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level 64 orc chieftain w/ level 7 angry stomp ability bitches
Thread: Knights of the Old Republic for game of the year
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Preview: Anybody know when/if Max Payne2 is comming out for xbox? Also i still
gotta beat Max1, thats on my to do list but I Deus Ex
MBS 17 919 11-13-03 05:57:15 PM
Thread: Is Starwars Galaxies worth trying out? or should I not bother and stick with DAoC?
Belongs To:
Preview: OK, i baught Galaxies, and while i admit for the first couple nights i
stayed up till about 5am, i would gladly trade it back
MBS 14 1714 11-12-03 10:57:42 PM
level 64 orc chieftain w/ level 7 angry stomp ability bitches
Thread: who here can help me learn how to play starcraft really well?
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Preview: [q=Nemesis]I could teach you to play starcraft really well, I used to be in
the top 5 ladder :)[/q]
Help me Obi-Wan Nemesis,
MBS 14 911 11-12-03 10:46:06 PM
level 64 orc chieftain w/ level 7 angry stomp ability bitches
Thread: who here can help me learn how to play starcraft really well?
Belongs To:
Preview: I kinda want to get back in that game, and actually be somewhat competative
but the only race i was hardly decent at were the
MBS 14 911 11-12-03 01:18:32 AM
two guys walked into a bar.....and they're both dead haha
Thread: Unlikely Sports Team Ethnicities
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Preview: [q=Flaming Arrow]
"The Mexico City Border Hoppers"[/q]
That one was funny. It has a nice ring to it, actually sounds like
MBS 29 2453 11-07-03 04:23:00 PM
level 64 orc chieftain w/ level 7 angry stomp ability bitches
Thread: Knights of the Old Republic for game of the year
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Preview: I just finished it as a light side jedi, and i must say that is one of the
best games i have played in a long long time. It
MBS 17 919 11-07-03 04:19:06 PM
Thread: Is Starwars Galaxies worth trying out? or should I not bother and stick with DAoC?
Belongs To:
Preview: Palomides Hibernia is not in the best of health at the time, so Ive been
thinking about trying this game out. I heard it was
MBS 14 1714 10-21-03 01:47:06 PM
hey yah
Thread: SWG = Star Wars Galaxies... or why i gained 300 pounds
Belongs To:
Preview: I ended up not buying it. I may get it in a few months, or once the space
expansion comes out. Right now im having fun with
MBS 52 5342 08-19-03 10:33:20 AM
level 64 orc chieftain w/ level 7 angry stomp ability bitches
Thread: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
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Preview: This is one of the best games i have played in a very long time. Gameplay
wise it kind of reminds me of final fantasy tactic
MBS 17 1159 08-19-03 10:31:19 AM
Thread: Alright, seeing as the other thread turned into crying - Star Wars Galaxies.
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Preview: I have a best buy coupon and a gift certifict. Not only that but this game
is on sale until tomorrow so I am seriously toyin
MBS 10 1070 08-08-03 12:03:28 PM
hey guys would you critique my powerpuff girls fanfiction?
Thread: Best Plots/Storys in games.
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Preview: Please post games that you think have great plots that everyone should
play/experience. One thing about this thread however,
MBS 20 1979 06-20-03 04:51:34 PM
Thread: Halflife2 vs Halo2 vs Deus Ex2
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Preview: [q=mirthalac]i never played Halo, and don't intend to.[/q]
Why not?


*(goes to grab dictionary to look up t
MBS 14 1844 06-20-03 04:23:02 PM
Thread: Halflife2 vs Halo2 vs Deus Ex2
Belongs To:
Preview: I love all three games, especially Deus Ex but I have yet to beat Deus ex.
Everytime I got so far into the game I would have
MBS 14 1844 06-20-03 03:32:03 PM
level 64 orc chieftain w/ level 7 angry stomp ability bitches
Thread: Badass Video Game Characters
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Preview: [q=KoRnNick]Lan Di(Shenmue) just by looking at his eyes you lose your
fighting spirit[/q]
^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^, Lan Di is awsome
MBS 45 5469 06-14-03 03:51:43 PM
Thread: New Everquest II Screenshots: Caution: May Cause Orgasm
Belongs To:
Preview: on that server as far as numbers goes, midgard is better off than hibernia
(i think).
MBS 31 3186 04-17-03 11:48:51 PM
Thread: New Everquest II Screenshots: Caution: May Cause Orgasm
Belongs To:
Preview: alright Im on Palo/Hibernia. I finally got my Champion to level 15, but I
havent done any RvR yet. I cant wait to kill my f
MBS 31 3186 04-16-03 08:15:27 PM
Thread: New Everquest II Screenshots: Caution: May Cause Orgasm
Belongs To:
Preview: alright, ive reinstalled doac and just finished downloading that big ass
patch file. Im thinking about reactivating my accou
MBS 31 3186 04-08-03 04:38:34 PM
Thread: Will the new DiabloII patch ever come out?
Belongs To:
Preview: DiabloII was the most addictive game I have ever played. It sucked more
hours of my life from me than ANY other game. If I
MBS 5 836 04-05-03 02:32:20 PM
Thread: New Everquest II Screenshots: Caution: May Cause Orgasm
Belongs To:
Preview: I have DOAC but after my free month ran out I didnt pay for anymore. I
couldn't really get into it for some reason (pro
MBS 31 3186 04-05-03 02:30:39 PM
Thread: Im loving this 1.5Mbit connection
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Preview: way to win over our love Parsalian.
MBS 28 2412 04-04-03 10:24:25 PM
Thread: Favorite WarcraftIII Hero
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Preview: Ok, here is my order by the races (im to lazy to make a big list)

*Mountain King
I like all 3 o
MBS 13 1279 04-03-03 09:36:01 AM
Thread: Im loving this 1.5Mbit connection
Belongs To:
Preview: The modem Im using now is a brand new U.S. Robotics modem I got for
christmas. (Cant remember the exact model off the top of
MBS 28 2412 04-03-03 09:21:50 AM
Belongs To:
Preview: We need to get a big intl game going sometime.
MBS 23 3736 04-02-03 10:20:42 PM
Thread: Favorite WarcraftIII Hero
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Preview: i get the feeling that will be nerfed.....

anyhow I heard Gyrocopters are getting buffed. Im glad because they are
one of
MBS 13 1279 04-01-03 03:06:51 PM
Thread: Favorite WarcraftIII Hero
Belongs To:
Preview: lately ive been trying to learn some other races and have been having a lot
of fun with the orc blademaster.

Also ive be
MBS 13 1279 03-31-03 06:23:46 PM
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