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steroids what steroids
Thread: The UEFA cup - FC PORTO WINS!
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Preview: [q=Stevo]Celtic will win it.[/q]

I hope it doesn't. :p
icewyvern 34 2974 03-31-03 12:26:53 PM
Thread: Is it wrong for people to be gay / lesbian / bisexual?
Belongs To:
Preview: [q=Zippo279]If I were a lesbian, I would be rather offended because, as you
stated, my sexuality benefits humankind only by s
icewyvern 71 8984 03-31-03 12:21:15 PM
serious :mad:
Thread: Immortality
Belongs To:
Preview: Would anyone consider it if you could make a few others immortal as well?
icewyvern 45 5305 03-31-03 04:49:35 AM
Thread: Is it wrong for people to be gay / lesbian / bisexual?
Belongs To:
Preview: [q=UnDefineD]You might wish to elaborate on that comment, considering this
is SD and you're sort of expected to back up
icewyvern 71 8984 03-30-03 06:45:42 PM
Thread: Is it wrong for people to be gay / lesbian / bisexual?
Belongs To:
Preview: I just saw this:

[quote]Homosexuality is a sin. Its not natural in any way shape or form.As
previously mentioned if everyo
icewyvern 71 8984 03-30-03 03:06:24 PM
serious :mad:
Thread: The "What's Your Name?" Thread!
Belongs To:
Preview: My name is so unique (I'm serious - ask those who know) that it'd
be too easy tracking me down, so I'm telling
icewyvern 151 13927 03-30-03 05:07:17 AM
hey guys would you critique my powerpuff girls fanfiction?
Thread: Handwriting
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Preview: I don't think she's around at the moment.

Anyway Amelia, if you try to analyse my handwriting from what I sent y
icewyvern 74 3922 03-30-03 04:02:17 AM
what is "g-spot"???
Thread: POLL : Hottest Male Forummer Contest
Belongs To:
Preview: [q=Flaming Arrow]WINNERZ:

First Place: Jeffy
Second Place: [s]Nimo[/s] [b]Frodo[/b]
Third Place: ME!!
Fourth Place: Dim
icewyvern 212 37552 03-29-03 06:27:44 PM
what is "g-spot"???
Thread: POLL : Hottest Male Forummer Contest
Belongs To:
Preview: [q=Skye]So let me get this straight...

It's counterproductive, stupid and competing to start a thread that
includes y
icewyvern 212 37552 03-29-03 05:26:44 PM
hi i'm scarlet
Thread: Woman Sues McDonald's Manager Because She's Hideous
Belongs To:
Preview: [q=Science Brad]This is the real reason we invented plastic surgery...I
only hope our current level of medical skills can han
icewyvern 72 12619 03-29-03 05:23:45 PM
hi i'm scarlet
Thread: US Congress to US Citizens: Pray and fast to help our troops win the war
Belongs To:
Preview: [q=Zippo279]Actually, true Muslims believe that the Judeo-Christian God is
the same as the God of Islam. Their perception of
icewyvern 25 1891 03-29-03 05:20:25 PM
what is "g-spot"???
Thread: POLL : Hottest Male Forummer Contest
Belongs To:
Preview: [q=Skye]Well, why don't you start one so that you are on there?[/q]

Wouldn't be fair. <p> Besides I don�
icewyvern 212 37552 03-29-03 02:32:22 AM
infurmation superhiway
Thread: Religion Test
Belongs To:
Preview: 1. Unitarian Universalism (100%)
2. Secular Humanism (95%)
3. Non-theist (75%)
4. Liberal Quakers (74%)
5. Thera
icewyvern 27 1970 03-29-03 02:28:47 AM
hi i'm scarlet
Thread: US Congress to US Citizens: Pray and fast to help our troops win the war
Belongs To:
Preview: [q=Ballard][q]our god versus their god[/q]

It's the same god.
Sibling rivalry?[/q]

Apparently, they all don'
icewyvern 25 1891 03-29-03 02:20:32 AM
what is "g-spot"???
Thread: POLL : Hottest Male Forummer Contest
Belongs To:
Preview: [q=Smokey2003]It's not a very good list.[/q]

Heh, I agree. You and I are not there.
icewyvern 212 37552 03-28-03 10:05:27 PM
what is "g-spot"???
Thread: POLL : Hottest Male Forummer Contest
Belongs To:
Preview: Done. Well, since Nova would be able to see who voted for whom anyway....I
voted for Nova. Cos of that (no offence, Nova <
icewyvern 212 37552 03-28-03 08:59:23 PM
what is "g-spot"???
Thread: POLL : Hottest Male Forummer Contest
Belongs To:
Preview: I DEMAND (gee, I sound like someone familiar lol) to be put on the list
<p>. Anyway, is it me, or does Nimo look like t
icewyvern 212 37552 03-28-03 08:37:59 PM
what is "g-spot"???
Thread: Every female I ever meet wants to be "just friends" with me
Belongs To:
Preview: Well, lol, you could try what I jokingly suggested in another forum: be
direct. Eg, "Hi, wanna fuck?". It worked on
icewyvern 56 9388 03-28-03 08:30:18 PM
Thread: Is it wrong for people to be gay / lesbian / bisexual?
Belongs To:
Preview: I was just having a chat with someone from another forum...apparently he
thinks sex should only be for recreation, not fun, b
icewyvern 71 8984 03-28-03 08:27:45 PM
hi i'm scarlet
Thread: US Congress to US Citizens: Pray and fast to help our troops win the war
Belongs To:
Preview: Skye, I don't approve of what they're doing, but there
aren't really any "Rules of War", and even if
icewyvern 25 1891 03-28-03 08:25:00 PM
serious :mad:
Thread: The "What's Your Ethnic Background?" Thread!
Belongs To:
Preview: Chinese, Malay, German
icewyvern 73 3759 03-28-03 08:22:00 PM
two guys walked into a bar.....and they're both dead haha
Thread: Describe what sex would be like with the person who posted before you
Belongs To:
Preview: [q=peach]Kind of creepy and involving lots of cheesy jokes and Exagerrated
facial expressions.[/q]

Lol. I'm a weird g
icewyvern 300 33771 03-17-03 05:01:42 AM
Thread: Choose or draw a picture best describing the person who posted before you
Belongs To:
Preview: Rofl. I think Smokey's gonna be cursed for that pic....
icewyvern 161 32533 03-17-03 04:48:52 AM
two guys walked into a bar.....and they're both dead haha
Thread: Describe what sex would be like with the person who posted before you
Belongs To:
Preview: With a soft drink? I prefer beer.
icewyvern 300 33771 03-17-03 04:36:38 AM
Thread: Choose or draw a picture best describing the person who posted before you
Belongs To:
Preview: [img][/img]
icewyvern 161 32533 03-17-03 04:19:30 AM
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