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serious :mad:
Thread: Random Speculation: What do you think was the target of the 4th plane on 9-11?
Belongs To:
Preview: I think the F.B.I. Headquarters was a possibility. But I am not sure if
the plane was flying in that direction.
MBS 20 967 11-13-02 05:54:50 PM
serious :mad:
Thread: Random Speculation: What do you think was the target of the 4th plane on 9-11?
Belongs To:
Preview: You know the one that thankfully crashed into the wilderness?

the other thread gave me the idea for this one.
MBS 20 967 11-13-02 05:29:40 PM
serious :mad:
Thread: I'm curious, is my life as fucked up as everyone else's?
Belongs To:
Preview: so how come Nick does not get a warning?
MBS 54 5018 11-13-02 10:35:51 AM
steroids what steroids
Thread: Anybody in here do any form of martial arts?
Belongs To:
Preview: This sucks, im not learning anything in that wrestling club. We only meet
twice a week for an hour and we don't even ha
MBS 33 2157 11-12-02 06:22:50 PM
where do girls go pee from?
Thread: Who here actually plays an instrument? And which do you play? (We use correct grammar in the music forum)
Belongs To:
Preview: I played the Trumpet in High School band. Im trying to learn the Guitar.
If I learn a 3rd instrument I would like to learn
MBS 84 15140 11-12-02 04:41:38 PM
Thread: Standard Notation
Belongs To:
Preview: When you say "standard notation" you mean musical staff, 5 lines
for spaces, treble/bass cleff and time signature r
MBS 13 947 11-12-02 04:39:07 PM
Thread: Let's all hope Boutitben, Melanie and everyone else are alright
Belongs To:
Preview: All we had in my part of Georgia was strong Thunder Storms. Normally I
sleep better during a storm but not this time. I cou
MBS 17 717 11-12-02 04:36:46 PM
Thread: Watch salamando's popularity magically drop!
Belongs To:
Preview: 12? Only 12? Not even 13, but just 12? 12 like only in 6th grade 12?
Are yall fucking serious? Salamando fucked a 12 yea
MBS 142 10905 11-12-02 04:13:42 PM
Thread: toyota trucks don't deserve all caps titles.
Belongs To:
Preview: [q=lovekills]Try this I think it might help you... for what ever your
looking for...Also this is only up to 1990... sorry.

MBS 10 560 11-12-02 03:43:49 PM
Thread: toyota trucks don't deserve all caps titles.
Belongs To:
Preview: Kudos and karma to anybody that can give me a website.
MBS 10 560 11-11-02 10:23:07 PM
steroids what steroids
Thread: Anybody in here do any form of martial arts?
Belongs To:
Preview: how is it boring?
MBS 33 2157 11-10-02 11:23:53 PM
steroids what steroids
Thread: Anybody in here do any form of martial arts?
Belongs To:
Preview: If I ever get really good at wrestling the next thing I want to learn is
boxing. I don't need to become at great boxer,
MBS 33 2157 11-10-02 10:54:26 PM
steroids what steroids
Thread: Anybody in here do any form of martial arts?
Belongs To:
Preview: [quote]Two weeks ago, I finally decided to spar and wound up against a
brown (belt) senior, this 27 year old guy that I thoug
MBS 33 2157 11-10-02 06:00:15 PM
steroids what steroids
Thread: Anybody in here do any form of martial arts?
Belongs To:
Preview: 3 types of people I dont want to fuck with:

*Muay Thai Boxers
*People who know Brazilian JuJitsu

Ive never
MBS 33 2157 11-10-02 05:36:46 PM
steroids what steroids
Thread: Anybody in here do any form of martial arts?
Belongs To:
Preview: This includes stuff like Boxing and Wrestling which normally aren't
considered martial arts.

I took Karate for about
MBS 33 2157 11-10-02 02:43:05 PM
a joke about oil or something
Thread: Rampant Common Sense Outbreak in the United States!
Belongs To:
Preview: [quote]As a highschool student, you're not old enough to pay taxes
other than ss, which isn't a tax. Also, 90% chan
MBS 29 1945 11-09-02 03:44:21 PM
Thread: I hate regular classes, and morons too.
Belongs To:
Preview: [quote]
Moron #2 goes to a Nike website where he plays with some flash animation in
which you open a shoebox with one click,
MBS 22 897 11-08-02 07:12:15 PM
a joke about oil or something
Thread: Rampant Common Sense Outbreak in the United States!
Belongs To:
Preview: [quote]1. It's not your paycheck. It's your mommy and
Know that for a fact? No you dont.[/q
MBS 29 1945 11-08-02 06:45:18 PM
a joke about oil or something
Thread: Rampant Common Sense Outbreak in the United States!
Belongs To:
Preview: [quote]You really don't understand the issues, do you? The GOP's
tax cut isn't going to help you in any substa
MBS 29 1945 11-08-02 06:11:13 PM
Thread: Coolest Forumer Names
Belongs To:
Preview: My name is Michael.

MBS is my innitials. I gave up on trying to come up with a good nick a
long time ago when I realized
MBS 57 3530 11-05-02 10:16:02 PM
Thread: OMG! or FUCK! - You Decide!
Belongs To:
Preview: OMG! could be used as in wow, like a good thing.

FUCK! for the most part sounds like something bad has happened.

so w
MBS 21 848 11-05-02 12:12:05 PM
Thread: Ever feel like...
Belongs To:
Preview: [quote]You have no control over what people think of you, and that
everything you do is wrong?[/quote]
all the time....

MBS 14 726 11-03-02 12:29:40 AM
Thread: i dreamt that i had sex with my mother
Belongs To:
Preview: From my psychology class notes:
-Sigmund Freud (1856-1939)
Dream images are disguised and symbolic expressions of unconscio
MBS 16 1973 11-02-02 06:21:17 PM
Thread: What Kind of Accent do You Have?/What's Your Favorite Accent?
Belongs To:
Preview: [q=dramamine]Southern accents are horrible. No matter how intelligent a
person is, if they're speaking with a southern
MBS 56 3547 11-01-02 01:33:33 PM
Thread: For those that have WarcraftIII: What do ya think of the newly released patch?
Belongs To:
Preview: He Storm, Woadie are yall on USEast or USWest?
MBS 12 1147 10-25-02 11:31:33 AM
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