ball and dick torture. It leaves the men queasy, but the women fascinated. (link)
  • Agon brings back another round of sending eachother mix tapes. It appears there were at least half a dozen participants! (link)
  • HG: Soccy becomes the head of HG, officially becoming the gaming fansite network's CEO. He remains in this position.
  • Snowy is banned after she uses the BANME tag.
August 2007
  • IF0 makes an executive decision to remove Kayte as the moderator for TEZ. She is not replaced.
  • IF0 is worried he, Chimp, Sunny and Etymxris will be busy in the near future due to school and wants other mods to help out.
  • Etymxris starts a thread about radical feminists. The thread soon becomes a debate about feminism in general. Drama ensues. (link)
  • A video surfaces showing men pulling down women's underwear in public. Vissario shows no remorse, and is berated by Wheezy. (link)
  • IF0 figures out what's wrong with Vissario. Thank God! Apparently it has something to do with molestation... uh, OK, IF0. (link)
  • In light of the latest Simpson's movie, Zippo wants you to simpsonize yourself. Compliments are made and a fad is born! (link)
  • Skizzles returns briefly after a hard life of drugs. He's upset to find his private forum dead. Vissario is revealed to be creepy. (link)
  • BB and Adam are unbanned. Adam returns with a thread on pets, and reveals his dog Maggie has died. INTL mourns her death. (link)
  • IF0 begins a wrestling tournament between INTLers, only to have one battle before it devolves into Kayte calling us all fat. (link)
  • INTL on IRC has been revived! Sadly, by this point most of INTL now uses AIM group chats instead. Zippo tries to keep it alive! (link)
  • Dimi tries in vain to try to understand Snowy's garblygook. Let's just say his attempts are not very successful. (link)
  • IF0 finally gets pussy! No, not that pussy. It's a cat, her name is Lily, and she's 10 weeks old. D'aww. (link)
  • Amphy notices a problem with the avatar feature. Sunny fixes it. Vissario doesn't understand why anyone wastes time on INTL. (link)
  • Mmac, Ryan, Woadie and Nemesis dwell on their tech support woes. They've had quite the experience working call centers. (link)
  • Dimi wants to know if kissing is at an all-time high. Zippo, ever the siren, takes this as her chance to woo everyone. (link)
  • IF0 decides to write a research paper on INTL. Kayte doesn't want to be in his paper, nobody cares, and it never happens. (link)
September 2007
  • Pl0x wants to know what she can do with C++. Sandamnit, Shadowe, Antpocas, Jesus and FISHMANPET give varying advice on it. (link)
  • Should defective people be eliminated? This sparks a great debate on eugenics. Take a guess who made this thread. (link)
  • BB is celebrating his 21st birthday. Everyone tells him to get laid because he so obviously needs it. (link)
  • The President of Iran visits New York. Of course, Vissario is his biggest fan and makes a big fuss about it. (link)
  • Adam tells Vissario and the rest of INTL to shut up and is banned. He's given a disparaging custom title. (link)
  • A guy attributes personal vandalism and death threats to his personal information being posted by Fisher years ago. OK. (link)
  • Snowy loves her sports cars, but Snook doesn't love her. It's a YouTube posting thread! Wooooo! (link)
October 2007
  • Sunny does a bunch of stuff to improve INTL, including increasing upload quotas and offering INTL emails. (link)
  • BB meets Richard Dawkins. BB, Jesus and Vissario argue about the existence of God and militant atheism. (link)
  • Sandamnit publicly releases the INTL v4.0 code. It's unfinished, but free for whoever wants to work on it. (link)
  • IF0 wants to know what you have in your 'files' folder on INTL. It turns out most have comic strips or memes. (link)
  • Yogi supports Ron Paul. Antpocas is against him. Somehow the discussion builds up anti-climatically to dissing the UN. (link)
  • KaosDeath wins $20 on McDonald's Monopoly. McDonald's appreciation thread? People do love those Big Macs. (link)
  • Snowy is afraid the US wants to spy on her... as she masturbates. Giant argument over privacy and spying. (link)
  • A random, BabyJayne, loves her men from Myspace. On the other hand, Sandamnit and Jimmy still hold a grudge. (link)
  • Wheezy wants to know which INTLers are missing. Lots of sadness about those who are MIA. Sukkit defends Skye. (link)
  • It's revealed that Zippo and Science Brad are a couple! Snowy is disturbed by this relationship for some reason. (link)
  • Regulars Registered: Webturbo
November 2007
  • Vissario makes a thread in TEZ complaining about a girl who likes him. After we all give him advice, he ignores it all. (link)
  • A thread intended to address Finland's latest school shooting evolves into a discussion on Dimi's views on Bob Dylan. (link)
  • Wheezy needs a Christmas list and enlists INTL to help. JustWaiting tries to figure out why Vissario is still around. (link)
  • Shadowe argues that virtual memory (what even is that?) is the be-all end-all of modern video cards. Ice roasts him. (link)
  • Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare is out. Nemesis bemoans it. Ryan loves it. Turns out it'll be a classic. Bunch of nerds ITT. (link)
  • Ztolk wants to know your favorite INTL memories. In between Snowy bashing, INTLers remember the early years of INTL fondly. (link)
  • Ryan, Smokey and IF0 organize a PS3 meetup. Smokey learns how to play Call of Duty 4. He expects to be drunk and killed a lot. (link)
December 2007
  • Acheron has had enough of Vissario and says he makes too many strawman fallacies. Vissario's avatar is changed to a strawman. (link)
  • Nemesis decides to become a firefighter. Mr Excitable suggests becoming a volunteer firefighter first. (link)
  • And so it begins... the US primary season for the next presidential election. Ice is hopeful (a little) for Obama. (link)
  • Angus calls for never banning anyone. There's shitposting, game shitposting, and Sunny and Kayte serious shitposting. (link)
  • Vissario vents his displeasure at Snook's apparent lack of funny. Most agree Snook is not funny, and Vissario is awful. (link)
  • Adam shares paintings, and wants you to do so, too. OK. Why is this a poll exactly? (link)
  • Snook spends New Years Eve alone on INTL. :( (link)
January 2008
  • Flaming Arrow returns and wants to be an admin again. With IF0's approval, Sunny makes it so.
  • INTL's server, Dreamhost, fucks up and charges its users an excess of 7.5 million dollars. INTL is not impacted at all. Phew.
  • Snook tries to build a computer, and FAILS! The motherboard fries, a PSU fried, compounded by slow UPS service. (link)
  • Thoughts on presidential candidate Obama? Opinion is split whether he'll actually bring real change. (link)
  • Etymxris tries unsuccessfully to get INTLers to make mugshots of themselves. Ztolk ends up looking like Ice. (link)
  • Kayte makes INTL's 4th "Post Your Pets" threads. Lots of adorable cuties ITT. Seriously, it's fucking adorable. (link)
  • Adam berates Vissario (and Jimmy too!). Others, including Snowy and Wheezy join in. This is INTL's best right here, folks. Truly. (link)
  • There is yet another thread about who should be POTUS. Hoff is pissed Ron Paul is being ignored. Acheron pleads for more Hillary! (link)
  • Heath Ledger dies. Some mourn the loss. Others don't care. A certain forumer who we have grown to dislike stirs up more trouble. (link)
  • Dimi tries unsuccessfully to get INTLers to play Age of Empires II again. Eventually Dimi, BB and Drahnier have a horrible game. (link)
  • Sandamnit brings back the INTL Film Festival, this time based on Cloverfield and horror cult films. It's a mild success. (
  • Sunny is in a deep freeze, with temperatures plummeting below -40C/F. Others discuss their experiences with extreme weather. (link)
  • Dimi gives Adam his own forum. It fails and is given to Hasty and then to Tartarus, who successfully turns it into the Titty Palace.
February 2008
  • IF0 brings Soccy on board the staff as an "advisor." Soccy has no idea what this means, but he suggests creating INTL merchandise.
  • IF0 has decided to bring back The Arena and Bitching Battleground. There is also a number of cuts made to inactive staff.
  • Smokey is impressed by the movie Juno. Wheezy likes it. Amphy has qualms about whether it's realistic. Sandamnit is intrigued. (link)
  • Apparently, the secrets of the Internet seem to be that Adam is a horrible vegetarian and Vissario is competitive. (link)
  • A random newbie dislikes shitty usernames. Some suspect he's the guy who keeps stealing INTL posts for elsewhere. (link)
  • A couple freshmen make a YouTube video about their qualms with university. Sandamnit and Arnok see them as whiny bitches. (link)
  • In the last year or so, Hoff has gone from short-haired preppie to long-haired lumberjack to short-haired frat fuckboy. (link)
  • Adam asks who is the better villain: Himself, Salamando or Vissario. Sunny argues the semantics of villainy. (link)
  • Dimi, Hoff, Drahnier, Tartarus, Alyantis and Adam spend the next few months discussing the NHL season. It's tame stuff. (link)
  • BB makes a thread asking where people would go to school if they could go anywhere. Amphy says she would major in Latin. (link)
  • Wheezy, Ryan, and Acheron discuss the more intricate details of the game Mass Effect and its move to PC. (link)
  • Acheron is planning to go to Germany and wants to know what people wear there. It's generally what you'd expect anywhere. (link)
  • Kosovo declares independence. Should it? Vissario claims it's American imperialism at work. Lame drama ensues. (link)
  • Sunny finds porn to be too saturated and mediocre. It's eventually realized Sunny finds Vikings hot. (link)
  • Adam suggests that the US has a gun problem. Shady, Dimi and others get defensive about America and attack Canada instead. (link)
  • Wheezy calls out Adam for being an attention whore. After arguing with IF0, Adam comes to an agreement to act less so. (link)
  • Ice hates Germans. After some agreement and German mockery, it ends up leading to a discussion about the best whiskeys. (link)
  • Ztolk begins a lifting log. People are impressed by his ability to lift heavy things and put them back down again. (link)
  • Baggy Brad takes a look back at Australia's greatest moment in speed skating (during the 2002 Olympics). Good times. (link)
  • Battlestar Gallactica is on TV, and everyone is just dying to know who the five cylons are. Lots of speculation ITT! (link)
  • LBH returns! There is much rejoicing. He and Snowy talk breasts. It's later resurrected for Retardation Station shitposting. (link)
  • BB decides to stalk Sunny... obsessively. Ugh. (
March 2008
  • There's a big debate about the future of Titty Palace. It's eventually decided to expand and to make Snowy its moderator. (link)
  • Where were you Saturday March 1st 2008? Most INTLers were planning to go out with friends. Many woke up late and hungover. (link)
  • IF0 is tired of poor people. Drahnier is offended. Snook, Vissario, and Hoff fight. Surt truly believes in free things. (link)
  • Another "Post Your Picture" thread is made. It lasts for three years and includes the finest, most beautiful people around. (link)
  • IF0 asks for a built-in forum chat and Sunny delivers. This, and drunken Skype, lead to a lot of fun times. (link)
  • Find out in this thread whether INTLers would rather have a small dick or a nasty disease or never listen to music ever again. (link)
  • What's your life plan? Some want to win the lottery. Others want to be powerful and successful. All will work until they die. (link)
  • Tartarus, Science Brad and Ztolk talk physics. It's a long, complicated discussion full of MATH. (link)
  • Hoff sets up an INTL Fantasy Baseball Team, and it's easily the most popular thread INTL will have this entire year. (link)
  • An attempt is made to figure out what makes Vissario tick. The thread is moved to Bitching Battleground, so he can be roasted. (link)
April 2008
  • A movie, There Will Be Blood, sets off bickering between Kayte, Sandamnit and Nickolati over not liking a movie you don't 'get.' (link)
  • EnyRod1990 makes the mistake of kissing a man! She thanks the rest of the forum for their good boy advice. (link)
  • Ztolk finishes his last undergraduate exam. There's wishful thinking from others who want to be done, too. (link)
  • A newbie named Jackattack shows up and creates picture threads for sad and happy photos. He's 15. Surt hazes him. (
  • Russian or Arabic: Which language should Angus learn? It's inconclusive; everyone recommends Spanish and Swedish anyway. (link)
  • Kayte, Wheezy, Vissario and Surt get into a fight about the value of books and librarians and whether a library degree is worthless. (link)
  • Zippo is going through finals week at university, and wants to share the misery. There's a ton of exam stress/anxiety ITT. (link)
  • What do you hate about the person that posted above you? You would probably expect the worst, but it's actually... sorta OK? (link)
  • While bored in class Hasty draws comics and shares them. It's some good shit. He faces friendly criticism from Dimi and Sukkit. (link)
  • Dimi wants to know... have you ever seen your friends naked? Should Hoff be worried? Turns out INTL has very few prudes. (link)
  • Regulars Registered: Jackattack

Chapter X: INTL v5

Ushering in a new era for INTL, Sandamnit and Sunny release a newer, better, more feature packed version of the forum - INTL v5. The immediate aftermath saw a resurgence in activity, and for a time the future of INTL seemed bright and full of promise... though, sadly, all good things must come to an end and activity once again declined. This period ends with the tragic death of one of our own.


May 2008

  • INTL v5 is released by Sandamnit and Sunny. It features a total re-write of the forum software and numerous new features! (link)
  • Nickolati starts up a "what did you do today" thread which turns into everyone's personal dairy for May. (link)
  • Ice makes a hip-hop thread. He is so excited for Obama since he loves hip hop. A few others join him. (link)
  • Adam is now a vegetarian. Nobody cares and believe it's another attempt at attention whoring. Wheezy calls him out. (link)
  • An INTL Wiki is launched with INTL v5. Sukkit, Sunny and Kayte take the lead on adding info. It no longer exists. (link)
  • Who would you bang? INTL edition. Most women prefer Mmac as #1. Hasty, sadly, gets ignored. Kayte and Sunny flirt. (link)
  • Iron Man is out; Sandamnit and Goatstack like it well enough. Little do they know it would spark a whole universe. (link)
  • Moustaches: yes or no? Most people vote no. Beards are determined to be better. It's also NHL playoff beard season, too. (link)
  • Smokey has gotten lazy and fat. He wants to be healthy, but his love for soda and smoking isn't helping. (link)
  • Adam visits America and everyone calls him out for attention whoring. He gets into a spat with Snowy. (link)
  • Adam whines that the staff are abusing their powers and breaking rules! He is called out for whining. (link)
  • The staff decide to ignore Adam's whining and (temporarily) ban him just to piss him off for shits and giggles.
  • IF0 starts up a game called 'Alpha Complex'. Zippo, Hasty, and Snook participate. (
  • Ice wants to know what lazy shit you do. Mingan thinks INTL users are a group of disgusting people. (link)
  • US Senator Ted Kennedy is dying, and so Ice starts up a death pool! He dies over a year later, and Widukind wins. (link)
  • Tartarus lives in the Canadian ghetto or something. The Americans are shocked by this. The Canadians are not. (link)
  • Snowy asks for the shit you found on the Internet today. It's all random memes and YouTube videos. (link)
  • IF0 tries to start up a game of Nation States, but it doesn't seem to catch on at all. (link)
  • Rejection Station is created for threads that are just too awful for Retardation Station. Sunny makes up a lot of it.
June 2008
  • Smokey is worried he has erectile dysfunction brought on by a porn addiction. He's told to stop masturbating. He won't stop. (link)
  • Obama wins the Democratic Party nomination for president of the US. Ice is so happy, but Acheron is sad Hillary lost. (
  • IF0 sets up an INTL Fantasy Football Team. It's a major draw for Zippo, Dimi, Wheezy, and Hoff. (link)
  • Psychadelics. 11 people like them. 12 people have never tried them. There's a pretty good discussion about shrooms ITT. (link)
  • NASA found some shit on Mars. Snowy spouts off some conspiracy theory bullshit about NASA faking shit. (link)
  • BB is horny. He makes a thread about INTL's women. He masturbates furiously. Rinse and repeat at least a dozen times. (link)
  • Hoff wants to talk about Euro Cup 08. He asks why INTL doesn't like soccer. It's because they're American, clearly. (
  • In a thread where Dio asks for relationship advice, both Sukkit and Sunny battle over whether HG sucks or not. Drama ensues. (link)
  • Mmac has a near death experience. It starts off with people talking about their near death experiences before Vissario stinks it up. (link)
  • Antpocas is so excited for Diablo 3. Only Tartarus really shares the love. Little did they know it wouldn't be out for years. (link)
  • BB remarks that the forum is missing certain types of characters in it. A lack of a 'ladies man' makes everyone try to claim it. (link)
  • Snook tries to get people to use INTL's new chat feature. For the next few years, INTLers when bored are asked to come chat. (link)
  • Amphy is torn: Does she move to DC or stay with her sick mom? Tough call. Both Nickolati and Mmac offer her wholesome advice. (link)
July 2008
  • IF0's girlfriend Kimmie registers on the forum. Hilarity ensues in Retardation Station when people finally learn about this.
  • Nickolati wants to switch places with Surt. Of course Vissario brings up that Nickolati's black. And Surt and Sandamnit fight. (link)
  • Some guy nearly drives into Drahnier's house and presumably dies. Ztolk brings up an old HG thread where Drahnier lied. (link)
  • BB makes another series of threads where he fawns over INTL women. Oh and there's talk about pastries, too! (
  • Sandamnit got his first Macbook and wants to know if he sold out. Other than Ice, the rest of the forum is suspicious about it. (link)
  • So Nickolati decides to create a "I'm a black guy AMA" thread. Snowy and Vissario stink up the thread, surprise to fucking no one. (link)
  • Amphy and Ice get into a fight about Obama and whether he's a Muslim. Dimi also thinks Obama's a socialist. Damn dudes... (link)
  • Dimi isn't impressed by Antpocas' hate for Libertarians. Who knew there were still so many Ron Paul fans on INTL. (link)
  • Should Mmac get a cat? Amphy finds guys with cats hot, but Surt fiercely disagrees. Greenidentity doesn't understand the hate. (link)
  • A bot tries to sell its tender butthole, but it's actually just a list of a bunch of mobile phones. So mad. So sad. (link)
  • Snook misses EnyRod1990. Angus wants to nail her. BB wants Kayte and Amphy as usual. EnyRod1990 enters totally confused. (link)
  • Vissario makes a thread to mock the way Kayte looks. BB loves Kayte. Nickolati pleads not to do to Kayte what was done to Skye. (link)
  • Nickolati suggests that BB should be banned from posting pics, and most agree. (link)
  • Baggy Brad has his first Starbucks experience. BB and Sandamnit talk about Starbuck's atmosphere. Man we're so mundane. (link)
  • Regulars Registered: Benjee, Kimmie
August 2008
  • Drahnier asks to be an admin. He gets really upset when both IF0 and Sunny insist that there's no need for more admins.
  • BB is considering being an army medic. Should he do it? Nickolati and Sandamnit dole out the advice. No idea if he did it. (link)
  • Sandamnit, with Science Brad and Etymxris, mess around with fractals. This thread is the nerdiest thing on INTL so far. (link)
  • The 2008 Olympics begin! China knocks it out of the park and wows everyone with the opening ceremonies. (link)
  • Tartarus sets up an INTL Fantasy Hockey Team. It's popular with Dimi, Hoff, Emtilt, Drahnier and Alyantis. (link)
  • Kayte starts a 'Manga Internet Avatar Machine' avatar fad. It ends up being very popular. (link)
  • Antpocas discovers Sunny's test forums for INTL v5. They're named 'Heaven' and 'Hell' and are deleted shortly thereafter.
  • Dimi makes an emoji guide. It's damn informative, and years later the thread still holds up... at least according to Dimi. (link)
  • Obama picks Joe Biden as his running mate. Ice is totally flabbergasted that people would choose McCain over Obama. (link)
  • Dimi starts up a cute animal avatar fad. He tailors them to each user. It proves to be very popular. (link)
  • EnyRod1990 is getting her driver's license but her instructor keeps touching her inappropriately. Ugh. (link)
September 2008
  • A newbie arrives wanting to know what happened with PR. Sunny and others argue about the definition of "viking metal." (link)
  • Book threads! Here the most literate of us tell us what they're currently reading. (
  • Google Chrome is released, and most INTLers are okay with it; though some nasty bugs make it laughable. (link)
  • Just Dandy is interested in your family situation. It turns out her family is big, and that she's Mormon. (link)
  • Dimi questions: Are there people you like, who you think hate you? Social anxiety is rampant in the thread. (link)
  • Ztolk begets a discussion about Canadian election woes. He bemoans the Green Party, while Hasty praises it. (link)
  • Snook is peeved that his "Rock Band" guitar is broken. Sandamnit and Amphy argue whether emulating instruments takes skill. (link)
  • Siret proposes that the world is going to explode because of the Large Hadron Collider. No one takes the bait. (link)
  • Ensemble Studios, the game studio that kickstarted the events which led to INTL, shuts down for good. End of an era. (link)
  • What do you not care about? Apparently not caring about feminism is equal to not caring about your ancestors. (link)
  • Facebook releases a new layout, which causes Angus to quit Facebook. Umm... alright? (link)
  • Flaming Arrow shit her pants. She is thoroughly ridiculed, and then people begin asking about her time in jail. (link)
  • Sarah Palin is made John McCain's VP. There's so much ridicule of her and Alaska, too. (
  • Do cigarette companies advertise to kids? Zippo wholeheartily believes so, while others are more wary. (link)
  • Who is Mr. and Mrs. INTL? IF0 creeps out Snowy, which leads to Snowy and Amphy getting into a spat over IF0. (link)
  • Ice is going on a roadtrip through the southern US, and wants to know what is worthwhile seeing down there. (link)
  • Finger foods - what's good and what's not? Flaming Arrow is roasted for her trailer park tastes in packaged foods. (link)
  • The US economy begins its downfall into recession! This turns into a blame fest over shitty fiscal policies. (link)
October 2008
  • EnyRod1990 is sad that a boy doesn't invite her to a party. She doesn't listen to us when we try to help her. (link)
  • Vissario is homeless! Snowy banters him, while others either offer assistance or mock him for getting his just desserts. (link)
  • What random useless skills and abilities do you have? Just Dandy is a freak, and so is Byc. Greenidentity lucid dreams. (link)
  • Vissario's roommates are legit assholes. The roommates find out, visit INTL, berate and doxx him, and are banned. (link)
  • Greenidentity has decided she won't have kids. This sets off a rather mature debate about being kid free or not. (link)
  • Nickolati is having trouble wooing women. Snowy and Vissario are needlessly bitchy towards him, call him ugly. (link)
  • Regulars Registered: 3ms
November 2008
  • In a thread about the most valuable things you've found, Benjee admits he once smoked a nug that he dug out of his keyboard... (link)
  • How many squares of toilet paper do you use when taking a shit? Either you use more than 13 or about 7 or 8. (link)
  • Obama is elected US President, and Nickolati pledges to go to his historic inauguration. Drama ensues. (
  • Mmac wishes he could grow facial hair for Movember, but alas! Others have no problem, and pics are posted periodically! (link)
  • The most passionate, biggest, loudest, angriest fight of the year comes down to... do you put the toilet seat down or keep it up? (link)
  • Change one word of a sentence, and see where it goes. This was a lot more fun than it seems at first. Trust me. (link)
  • Dramamine has come to the realization that people on INTL are old. Science Brad and Vissario bicker. (link)
December 2008
  • Ztolk creates a Q&A for weight-lifting. Lots of good fitness advice is given ITT. (link)
  • Snook uses his HG staff powers to post pics from an HG admin forum. Sukkit feels OD is better than INTL because it's more active. (link)
  • Dramamine wants to know about your tats and piercings. There's a huge debate about whether tattoos are art or not. (link)
  • Work personality flaws? Vissario hates everyone, surprising no one. Sandamnit has a thing against liberal arts majors, or did. (link)
  • Dramamine is trying to catch-up with what's new with INTL. Vissario takes credit for scaring away Skye. Emp is at university. (link)
  • BB is heading up to Philly and wants to meet with Dimi. Dimi's in. Not entirely sure if this ever happened. (link)
  • What are your favorite alcoholic drinks? Lots of whisky, lots of gin, lots of run, not a whole lot of beer. (link)
  • Mr Excitable wishes everyone a Merry Christmas. Folks share their gifts: gift cards and books. Vissario is the grinch, of course. (link)
  • Sunny asks how everyone's 2008 went. It's mixed. Some people just really want 2009 already. (link)
  • As 2008 comes to a close, Nickolati thanks everyone for still being around. He's grateful to have grown up with INTL. (link)
January 2009
  • At this point, Bitching Battleground is pretty much just the place where Vissario bitches and gets roasted. (
  • IF0 asks: what would your personal Internet have? Porn, Wikipedia, all of the accumulated knowledge of human society. (link)
  • What would your name look like as a face? Ice is the Persian king in 300, Zippo is Oded Fehr (!), and Spiff is probably spiderman. (link)
  • Sunny launches a stats page for INTL and gives the posts per year for INTL, showing the largest decrease in posts was in 2006. (link)
  • A new Forumer Erotica is created. It will end up being INTL's last one. Sunny finally posts a nude! :O (link)
  • Nickolati might be a dad soon... except no, it didn't happen after all. Vissario makes a condescending lecture anyway. (link)
  • Riots break out near where Ice lives, due to the killing of some dude. British Agent posits that it's because he was black. (link)
  • Vissario is still upset that Obama was elected president. Sandamnit calls him out, saying nobody cares about his tantrums. (link)
  • A lady threatens to sue INTL for her pics being on INTL? Oh, turns out it's one of Vissario's awful former roommates. (link)
  • Angus attends Obama's inauguration and found it cold and crowded. It doesn't appear as though Nickolati ended up going. Sad! (link)
  • Interested in performing songs for INTL? Zippo, Dimi and Mr Pixies are all game, but the only one who contributes is Yogi. (link)
  • Vissario starts an AMA, which uh... eventually leads to him answering "no" for pretty much every question. Drama ensues. (link)
  • IF0 introduces two games, Black Nova Traders and Legend of the Green Dragon. Snook, Zippo, Dimi and Nick join him. (
  • Vissario once again complains about Obama, and about how Republicans are the only true capitalists. Drama ensues. (link)
February 2009
  • Behind-the-scenes, IF0 and Sunny have spats over how INTL is led. IF0 feels he's not respected enough as INTL's owner.
  • A volcano is feared to erupt soon in Alaska. Meanwhile Tartarus and Ztolk contemplate taking Greenland for Canadian glory! (link)
  • Ztolk dreams of Tartarus. Sometimes... there are things that should be left unsaid. (link)
  • A 15 year old named Found Missing registers. Prepare yourself for one of the creepiest and weirdest INTLers ever. (
  • Found Missing proceeds to be really fucking creepy; asking users about their personal lives and whispering through Skype.
  • After an absence of a few months, Snowy returns and finds out IF0 changed her permissions. Sunny returns them back to normal. (link)
  • Vissario is determined to get fit and so sets a 3 month challenge. Wheezy and Ztolk give him some solid advice. (link)
  • Found Missing is banned from HG. Sukkit tries to defend HG, unsuccessfully. Stormraider joins in, and gets roasted by Sunny. (link)
  • Mmac wants to go somewhere for spring break, but isn't sure. Most INTLers recommend their own places of residence. (link)
  • There is a most peculiar HGer who ventures on INTL to wonder, "who are the womenfolk, and how may I impregnate them?" (link)
  • IF0 brings back the confessional booth. Everyone tries to guess who is who. Someone claims to have masturbated to Drahnier. (link)
  • Found Missing finds INTL terribly inactive and so he spams. It's times like this that Sandamnit regrets making INTL. (link)
  • Chimp shares stories from his time in the US military. TPC wants MORE! Dimi and Vissario get into a minor spat. (link)
  • In a thread about who makes their own Wikipedia articles, it's revealed that Sunny wrote way too much on INTL's Wiki. (link)
  • Regulars Registered: Found Missing
March 2009
  • After months of inactivity, The Erogenous Zone is closed. It is replaced by a Health & Beauty Forum and The Champagne Room. (link)
  • There's a general feeling among staff that INTL has gotten too negative by this point. IF0 gets into a fight with Ice about it.
  • Part of this growing negativity is reflected with karma, where some people systematically give out -k every week.
  • INTL is briefly invaded by HG users who follow Stormraider after he is banned from HG.
  • On the heels of the recent HG invasion, Sunny attracts a goody-two-shoes, who thinks he was invited to INTL to be a mod! (link)
  • Acheron makes a totally not serious thread about wanting to create the second generation of INTLers. (link)
  • Drahnier is promoted to be INTL's first global moderator. He's now able to moderate all the forums. (link)
  • What medical ailments do you have? Zippo wants to know if the INTL ladies have had their sugar tested. (link)
  • Ztolk didn't win the pie eating contest, but he had a fantastic time eating pie. (link)
  • IF0 and Dimi organize an INTL Fantasy Baseball Team. It is just as wildly successful as the previous season. (
  • Stoffel starts a cooking thread! Plenty of recipes for grilling, bread, ramen, even Katii's Lazy Mexican Rice are posted. (link)
  • IF0 decides to host a contest for someone to become mod of the Comments & Suggestions Forum. Ztolk wins. (
  • Stoffel has decided to be a cop. Muzta, Ice and Stormraider get into a fight about guns. Stoffel is called a fascist. (link)
  • On MSN, IF0 and Sunny have a fight over Sunny's choice in moderators and IF0's tendency to play around with INTL users' accounts.
  • The next morning, IF0 quits. Drama erupts as their fight moves public. They eventually make amends and apologize. (link)
  • EnyRod1990 announces that she has been in a relationship for one months, and everyone assumes it's her driving instructor. (link)
  • Vissario bitches about INTL because that's just how he goes. Stormraider joins him. Ice is banned for trolling. (link)
  • Sunny tries to recreate HG's The Party Thread and is rightfully ridiculed. It gets moved around the forum. (link)
  • Ztolk has dreams involving people from INTL. Found Missing is, of course, being creepy. We all share our INTL-related dreams. (link)
  • How do you cook your steak? Most people go for medium rare. As a vegetarian, Snook prefers it alive and munching grass. (link)
  • Would you join the military? You got everything in here. Arguments about the draft, about torture, about military justice. (link)
  • Do you like bikes? Well so do Ice, Ztolk, and several others. Amphy and Antpocas don't know how to ride a bike! (link)
  • Game of Thrones comes out, and Flaming Arrow is worried George R.R. Martin will die before it's finished. He probably will. (link)
  • Do you smoke? Most do not. Only 5 people smoke. Nickolati and Chimp would like to quit. Jackattack is trying, but relapses. (link)
  • Acheron is upset that a moderator, Antpocas, keeps spamming his threads. There's discussion about how much INTL has changed. (link)
  • What's in your email spam? For the most part, Sunny gets a ton of spam about the penis and Amphy gets told she sucks. (link)
  • Following a request from Ice for larger avatar sizes, Sunny makes it so. (link)
April 2009
  • As an April Fools joke, Sunny makes Drahnier an 'admin' to the err of Vissario. Mediocre hilarity ensues. (link)
  • Snook finds a site that lets you make videos. Although none of them survive, they were almost all famous INTL tropes. (link)
  • Apparently Dimi keeps giving Vissario -k, and Vissario is unimpressed. TPC and Ice call him out on being annoying. (link)
  • Marilyn Chambers dies. Amphy is surprised she did interracial scenes, which sparks a typical argument from Vissario. (link)
  • Ice rants about the growth of this "Tea Party" movement in the US. The movement is growing, but where will it lead? (link)
  • Chimp, TPC, and Ice give advice to Snook about how to find and apply for jobs. Snook eventually finds a job - at Walmart! (link)
  • Mmac wants to get a custom license plate, but doesn't know what yet. All the suggestions are made to mock him. LOLITT. (link)
  • Hoff gets pulled over by a cop and he mad. TPC likes to stick it to THE MAN whenever he can. (link)
  • Nickolati, Vissario, Amphy and Muzta get into a prolonged argument about the importance of college and a good life. (link)
May 2009
  • Finding INTL not their type, and with Stormraider unbanned at HG, most of the recent invaders from HG cease to post at INTL.
  • Smokey dwells on how old he is beginning to feel. Suddenly it dawns on everyone else how old they are. (link)
  • IF0 and Kimmie get married and Sunny wants pics! Photos are given. Congratulations doled out. Photoshops are made. (link)
  • Muzta shares some of the random shit he's learned in school over the years. It's all science and math and BOOBS. (link)
  • Dimi learns what really happened with the Monica Lewinsky scandal and it blows his mind. People struggle to remember it. (link)
  • Vissario visits Just Dandy and Snook in Colorado. Ice insults Lyle. Whether sex happened is never answered... completely. (link)
  • Chimp's younger brother, Minus, is graduating high school soon and going to college. IF0's past antics with Chimp are relived. (link)
  • How do you wear your watch? Most wear it on their left arm, or don't wear one at all. Flaming Arrow wears hers facing down. (link)
  • Sunny is suffering from depression and doesn't have much drive lately. Amphy and Vissario tell Sunny to go out and have fun. (link)
  • What do you drink for beer? Some go for cheap, some go for imported... Sandamnit and Jimmy don't drink at all, apparently. (link)
  • Following a conversation with Drahnier, Vissario wants to know if INTL has made him a better person. Some say it probably has. (link)
  • A religion thread. Not unusual, most INTLers are atheist. Ryan tries to defend militant atheism against Vissario and Ztolk. (link)
  • Flaming Arrow hates the latest Prego commercial. A bunch of newbies eventually show up to share how much they love Prego. (link)
  • Antpocas and Vissario get into a major fight over contemporary US politics. It's a pretty standard vissario roast thread tbh. (link)
  • Beyond the vegetarians, most INTLers are divided as to which meats they like most. There's a lot of talk about salmon. (link)
June 2009
  • Vissario leaves to join the US Navy. Nickolati gives him one last kick in the ass before he goes. How sweet. (link)
  • Sunny asks what can be done to increase activity at INTL. Ztolk suggests a forum like Reddit, so The Linkery is born. (link)
  • How is your summer so far? Ryan is having a blast with his photography. Amphy has a job. Sukkit travels. (link)
  • Ztolk makes a bunch of custom flash movies, most of which are based on the last year's worth of INTL fads and memes. (link)
  • Just Dandy's parents put pictures of Jesus around her room. Chimp is hostile and Sandamnit is uncomfortable by it. (link)
  • Sunny posts more INTL stats this time for the number of visitors. At this time, most visitors still use Firefox. (link)
  • Flaming Arrow attends her first protest to show support for Alaska's queers! Jimmy picks a fight with everyone, of course. (link)
  • Michael Jackson dies suddenly. Stoffel is banned for calling him a child molester, and there's a lot of disrespect for the dead ITT. (link)
  • Found Missing can't cum while awake. Why does this thread even exist?!? Fuck my life. (link)
July 2009
  • Flaming Arrow tries to reignite the "Best Avatar Contest" but nobody is really interested in it anymore. (link)
  • Following Nickolati's request to be a moderator, there's a re-assessment of the staff. Inactive staff are dropped. (link)
  • IF0 hates the fact he can't help everyone at the domestic violence shelter where he works. (link)
  • There's a serial killer on the loose, and he might kill Amphy! Dimi is really confused. The serial killer ends up being killed! (link)
  • What did you do today? Work, masturbate, work, masturbate, school, work, oh and Dimi found out he's going to grad school! (link)
  • Sunny starts a Star Trek/Star Wars avatar/name fad. Flaming Arrow and Arnok love it! Antpocas rages over being called Wesley. (link)
  • Wandering Idiot is heading out to protest with Lemon Party by his side; unfortunately nothing really comes of it. (link)
  • Nickolati encourages others to use INTL's subforums. Jimmy gets angry that there's still so many subforums. (link)
  • What are three things you've done that most people haven't? Well, travelling, being awesome and nearly dying rank at the top. (link)
  • Everyone has gone (fast) food crazy. It's split as to which fries/fast food places are better. (
  • What are some of the things you've overheard from strangers? Sex, nerd stuff, crazy shit... we at INTL have heard it all. (link)
August 2009
  • Hoff and Dimi make a video about Mountain Dew, and win a contest to taste test new flavors for Mountain Dew.
  • Can you MSPaint the captcha sayings at Recaptcha? Well, yes you can! But they are so, so, so incredibly weird. (link)
  • Do you have a business card? If so, Hasty collects them. He already has well over 500 of them. (link)
  • Flaming Arrow begets a thread on celebrity look-a-likes among INTLers. Soccy sees himself as Baggy Brad?!? (link)
  • Dimi tries to revive the INTL frontpage using a Wordpress blog. There's some initial interest in it, but it fails. (
  • Comics are awesome! DC and Marvel love and hate ITT. (link)
September 2009
  • Ice desperately tries to defend Obama after the Democrat-controlled US Congress puts forward a bill to kill the Internet. (link)
  • Angus is in China! I guess he's teaching English overseas? Either way he answers some questions and craves INTL sex drama. (link)
  • Some random newbie calls Stoffel and Vissario Nazis. Muzta grows a soft spot for Vissario. Sunny is a bot. (link)
  • INTL 5 year challenge! The photos no longer work, but everyone was comparing their contemporary selves to their young selves. (link)
  • Muzta shares his opinions on climate change. Jimmy doesn't believe in it. Ice takes the reasonable stance that it's real. (link)
October 2009
  • Nick wants to know if anyone has a spare Google Wave invite. Once people discover what it is and want invites of their own. (link)
  • Does America commit genocide? Tough question. Sunny doesn't think fighting terrorists counts as genocide. Ice disagrees. (link)
  • IF0's Facebook gets hacked and begins spamming his friends. Zippo didn't actually think it was spam and fell for it. (link)
  • Do you give money to the homeless? There's an argument over why people care about what homeless people spend money on. (link)
  • Dimi organizes another round of sending mix tapes to one another. At least 10 people participate. (link)
  • Can you break Ztolk's code? Emtilt eventually figures it out, and Ztolk reveals the answer. (link)
November 2009
  • IF0 tries to create a thread about your favorite treats, only for it to be derailed by Jimmy and 3ms' trolling. (link)
  • Tartarus is fucking HYPED for the 2010 Vancouver Olympics. It promises to be a helluva good olympics with a ton of great hockey! (link)
  • Nick is unhappy with the direction the History Channel has taken. Nobody seems to disagree, and 3ms is annoying as always. (link)
  • Vissario is shocked that a movie about aliens abducting and probing human butts isn't real. This is vissario's finest moment. (link)
  • So Dimi has been reading about plant sexuality and is creeped out by flowers. So much shaming of plants' sexual deviance ITT. (link)
December 2009
  • British Agent almost lights himself on fire while trying to fill his zippo with fluid. Everyone wants to know if his ears survived. (link)
  • Ztolk is having some trippy as fuck dreams. INTLers share their dreams, especially about INTL. (link)
  • IF0, Amphy and Vissario (!) wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy Hanukkah. Happy times! (
  • It's New Years Eve. Sandamnit and Vissario share stories about living on a military base. Nick is moving! Jimmy bitches, as usual. (link)
January 2010
  • Somebody has signed Ztolk up to and he's getting a ton of matches! What a stud. (link)
  • Do you like tea? Dimi loves tea. Tips are given about the best teas to drink both hot and cold. (link)
  • Soccy's gotten huuuuuuge, and is unsure if he should continue to bulk or cut. He eventually decides to cut. (link)
  • Dimi shares the music and art he's made. None of it works anymore, but it must've been interesting. I guess? (link)
  • Haiti is hit by a massive earthquake! The media kinda sucks at covering it, and so INTL debates how the media sucks. (link)
  • Baggy Brad is a dad! He posts a photo of him and his kid and now he looks distinctly Asian. Dimi wonders when did that happen? (link)
  • What was your favorite INTL thread? There's loads of nostalgia, especially for the drama. Emp is missed. Salamando visits. (link)
  • Ztolk starts up a game of "Broken Picture Telephone," where you PM a phrase to someone and they draw it out and send it on. (link)
  • Is there such a thing as responsible polyamory? Albannach registers and rants about random shit. This is a very confusing thread. (link)
  • Soccy is noticing all the people he knew in high school are married and having kids. Everyone is sick of being old. (link)
February 2010
  • Nickolati, Ice, Vissario, and Neon all share random hip hop videos that they've found. (link)
  • Neon rants about the state of her life. HOLY SHIT. She's given lots of space. Zippo finally calms her down! (link)
  • Just Dandy is desperate for a road trip. She decides to go to Los Angeles. Some INTLers offer to meet up. (link)
  • Arnok's car broke. Thankfully Ice and Jimmy (!) are here to help. Turns out that Jimmy's advice is actually the most useful. (link)
  • Some HG douche named Cunt In Exile spams the forums and is banned. Good riddance and nothing of value is lost. (link)
  • An all out fight happens over whether or not it's rude to have your chair all the way back on an airplane. (link)
  • Nickolati writes an open letter telling everyone how much he appreciates them. There's some worry about whether he's OK. (link)
  • Despite her pleas not to turn her thread into shit, Amphy gets into a fight with Vissario about how much life sucks. (link)
March 2010
  • Some dude's grandma dies, and Jimmy uses the thread as an excuse to bitch and whine about how much the other people suck. (link)
  • All the random changes to usernames confuse Angus. Dimi's impressed his name hasn't been changed yet. (link)
  • On request, Dimi is willing to draw something for you. The requests soon become really complicated. (link)
  • Would you fuck a prostitute? Nah, nobody at INTL is that desperate. Sandamnit knew a guy once... (link)
  • Obamacare passes and both Amphy and Ice think it's a bad deal. Nick is angry that it doesn't go far enough. (link)
  • Would you have sex with your gender-swapped clone? Dimi wonders if his best friend Hoff's female clone would be hot. (link)
  • Sukkit is not sure what to do with his life. Ztolk, Dimi and others try to provide suggestions for universities. (link)
  • The forum briefly goes down for a day on March 30th. As an apology for the downtime, Sunny posts some 2009 stats! (link)
  • Muzta lands a job! He's so happy it comes with a salary. Trofozoito also got a job working as an ER doctor. (link)
  • Are you hungry? Dimi's hungry. Ztolk's hungry all the time. There's talk about bratwurst and Easter leftovers. (link)
April 2010
  • Due to stress from grad school, Sunny expects to be less active into the near future. Nobody expects Sunny to go anywhere. (link)
  • A bunch of new emojis are added to INTL on request by Arnok, including "It's a trap" and the troll faces. (link)
  • Muzta is terrifying when he sleep walks. This leads to Dimi and Ice telling him to get some xanax and work on it. (link)
  • Snowy is upset that IF0 is harassing her. Everyone expects it to be a drama bomb. Oh, and IF0 now has a kid. (link
  • Who is the prettiest among us? Muzta doesn't think he is, but Sunny disagrees. Just Dandy runs into her boyfriend, maybe? (link)
  • Sukkit and Dimi get into a fight over whether it's rude to not know how to speak foreign languages. (link)
  • What have you been up to? British Agent is surprised people still play World of Warcraft. (link)
  • Ztolk challenges everyone to run a mile as fast as they can for the summer. Dimi, Yogi and Muzta join in and post results. (link)
  • Flaming Arrow tries to get everyone to play a flash game called Zombie Apocalypse. Dimi and Ztolk seem to like it. (
May 2010
  • Ztolk sent a pic of his dick to everyone in his address book, and not only was it embarrassing... it cost him a fortune in stamps! (link)
  • Project Euler. It's a math site or something. A bunch of people sign up and then talk about Matlab and C. Total. Fucking. Nerds. (link)
  • Sandamnit takes on the forum as he tackles that most delicate of topics with brute force: the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. (link)
June 2010
  • Neon rants some more, and damn, does she know how to write. Family drama. Shitty work experiences. Bad frogurt. (
  • Ice and Neon suggest creating a travel forum, and so it is done. Neon is made its mod. It doesn't survive for long.
  • Vissario's in Washington DC and wondering what he should do. He doesn't know if he should wear his uniform out. (link)
  • Webturbo returns and he's drunk and he notices how 'quiet' INTL has gotten. Nobody remembers him at all. (
  • Hearing about INTL's reputation for nerds, a HG user stops by to ask for help picking an astrophysics-focused grad school. (link)
  • Ztolk wants to know how he can spend $9 on the Internet. It's the usual: Taco Bell, Haiti, donate to INTL. (link)
  • How has your world view changed since you were a kid? It appears most people's views on race, sex, and the future changed. (link)
  • Hasty, Ztolk and Tartarus were planning to meet up for a baseball game, but Tartarus doesn't show up. WTF. (link)
  • Nick and Nickolati share tips and tricks as well as storylines for Dungeons and Dragons. Jimmy tries to troll people. (link)
  • Where have you been around the world? Among INTLers, Ice is among the most travelled. Dimi and Amphy feel disappointed. (link)
July 2010
  • Plans for the summer? Ice is moving to Berlin. Amphy and Ztolk talk about the GRE. Something... something... World of Warcraft. (link)
  • Dimi hates using public toilets. It's a glorious discussion about poo and all the things that go into making poo. (link)
  • Who still smokes? Those that do, like Muzta, have mostly quit. Others think it stinks. Ice seems to have picked up the habit lately. (link)
  • Inception is out and British Agent is absolutely floored by it. Sandamnit and Emtilt find it forgettable. Movie snobbery ITT. (link)
  • Muzta and his girlfriend get engaged! Sunny already wants lil' Muztas. Peach's kid gets brought up, but wasn't she gay? (link)
August 2010
  • By this point Jimmy is purposefully being annoying, trolling threads, harassing random people, and stalking Sunny. He is banned.
  • Jimmy returns with a bunch of smurfs. He again continues his annoying tirades, especially against Flaming Arrow and Sunny.
  • Amphy is planning her first trip to Europe! Flaming Arrow tries to suggest Alaska, but she ain't going to Alaska. (link)
  • Nickolati calls for some peace in the forum. Jimmy is unbanned. He bemoans that Sunny is acting as his babysitter. (link)
  • Sunny and Jimmy get into a fight. Sunny chooses not to ban him again. He loses some permissions, however. (link)
  • Nick really wants to go to Spain, but is worried it wouldn't live up to expectations. Ice reassures him that Spain is awesome. (link)
  • The INTL Wiki goes down. Sunny took it down because it was getting spammed to shit by bots. (
  • Sunny decides to allow INTLers to do more things, including the ability to change their screennames. (link)
  • Nickolati wonders if anyone would like to create a debate club. Nobody would want to debate Sunny. (link)
  • Glenn Beck is an asshole. Also does teaching about gay people make people gay? Dimi and Nickolati believe it's a good idea. (link)
  • Ztolk's joining a frisbee team and needs a team name. Many science-y names are offered, but it's unclear if he chose one of them. (link)
  • Thanks to Jimmy and Sunny's fight, August was INTL's most active month in a year. Stats are posted! (link)
September 2010
  • In Berlin, Ice sets up a taco cart in a park. It is pretty awesome. Jimmy is upset by the lack of sanitation. (link)
  • INTLers share their stories about how they've been arrested or nearly been arrested. Everyone has a story. (link)
  • IF0 once again shares stories of dorm life with Chimp. It's uh... gross and homoerotic, involving razors, cameras and no homo. (link)
  • Agon returns to update us on his life! He had a rough go and thanks INTL for its support. Vissario is banned for roasting him. (link)
  • Nick loves women! Amphy and Nickolati are creeped out and help to make it more creepy. (link)
  • Iran. Israel. Palestine. Why should the US even get involved? Jimmy fights with everyone, as usual. (link)
  • Nick has a kid and therefore watches a ton of Disney films. He reviews Snow White... and that's about where the thread ends... (link)
  • Another Sexual Orientation Thread. 70% of the forum is straight. Ice and IF0 get into a fight over IF0 messing with permissions. (link)
October 2010
  • California decriminalizes weed and Nick voted for it. Ice celebrates with a joint, and is now apathetic about Obama. (
  • Ice shares his recipes for soups and stews. He likes making soups cause it gives him a chance to experiment. (link)
  • Muzta doesn't feel fat people should be proud of being fat. It somehow ends up with him explaining how best to measure weight. (link)
  • Hasty starts up "The Gate of Things." It's mildly successful, with at least 5 regular participants. Sunny goes inactive and forfeits. (link)
  • Mmac's roommate's girlfriend is fucking nuts! There are no easy solutions to this, and it just keeps getting worse and worse. (link)
  • Wikileaks leaks thousands of secret US military documents. Ice finds their strategy of leaking articles over time brilliant. (link)
  • Drahnier and IF0 have a lover's quarrel that gives bromance a bad name. NNY returns to say he would miss Drahnier if he left. (link)
  • After 16 years Drahnier finally beats Super Mario 3. Nick hasn't beat the second world in Legend of Zelda, yet. (link)
November 2010
  • Nickolati suggests creating a forum for encouraging people with hobbies: INTL Endeavour is born. He's made its moderator.
  • Shady discovers Minecraft. He and his brother Dimi set up their own server. Flaming Arrow and Sunny also play it. (link)
  • Ztolk begins another lifting log. Like his previous one, he keeps track of his lifts, his runs, and the size of his muscles! (link)
  • Nick and Nickolati make threads to track their efforts to lose weight. The rest of the forum offers encouragement. (
  • Sandamnit makes it a goal to apply for grad school. He wants to go into mathematics. After some encouragement he does it! (link)
  • North Korea attacks South Korea and Flaming Arrow thinks there'll be all out war. Chimp doubts that. Turns out Chimp was right. (link)
  • Flaming Arrow is hit by a truck while walking! Luckily she isn't really hurt. TPC regrets not driving faster. (link)
December 2010
  • Vissario is trying to learn C. TPC, Nick, Sandamnit and Chimp give advice, as well as share their own code. (link)
  • Turns out Obama's policies have been pretty average as far as US presidents go. So much for hope and change. (
  • MSPaint your childhood experiences! There's a few contributions by folks like TPC and Dimi, but people quickly lose interest. (link)
  • TPC steps up to fix bugs on INTL now that Sunny isn't around much, and both IF0 and Chimp don't know how to fix INTL. (link)
  • Nick makes a thread criticizing Obama. Vissario tries to make it a debate, but nobody cares. (link)
  • Webturbo returns. A bunch of old guys get confused and have no idea who everyone is or where they are. (link)
  • Benjee returns to post a bunch of articles he wrote that nobody cares about. He is acting very annoying. (
January 2011
  • NNY once again returns. He shares pictures and talks about life. There's a lot of love shared between him and the rest of us.
  • Benjee posts a truly creepy thread about young women. He tries to defend his perversions, but no one is having any of it. (link)
  • Salamando shows up and spams a bunch of gibberish. Nickolati: "This is like the INTL version of drunk dialing, isn't it?" (link)
  • Arnok is planning to get another tattoo, but where should he put it? Smokey suggests the neck; Amphy the butt. (link)
  • Dimi makes it a goal to go 40 days without eating any meat. With some advice and encouragement, he goes all the way! (link)
  • Neon is in the UK and English people are wearing her down! Oh and she's drunk, and she's uncertain about the future of her trip. (link)
  • Greenidentity is going to New Orleans! Nickolati is moving to New Orleans. It turns out as one of her least favorite trips. (link)
  • NNY is found dead. He had committed suicide. Goodnight, sweet prince... (link)
February 2011
  • There are discussions about sending flowers for NNY's memorial service. Amphy takes the lead in handling it.
  • Both Smokey and Vissario are learning how to use Linux. The tech forum's name is changed to Linux Corner. (
  • Ztolk is upset by shitty bathroom etiquette. It evolves into a discussion about whether INTLers enjoy using public washrooms. (link)
  • Shadowe wants to learn the guitar. He gets callouses pretty quickly. Webturbo and Sukkit provide some much needed advice. (link)
  • What's your plan for Valentine's Day? It's either going to a nice place with your partner or sitting at home in your underwear. (link)
  • There's a bit of a reunion when Blacksun, Smokey and British Agent briefly return to INTL. That's about it. (link)
March 2011
  • IF0 tries to set up a 2011 Fantasy Baseball Team. Jimmy outright refuses. Few people go for it, and it doesn't go anywhere. (link)
  • Know of any TV comedies that don't suck? An argument between Tartarus and Sandamnit erupts over "Parks & Recreation." (link)
  • Tartarus rants about how Charlie Sheen isn't crazy. Sandamnit gets caught up in an argument about actors and drugs. (link)
  • Ztolk asks whether his meat is bad. He's told to wash and smell it. British Agent gives some professional culinary advice. (link)
  • The US is invading Libya and Muzta is conflicted. Ice is just absolutely disgusted with the US right now. (link)
  • Neon links some bullying drama from Australia. This sets off a discussion about bullying and being bullied. (link)
  • TPC and IF0 repost a bunch of memes from, probably, Reddit. This is what INTL has come to, folks: Reposting funny memes. (link)
  • Just Dandy is trying to prepare for her upcoming wedding, but is worried about finances. Lots of financial advice ITT. (link)
April 2011
  • Agon is on his longest bender yet! Others have had benders for weeks or even entire years. INTL is full of ex-alcoholics. (link)
  • Nickolati gets into an argument with Sandamnit and Ztolk over whether flouride is actually bad for you. (link)
  • Try to guess one another's fears! Tartarus, Ice and Sandamnit get into a spat over nothing, really. Irrational fears are shared ITT. (link)
  • A video of a deer attacking a dog and cat is posted. Sandamnit blames the owners. Tartarus blames the cat, defends the deer. (link)
  • Baggy Brad tries unsuccessfully to bring Adam back to INTL. Coca-Cola does come back though, and is now doing an IT program. (link)
  • Take photos? Post photos. A simple thread that quickly turns into pics from Soccy's visit with Ice, and loads of party pics. (link)
  • Wandering Idiot is going to college! Some solid advice is given about what classes are best for an engineering degree. (link)
  • Etymxris asks if someone wants to take over INTL's domain: It eventually expires. (link)
May 2011
  • Osama Bin Laden is killed! Sukkit gets into an argument about whether or not it's right to cheer his death. (link)
  • Apparently the rapture keeps not happening. Well, I guess there's always the Mayan prophecy for the end of the world in 2012... (link)
  • Joplin, Missouri gets hit by a massive tornado. IF0's work is swamped with casualties. There's an effort by INTL to donate. (link)
June 2011
  • What's your five year plan? Ice has no plans because he's living the awesome life in Germany. (link)
  • Lizardbreath returns! She's lost 30 pounds and cut off her dreads! INTLers find her beautiful. The more things change... (link)
  • After having hosted the site for years, Sunny steps down from INTL and hands over the server and forum to Chimp and TPC. (link)

Chapter XI: INTL v?

Sunny has resigned as INTL's defacto owner and handed over control of the forum and its server to Chimp and TPC. As its current caretaker, TPC continues to keep INTL alive, well enough for users to share hobbies and returning members to make the occasional thread. This period will end with INTL's remaining community largely moving to social media as the preferred way to keep in contact and share their daily struggles.


Late 2011

  • Mr Excitable and Ms PT are getting married! Lots of congratulations and best wishes for the future are given. (link)
  • INTL keeps getting malware warnings from Google. Turns out it's Dimi's fault and he's really, really sorry for breaking INTL. (
  • Due to the above, for the next few months anyone who visits INTL faces a big, red 'unsafe site' warning. (
  • It's been 10 years. Where were you when 9/11 happened? Most people were in high school, while others were posting at HG. (link)
  • By October, Ice suggests archiving all forums but Inside Discussions, Retardation Station and The Champagne Room. (
  • Flaming Arrow starts up a drunk thread. Drunken escapades are described in detail. INTL is still a forum full of alcoholics. (link)
  • Ice joins the Occupy protests while in Germany. Dio joins one in the US. Vissario finds these protests absurd and useless. (link)
  • Which video games are INTLers playing these days? Skyrim, Minecraft, Mount & Blade, and... yeah it's mostly Skyrim. (link)
  • There's a ton of guests viewing INTL. It's assumed they're all actually bots. TPC turns off the Google 100 feature. (link)
  • EnyRod1990 returns to ask for her account to be deleted. She finally realizes people were making fun of her. (link)
Early 2012
  • What are your New Year's Resolutions? Nickolati reflects on 2011. Vissario is not having a fun time in the military. (link)
  • INTL's server host gets hacked, and fucks up all the permissions for TPC. TPC is pissed off. Bon trolls him and is banned. (link)
  • Muzta is slowly going blind due to pellucid marginal degeneration. Sympathy is given for a depressing future. :( (link)
  • Muzta shares some personal conspiracy theories about 9/11. Everyone shares personal conspiracies. Some are quite silly. (link)
  • Drugs in sports. Sukkit thinks it's evil. Muzta, Dimi and Nick get into a debate about stereotypes, racism, and the French. (link)
  • A bunch of music threads are created for people to dump YouTube videos of their favorite songs into. (
  • It's another election year in the US, so inevitably this means Vissario bitches and people compare their political compasses. (
  • INTL once again is infected with malware. TPC contemplates destroying INTL, but cleanses it instead. (
  • Nick makes it a goal to lose weight. Ztolk and others offer advice. Everyone shares their weightloss plans. (link)
  • What's your favorite soda and favorite coffee? Ginger ale wins favorite soda. Favorite coffee is... complicated. (
  • Uselessinformation drops by to say hi. He's married with a kid and works as a writer. How fitting! Nostalgia ITT. (link)
  • Some random newbie asks for money. Ice suggests just busking illegally. Either way, the guy never returns ever again. (link)
  • Surprised to see INTL still open, Baggy Brad asks what would it take to get closure. There's a reunion of INTLers. (link)
  • Nick loves theme parks, do you? Dimi has never been on a rollercoaster. There's talk about Disneyland and peer pressure. (link)
Late 2012
  • Sunny wants to know what everyone's been up to? Sandamnit, Emtilt and Dimi are doing grad studies (PhDs!). (link)
  • Where have you travelled? Maps are made and shared, and we find out about everyone's various travel adventures! (link)
  • Dimi is off to Europe and wants some tips as to where to visit. Sukkit wants him to visit Spain to meet up. (link)
  • The book nerds among us discuss which books they've bought and read lately. There's plenty of reviews given. (link)
  • Sandamnit sparks debate on same-sex marriage and guns. Vissario returns to debate him, badly. (
  • The Curiosity Rover landed safely on Mars and an exoplanet is found around Alpha Centauri. Everyone is in awe. (
  • Upset at finding Bitching Battleground closed, Vissario creates a bitching thread for his depressing life stories. (link)
  • Dimi notices a ton of bots have started registering at INTL. Tartarus makes life stories for them. (link)
  • HG goes down for a hardware update and doesn't come back up when it's supposed to. Is HG dead? (No.) (link)
  • Barack Obama wins a second term as US President. Ice thinks the Republican Party is dying. Hmm... (link)
Early 2013
  • INTL's domain expires! Turns out it wasn't renewed in time, and TPC is forced to choose a new domain.
  • On Zippo's suggestion, TPC changes the domain to We call it BINTL. (link)
  • Basically at this point of INTL's history the backend of INTL is broken and in desperate need of fixing. (
  • Bon wants to know if anyone has Twitter. The ones who do share their links. The ones who don't see no reason to have it. (link)
  • Amphy wants to know what you think of open carry? Ice thinks it's ridiculous. Muzta doesn't see why it's a big deal. (link)
  • Who wants to be a moderator: "Seriously I'm running out of people who even know the site exists anymore" edition. (link)
  • Zippo is welcomed into the club of people who must now wear prescription glasses. TPC tells her to stop calling herself old. (link)
  • A thread is created to discuss your smartphones and how much you love or hate them. Muzta pretty much dominates this thread. (link)
  • ...And on that note, mobile phone companies are giving your data to the NSA. Nick and Dimi are uncomfortable with this. (link)
  • Amphy's mom suffers a serious accident. Zippo's fiance also suffered a near death experience. They both get better! Yay! (link)
  • Muzta makes Star Wars fan fiction. It's... uh... something. Dimi corrects him on whether or not Darth Vader is evil. (link)
  • Nick claims he has never been banned on a forum before. Dimi bans him. But then he's back in short time anyway. (link)
  • Ice suggests mass emailing everyone to ask them to return to INTL. He does it. Nimo and LBH briefly return. (
  • What's your favorite food? There is an overwhelmingly love of all things Mexican. Oh, and LBH just ate a kangaroo. (link)
Late 2013
  • Nick asks to see Ztolk's famous flash video of INTL's funniest drama. It is posted. (link)
  • TPC and Vissario get into a spat over broken INTL features. Vissario throws a tantrum about his access. (
  • As a result of Vissario's tantrum, TPC fixes a bunch of shit. There's talk about bringing back the INTL Minecraft server. (link)
  • Vissario spams a bunch of threads mocking TPC, which goes from amusing to unfunny to amusing again. (
  • Sandamnit visits Newfoundland and posts some pics. This leads to others posting travel photos, too. (link)
  • What are your hobbies? Dimi's into coffee roasting and carving wood. Shady is into reading. Sunny does powerlifting. (link)
  • Are you single/married/divorced? There's a number of marriages or soon-to-be marriages. Some kids, as well. (link)
  • After tinkering for a bit, Sandamnit makes a flash game. It's really neat. Hasty likes it. Overall, a cool game! (link)
  • Ice predicts that the Republican Party will collapse soon. Dimi wishes he could change the system. (link)
  • INTL existentialism: Is there life after INTL? Are there other INTLs out there? What even is this place? (link)
  • Nick sets up another round of sending mixed tapes to one another. Three people sign up, but it goes ahead anyway! (link)
Early 2014
  • The Summer of George starts in Retardation Station and quickly takes over INTL. It stays like this for over 5 years.
  • What are your New Year Resolutions? Muzta and Chimp want to lose weight. Nick and Ztolk want to figure out their futures. (link)
  • Do you still play Simcity? Ztolk does. Sunny has moved onto this new game called Cities Skylines. It's impressive! (link)
  • A thread about science turns into a discussion about the merits of Bill Nye and whether he's a good scientist. (link)
  • PharmD returns to ask where the hell is everyone. Few people, except Zippo, seem to remember him. Coca-Cola pays a visit. (link)
  • Ice just now notices that he's a global moderator. He only notices because his username is suddenly purple. (link)
Late 2014
  • Sunny reveals that he has been a man this whole time. Flaming Arrow reveals that she is a woman.
  • Muzta is bored, and so he and others pretty much shitpost for the hell of it. I feel like INTL has come full circle at this point. (link)
  • Uh, what do you think about smartphones? Oh, and uh, Mr Excitable ran into Kayte in town and she still uses an old phone. (link)
  • Apparently our logo still shows our old domain on it. There's shitty attempts to make a shitty replacement. (link)
  • Once again, INTL plays host to another game of INTL Diplomacy. It goes better than expected! (link)
  • Nick has ambitious plans to fix INTL. Is this the beginning of a possible INTL v6? He does an admirable job of fixing things. (link)
  • Zippo and Ice want to know your recipes and favorite snacks. Lots and lots of tasty foods ITTs. (
  • Shady asks for debaucheries. Zippo wows everyone with timestamps that indicate something naughty is happening! (link)
  • A cop kills a black kid in the US. Flaming Arrow, Dimi and Ice discuss the finer points of how cops suck. ACAB. (link)
  • Flaming Arrow makes an AMA. She answers all the questions you could ever want to ask her. It's a fairly insightful thread. (link)
  • Flaming Arrow starts up another "Post Your Picture" thread. Some INTLers return and post what they look like all grown up. (link)
  • Nick and Dimi create threads to discuss Dr Who and Star Trek, respectively. Flaming Arrow and Zippo are big fans of both. (
  • What should be done about Retardation Station? Is it worth keeping around? The answer is yes, but lay off the porn. (link)
  • Nick is made an admin and he promptly breaks something. It's OK, this is just your usual admin right of passage. (link)
  • Found Missing returns. He's not as creepy as he was before, but he's still weird. He's now more endearing than obnoxious. (
  • Found Missing roleplays an erotic blood elf in Retardation Station. It's better than it sounds. Dimi and Nick get into it. (link)
  • A thread is made for Muzta. It more or less turns into an impromptu Muzta appreciation thread. How very wholesome! (link)
  • Perfection (link) and ~Namaste~. (link)

Chapter XII: Social Media Era

INTL remains much as it has for years: a relatively dead forum with the exception of Retardation Station. By this point in time, most forums have been archived and most regulars have disappeared or returned to HG (which survives). Those regulars who are still around have largely moved to social media, first Facebook and now currently Discord (our server is here: INTL is mostly a relic - a reminder of our younger years, for better or worse.



  • A Facebook Messenger group is set up and roughly a dozen INTLers chat daily on it.
  • What's your bucket list? What do you dream of doing? There's plenty of serious answers. Muzta just wants to live and die. (link)
  • There is an attempt to start up another round of INTL Diplomacy, but there's not enough people left on INTL to play it. (link)
  • Ice organizes a writers' workshop. INTL is full of writers who just want to write, so this is perfect. (link)
  • What pet peeves do you have with movies? Muzta is not a fan of narration. Muzta's distaste for narration is thoroughly mocked. (link)
  • Zippo wants to know if you're loyal to any brands. Dimi and Muzta have terribly boring underwear. (link)
  • Found Missing starts a weird thread about cars and science, and somehow gets Dimi's interest in some book he later buys. (link)
  • Baggy Brad starts an AMA for TPC, with some questions like "Why do you pay to maintain this website?" (link)
  • Sukkit lacks fashion sense and needs help. Ice, Nick and Dimi offer help, and he later picks some shit out and thanks everyone. (link)
  • THS stops by to tell us he's gay. He, Shady, Found Missing and Sunny roleplay or something. I'm not sure what happened. (
  • There is a containment problem and Retardation Station leaks into Inside Discussions! Ice discovers Sunny speaks German. (link)
  • Soccy and TPC end up meeting up at the San Francisco Gay Pride Parade/Festival.
  • After 14 years, Flaming Arrow has reached 16000 posts. Dimi is also getting up there. Nostalgia about old HG and IGOD ITT. (link)
  • Sandamnit has made another flash game! Hasty, Emtilt and others provide him with some much appreciated criticism. (link)
  • THS: "So is this summer of Seinfeld shit over?" He is promptly banned (temporarily) for insulting the Summer of George. (link)
  • Found Missing is having computer problems, which prompts TPC and Nick to suggest that he get a new PC. (link)
  • Flaming Arrow starts a meme/funny video thread. It's OK. It pretty much just gives people an excuse to spam videos and pics. (link)
  • Windows 10: Is it worth getting? Apparently it's undeniably better than 7 or 8. Even Snowy likes it! Also, Nick moved to Linux. (link)
  • Age of Empires II: HD Edition is available through Steam. It looks cool. It later prompts a revival in that game's community. (link)
  • Ice is once again convinced the Republican Party is DOA with Trump as its presidential candidate... (link)
  • TPC blew up the bathroom after Flaming Arrow recommended carrot water to solve stomach problems.
  • INTL is mostly dead. At least the forum is. Most remaining active INTLers have shifted to using Facebook to keep in contact.
  • PR makes a return! He's a head chef of a restaurant run by a relatively famous chef. Nice! Others share what they do for work. (link)
  • Flaming Arrow randomly wants her posts and account deleted. Nobody knows exactly what she's doing or why. (link)
  • Nick starts a cooking thread. Ice once again wows everyone with his cooking skills. Dimi makes numerous pizzas. (link)
  • Ice sends out another mass email to former INTLers to try to get them back, but only one person even clicked the email. (link)
  • Finally fed up with Vissario, the staff decide to ban him for good. Vissario is initially upset, but he later accepts it.
  • What are you favorite seasons of TV? Dimi still likes Community. Lots of Dexter and Walking Dead fans. And Star Trek, of course. (link)
  • Pokemon Go is out. Ice is confused. It disappoints a bunch of people, though there's a hardcore group of INTLers who play it. (link)
  • Ice drove from Athens to Zagreb and posts many pictures. Ice lives the life that the rest of INTL wishes they could live. (link)
  • Luke returns and wants to know what's happened. Well, Luke, I'm sorry it's late but I've now updated the timeline for you. (
  • Muzta tries to get another round of INTL Diplomacy up, but by this point there's very few people even around to play it. (link)
  • TPC drives all the way to help Nick, who has had his car repossessed. He picked him up and took him to the tow yard.
  • TPC visits Albuquerque for its annual pride festival and he and Just Dandy do a puzzle together. Happy times! :)
  • There's a war in Syria and Ztolk doesn't get it. Flaming Arrow blames capitalism. Most users agree capitalism is to blame. (link)
  • Nick visits Just Dandy in Albuquerque. They have a fun time hanging out. Nice!
  • Some random newbie stop on by, and most everyone thinks it's Vissario, but it turns out to be Drahnier. (link)
  • After a long and courageous battle with colon cancer, Just Dandy's husband Tim passes away.
  • A number of INTL regulars sign a card and draw art for Just Dandy; it takes a month for the card to cross North America to get to her.
  • Ice asks Dimi for his thoughts on Pennsylvania's recent gerrymandering issues. They bemoan America's horrible voting system. (link)
  • At this time, it becomes impossible to register a new account because the CAPTCHA is broken. Everyone pesters TPC to fix it. (link)
  • Ice grows houseplants and wants to know if you do, too. Dimi, Nick and Flaming Arrow also grow plants and post pictures of them. (link)
  • Drahnier makes (another) return! Nick assumed he was dead. TPC tries to fix the forum software problems Drahnier discovers. (link)
  • Drahnier asks to be a mod again, and so he is made a mod of Inside Discussions. It doesn't really matter at this point though. (link)
  • HG: Dimi is banned from HG by Civis for criticizing him. INTLers call Civis out on his hypocrisy and fascist sympathies. (link)
  • HG: It's noted by INTLers that HG is still active, but has a number of alt-right people around. Some INTLers still post there.
  • Sunny describes past experiences dealing with creeps on HG and how HG should have had its own #metoo moment, but didn't. (link)
  • Ice makes salsa and wants to know if you do, too. A bunch of folks share recipes for their own tomatoey concoctions. (link)
  • Arnok makes a return! He got a haircut, grew a beard, and now does roller derby announcing! His derby name is Rich Mahogany. (link)
  • Nick meets up with Sunny in San Diego. They go for Mexican food and chat for hours. Sunny agrees to fix and update this timeline.
  • Simfish makes a brief return to ask to meet up with Dimi in person. Dimi isn't interested. (link)
  • INTL temporarily goes down due to a bad script or something. Is this finally the end? INTLers think it's the end. It isn't. (link)
  • INTL goes through long periods of inactivity on the forum. Topics are created to discuss the inactivity. (
  • Sunny somehow wrestled control of the domain from the domain shark that sat on it for years. (link)
  • INTL's remaining users are mostly in their 30s, married and/or have kids, and have known eachother for at least a decade.
  • The US is threatening war with Iran. Nobody on INTL wants this. In fact, Dimi is just utterly done with America now. (link)
  • Bernie Sanders is running for president again! Ice and others discuss volunteering for him. Democrats keep him out. (link)
  • The remaining INTLers start wondering if INTL should recognize and deal with its problematic past. Old tags are changed. (link)
  • A pandemic wrecks the world. It is absolutely devastating on people and anxiety among INTLers is really, really high. (link)
  • INTL's server host, Dreamhost, is upset at INTL for being a server hog or something. TPC handles it. (link)
  • As part of the solution for dealing with Dreamhost, some features and images have been disabled. Nobody really complains.
  • Once again, the INTL Minecraft server is brought back to life by TPC. Maps are also included for the old servers. (link)
  • Agon got tits and got really mad at Nick for making his kids mac and cheese for lunch. (link)
  • As a result of police brutality against black people, the world protests racism. INTL joins in and argues for action. ACAB. (link)
  • There is an exodus from Facebook to INTL's Discord server due to the way Facebook runs its operations. (link)
  • LBH wonders whatever happened to Baggy Brad. Turns out he's still active on his blog. (link)
  • HG: Stoffel is permanently banned at HG for denying the Holocaust. He is also banned at INTL for good measure.
  • Benjee returns. He is quickly banned for good measure.
  • Dio returns and will essentially make Retardation Station her playground for the next few years.
  • By this time, Nick has lost weight. INTL is really proud of his weight loss journey. (link)
  • Dimi adds :owl: to INTL along with a bunch of dog and ghost emojis as part of Retardation Station's description. (link)
  • Dio sets up threads to share poetry and books you've read. This is an old INTL pasttime. (
  • The BANME tag is brought up as a brilliant gimmick. Perhaps the only original thing INTL ever had was karma. (link)
  • Antpocas makes a brief return! He changes his avatar to Stalin and then dips out again. (link)
  • Sunny declares the COVID-19 pandemic over, but Ice continues to get sick again and again. (
  • A bunch of ancient threads are resurrected in Retardation Station to relive a bunch of ancient drama. (link)
  • Agon wonders if anyone actually plays Age of Empires 4. Dimi has and is asked repeatedly how it is. (link)
  • Sunny gets called out for writing essays in the past. Also Princess Charlotte Casiraghi appreciation ITT. (link)
  • The Arcade breaks down for good, largely because flash is no longer supported on any browser.
  • INTL turns 20. INTL celebrates. That's about it. Nothing to see here. (link)
  • Dimi has a kid. Another member of INTL's next generation is born!
  • Twin Peaks and Seinfeld continue to reign supreme over INTL, though the Summer of George has sorta died out. (link)
  • The remaining INTLers are hyperfocused on American politics and what's wrong with American exceptionalism.
  • ...Oh, and they're also focused on cooking, too. People share their eating and coffee habits. (
  • Dio's been using the report feature to send private messages, which just started to get noticed. (link)
  • Dimi bought some plants. Ice, Nick, and others share their adventures with trying to grow plants. Yeah... (link)
  • Some of the remaining INTLers are divorced, or have remarried, or in the process of dating again.
  • Nick goes to Paris, and has a good time with his lady friend. Oui oui oui, hon hon hon. (link)
  • Israel sends its military into Gaza. There's general debate on whether Israel is committing genocide. Drama ensues. (link)
  • Ice tries to get new content (e.g. thread tags) added to Retardation Station. No idea if it happens. (link)
  • It's another election year in the US and some INTLers fear a second Trump presidency may force them to move elsewhere.
  • HG: After a decade away, Kman graces HG with his presence. Stories are shared about banned HGers. Nostalgia ITT. (link)
  • It's as a result of the above that Sunny finally decides to stop procrastinating on cleaning up this damn timeline. (link)


If you have read the timeline to reach this point, you surely are crazy. If you have any questions, please let Sunny know. That's it. Go home.