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billion dollar space shuttle
Thread: Star Trek: Set... coordinates for... Nerdulus Rom... warp 9
Belongs To:
Preview: Yeah like before they encountered the Borg more often, the "Great Powers"
of the Delta Quadrant were a group of nomadic hunte
Ztolk 47 2784 12-05-14 04:48:28 AM
hey guys another shitty adam sandler movie
Thread: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Official Teaser Trailer)[SPOILERS WITHIN MAYBE]
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Preview: What a hilarious turn of events.

Wait, is that Plinkett?
Ztolk 141 3636 12-04-14 07:54:32 PM
this poster is a horrible beast
Thread: So... Chess.
Belongs To:
Preview: I usually open with a king-side knight, but more out of habit than any
grand strategy. I try to develop my pieces to the poin
Ztolk 10 496 12-04-14 07:46:02 PM
billion dollar space shuttle
Thread: Star Trek: Set... coordinates for... Nerdulus Rom... warp 9
Belongs To:
Preview: I've watched most of Bearded-Riker-TNG and a good deal of isolated episodes
from DS9 and Voyager. I'd like to watch DS9 but I
Ztolk 47 2784 12-04-14 07:44:00 PM
this is how we do it in tha OC
Thread: Dr Who Thread: it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff.
Belongs To:
Preview: A guy I know wrote a paper (two actually) on the physics of the TARDIS

Less sciencey:
Ztolk 33 2125 12-04-14 07:36:03 PM
Thread: What do you people look like these days?
Belongs To:
Preview: Dimi saved me a post! Though I think in these modern times it would be
better not to use my name, for googling reasons.

Ztolk 581 38695 12-04-14 07:34:10 PM
dumbledore dies
Thread: What are you reading?
Belongs To:
Preview: I find that the dialogue is pretty weak. However, the topic interests me so
I'll read on.
Ztolk 504 38290 12-03-14 04:02:53 PM
Thread: I have uncovered the log of a purported IGod-era chat between FA and Wrestler 130
Belongs To:
Preview: What the fuck is thiss
Ztolk 68 5522 12-03-14 04:02:06 PM
dumbledore dies
Thread: What are you reading?
Belongs To:
Preview: I started reading a book called The Valley of the Horses by Jean M. Auel,
which is a sequel to a book I read as a teenager ca
Ztolk 504 38290 11-30-14 11:50:16 AM
this poster is a horrible beast
Thread: So... Chess.
Belongs To:
Preview: Whatever, it's been like ten years since the last time a top computer was
beat by a human.
Ztolk 10 496 11-30-14 11:48:41 AM
serious :mad:
Thread: Tomorrow, my grandfather dies at 8pm.
Belongs To:
Preview: Ugh that is fucking bullshit. My situation is similar but not nearly as
bad. My dad lives with his wife and former mistress,
Ztolk 15 499 11-29-14 11:35:59 AM
level 64 orc chieftain w/ level 7 angry stomp ability bitches
Thread: Video Gaming MegaFAIL lmao
Belongs To:
Preview: Fallout 3 and New Vegas are both $2.50 today, FYI.
Ztolk 474 37923 11-29-14 11:32:01 AM
Thread: IAMA Flaming Arrow AMA
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Preview: How's your legal situation?
Ztolk 53 4187 11-28-14 06:58:09 AM
level 64 orc chieftain w/ level 7 angry stomp ability bitches
Thread: Video Gaming MegaFAIL lmao
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Preview: STEAM SALE!
Ztolk 474 37923 11-26-14 03:12:27 PM
Thread: Ferguson: Happy Holidays from Little Caesar's Pizza!
Belongs To:
Preview: This thread is weird.
Ztolk 49 2119 11-25-14 05:53:34 PM
level 64 orc chieftain w/ level 7 angry stomp ability bitches
Thread: Video Gaming MegaFAIL lmao
Belongs To:
Preview: I've been playing through the original Thief. It was the first game that
did stealth properly, and I've been playing stealthi
Ztolk 474 37923 11-22-14 08:02:51 PM
Thread: What software do you use to burn DVDs?
Belongs To:
Preview: I use the Windows default. You might want to make sure it works.
Ztolk 11 207 11-21-14 05:34:20 PM
Thread: LET'S GET SHIT DONE! Post your bugs and feature requests here!
Belongs To:
Preview: I don't know what that means except that chat one which is good
Ztolk 210 15464 11-17-14 04:07:00 PM
hey yah
Thread: post your room
Belongs To:
Preview: Please don't tell people how I live
Ztolk 36 491 11-16-14 11:44:33 AM
level 64 orc chieftain w/ level 7 angry stomp ability bitches
Thread: Video Gaming MegaFAIL lmao
Belongs To:
Preview: Dimi what did you actually do in Skyrim?!

Did you at least do the Dark Brotherhood quest line? I thought it was a
better a
Ztolk 474 37923 11-11-14 06:11:25 AM
level 64 orc chieftain w/ level 7 angry stomp ability bitches
Thread: Video Gaming MegaFAIL lmao
Belongs To:
Preview: But the Thalmor are just stirring up this rebellion by banishing Talos
worship, so that the Empire is weakened. Can a splinte
Ztolk 474 37923 11-10-14 07:33:05 PM
level 64 orc chieftain w/ level 7 angry stomp ability bitches
Thread: Video Gaming MegaFAIL lmao
Belongs To:
Preview: Don't think of it as "become the bitch of this god." Think of it as "Bro
I'll give you some sweet gear if you do me a favour.
Ztolk 474 37923 11-10-14 06:28:37 PM
level 64 orc chieftain w/ level 7 angry stomp ability bitches
Thread: Video Gaming MegaFAIL lmao
Belongs To:
Preview: Dimi it's like the best parts of the game.
Ztolk 474 37923 11-09-14 05:20:15 PM
level 64 orc chieftain w/ level 7 angry stomp ability bitches
Thread: Video Gaming MegaFAIL lmao
Belongs To:
Preview: It's all about the Daedric quests of murder and betrayal in exchange for
awesome items.
Ztolk 474 37923 11-09-14 04:15:41 PM
level 64 orc chieftain w/ level 7 angry stomp ability bitches
Thread: Video Gaming MegaFAIL lmao
Belongs To:
Preview: How many playthroughs have you done? I've basically completed everything
there is to do (main quest, civil war, thieves guild
Ztolk 474 37923 11-09-14 03:50:04 PM
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