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Thread: Ok, seriously.
Belongs To:
Preview: God damnit.

I realize that the comedy lies in how this big ass title actually makes me
MORE special even though it says "i
drahnier 46 2573 05-25-05 08:30:27 AM
what is "g-spot"???
Thread: A REAL Sneak Preview at INTL4 (Screenshots within)
Belongs To:
Preview: I'm pretty sure she meant the one we have currently, not the one in the
links sandamnit posted.
drahnier 180 23443 05-21-05 05:15:01 PM
what is "g-spot"???
Thread: A REAL Sneak Preview at INTL4 (Screenshots within)
Belongs To:
Preview: Sandamnit, i piss on your forum because i hate it.
drahnier 180 23443 05-20-05 06:13:09 PM
itt b&w pictures of my cat
Thread: ITT I will MSPaint or Photoshop avatars for you
Belongs To:
Preview: Make one that captures the ESSENCE OF MY FORUM PERSONA.
drahnier 60 5616 05-20-05 06:02:25 PM
Thread: Fucking Quentin TARANTINO (So Dante won't have to defend his savior's name)
Belongs To:
Preview: Yeah Miami is certainly bad too.

At least the original one had some interesting characters. (sort of)
The spin-offs just
drahnier 65 4717 05-20-05 05:57:35 PM
Thread: Fucking Quentin TARANTINO (So Dante won't have to defend his savior's name)
Belongs To:
Preview: CSI was interesting when it started, but after however many fucking years
it's been on of seeing the same things in every epi
drahnier 65 4717 05-20-05 08:58:09 AM
hey yah
Thread: To the East Coast - my band's tour dates? WRONG. Cancelled.
Belongs To:
Preview: Got any gigs in Sweden?
drahnier 24 1687 05-20-05 08:47:03 AM
serious :mad:
Thread: The moon landing
Belongs To:
Preview: Personally i'm going to stay undecided on the issue.

I don't know much about the science of space-travels, so i don't have
drahnier 14 1479 05-19-05 07:45:45 PM
Thread: Ok, seriously.
Belongs To:
Preview: Why the fuck is my information next to my posts still in this strange
bolded underlined font?

When it started some months
drahnier 46 2573 05-19-05 07:32:00 PM
Thread: Yes, it's time for another "Post Your Picture" thread!
Belongs To:
Preview: [q]It's the "I'm trying to look like an idiot so I can post it on INTL"

I think I did well.[/q]

drahnier 6448 438580 05-19-05 06:02:00 PM
Thread: Yes, it's time for another "Post Your Picture" thread!
Belongs To:
Preview: What's that expression?

You look like a fucking idiot.
drahnier 6448 438580 05-19-05 05:54:41 PM
Thread: Fox hates faggots and so does Florida
Belongs To:
Preview: I thought Spain was like the most conservatively religious country in
Europe, except Poland or somewhere.

Maybe you're not
drahnier 32 2628 05-18-05 08:22:58 AM
Thread: Christians that can't shut up about Jesus long enough to be worth anything as human beings.
Belongs To:
Preview: That's such a coincidence, because i was just discussing wiping your ass
with the bible and spiritual experiences while shitt
drahnier 70 4377 05-18-05 08:18:10 AM
i take drugs e-cred+++
Thread: Thinking about doing a Drug?
Belongs To:
Preview: The hangover isn't the big problem, the knowledge of the permanent damage
it does to my health is.
drahnier 111 22996 05-17-05 06:49:05 PM
i take drugs e-cred+++
Thread: Thinking about doing a Drug?
Belongs To:
Preview: Well, basically all drugs fuck up your body less than alcohol does
physically, except possibly huffing gasoline and shit like
drahnier 111 22996 05-17-05 06:31:00 PM
i take drugs e-cred+++
Thread: Thinking about doing a Drug?
Belongs To:
Preview: [q]i would recomend that everyone try marijuana at some point in their
life. dont do herroine or coke its addictive and two o
drahnier 111 22996 05-17-05 03:53:31 PM
Thread: Fox hates faggots and so does Florida
Belongs To:
Preview: [q]There's always hope. I wouldn't have bet on Spain approving gay marriage
either, but see, in the end we did it before the
drahnier 32 2628 05-17-05 03:44:32 PM
what is "g-spot"???
Thread: Standard for Virginity
Belongs To:
Preview: I agree that the girl probably acted like a dumbass, and i don't feel sorry
for her either. (Then again, i hardly ever do)

drahnier 82 20368 05-17-05 04:36:27 AM
Thread: Christians that can't shut up about Jesus long enough to be worth anything as human beings.
Belongs To:
Preview: [q=me]I don't see why a person who believes in something strange because he
has seen it is any less trustworthy than a person
drahnier 70 4377 05-15-05 09:04:25 PM
Thread: Fox hates faggots and so does Florida
Belongs To:
Preview: So what happened to your other thread about christianity?
drahnier 32 2628 05-15-05 07:14:02 PM
serious :mad:
Thread: My life philosophy.
Belongs To:
Preview: [q]Simple as that, right? Seems pretty logical... right? I tend to think
It's not logical to me.
Or it's logical, b
drahnier 74 9847 05-15-05 07:09:48 PM
Thread: Christians that can't shut up about Jesus long enough to be worth anything as human beings.
Belongs To:
Preview: Like most of the e-debates i get into when i'm drunk (i'm actually drunk in
all of them), this one seems pretty pointless and
drahnier 70 4377 05-15-05 10:26:49 AM
Thread: Christians that can't shut up about Jesus long enough to be worth anything as human beings.
Belongs To:
Preview: [q]Drah keeps making the point that UFO spotters would seem to have more
plausibility because at least they've seen something
drahnier 70 4377 05-15-05 10:09:45 AM
this poster is a horrible beast
Thread: Hobbits are very very gay, Photographic evidence
Belongs To:
Preview: [q]neongrl[/q]
drahnier 28 2404 05-14-05 06:38:14 PM
Thread: Christians that can't shut up about Jesus long enough to be worth anything as human beings.
Belongs To:
Preview: [q]It's normal because it's's like you can ban liqour
because we've been allowed to have it so long. You can
drahnier 70 4377 05-14-05 06:35:17 PM
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